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The aim of this study is to define an interpretative lineage of phenomenology that allows us to understand the early philosophical research of the young Derrida (1954-1967) in the context of the development of contemporary French philosophy. Derrida was a phenomenologist in his original way of interpreting Husserl's thought, but he was no less so for his contribution to our knowledge of Husserl's philosophy of mathematics, for his essays of popularisation and commentary, for his translation work and for his attempt to radicalise the phenomenological proposal. For all these reasons, we cannot but affirm that Derrida occupies a special place in the history of French phenomenology. This paper seeks to acknowledge and show the important contribution that the young Derrida made to the phenomenological movement in general and to French phenomenology in particular.
Sintesi del pensiero di Husserl per il manuale di filosofia Book in progress
According to Husserl there is not only a negative meaning of scepticism, in which reason dissolves itself in an exasperated relativism, but also a completely opposite one, in which the idea of scepticism is a necessary transition for rational argumentation that reflects the actual ability of radically questioning those certainties that are fideistically interwoven in the relationship between life and scientific knowledge. It is therefore equally unquestionable that the objective of such scepticism is to seek, with untiring fatigue, solid, persuasive terrain for one's own argumentation that has the constant backdrop of revealing a new idea of subjectivity in its intrinsic tie with science and the common world of practical life. These two forms of scepticism, the anti-philosophical and the critical-rational therefore share an important trait: their unavoidable reference to subjectivity. However, whilst the discovery of the absolute intimacy of subjectivity with the world as a thea...
Muoversi al di là dei margini, 2016
Sergio Sapetti: Tesi che studia l'utilizzo del gesto grafico e del movimento corporeo per un equilibrato e virtuoso sviluppo dell'individuo; il metodo può agevolare ed ottimizzare le fasi di crescita dei bambini e ragazzi, oppure può essere uno strumento adatto per il sostegno e l'eventuale recupero di soggetti disabili o anziani. Tesi del prof. Sergio Sapetti (relatrice prof.ssa Filomena Tramonte) discussa a Genova: UNIGE – DISFOR per Specializzazione docenti di Sostegno, il 16 gennaio 2016.
Giornale di metafisica, 2010
Deleuze’s theory of paradoxical constitution of sense is closely connected to Husserl’s Sinngebung. The fundamental element of this connection is the return to a stoic conception of meaning as something “expressed”. Through an analytical comparison between Deleuze’s Logic of sense and Husserl’s Idea I, this article describes Deleuze’s Auseinandersetzung regarding the problem of expression in Husserl. In this connection, in his reading of Logical researches, Ideas I and Cartesian meditations, in fact, Deleuze radically criticizes some Husserlian “presuppositions” that could not make it possible to break with doxa. Deleuze’s interpretation – which admittedly deforms Husserl’s theoretical stance – outlines a particular relationship between “expression” and “signification” that Husserl, according to Deleuze, had not seen: this relationship is based on the key rule of nonsense in the transcendental determinability of sense and signification.
"Filosofia e nuovi sentieri/ISSN 2282-5711", 2014
Il XX secolo avvertì dunque l’esigenza, anche se ancora in ristretti ambiti culturali, di tornare alla rivendicazione baconiana di una “trasparenza” delle scienze e a quell'equilibrio uomo/tecnica, e uomo/natura, duramente conquistato dai moderni. Husserl fu tra i primi a rivendicare un nuovo e saldo principio di ragione veicolato dalla filosofia, una filosofia ormai eclissata dai poderosi esiti scientifici e sempre più relegata al ruolo di letteratura o nottola hegeliana.
In Janus. Quaderni del circolo glossematico, vol. 13, ZeL, Treviso 2014, pp. 21-37, 2014
In this paper we will at-tempt to outline a phenomenology of attention centered around the concepts of interest and selection. We will start with an analysis of Husserl’s notion of attention, then turn to the reflections of William James, Alfred Schutz and Erving Goffman, all of whom recognized the fundamental role attention plays in the processes by which social actors frame and define reality. Finally, we will consider Bernhard Waldenfles’ ethics of attention. He offers an ethics based on openness to and recognition of the other that, above all, offers both a response and an antidote to xenology and xenopolitics.
In this paper I compare Searle’s and Dennett’s philosophies of mind with Husserl’s theory of consciousness. My aim is to show how they modified the phenomenological concept of intentionality turning it into a “third-person” model of description. This change leads to problematic consequences concerning mainly (i) the distinction between a mental act and its content, and the related criticism of the representational theory of mind; (ii) the Cartesian Theater argument and the related Homunculus argument as well as the claim that the notion of subjectivity needs to be dismantled; (iii) the rejection of the Unconscious. I my view Searle’s and Dennett’s positions follow from embracing a contradictory notion of reductionism, which is also implicit in the developments of “naturalized phenomenology” and neurophenomenology. These difficulties cannot be solved by adapting or applying the phenomenological method to cognitive sciences, nor even by merely returning to Husserl’s theory. Rather, we need to determine what specific problems can be phenomenologically addressed in a scientific context: for instance the temporal structure of consciousness and the issue of the unconscious contents of mind.
La letteratura neogreca del XX secolo Un caso europeo, 2020
Gaia Zaccagni Gaia Zaccagni (1972) deals with Byzantine, Modern Greek and Italian literature. She has taught Modern Greek Language and Literature at the Universities of Italy and at the University of Cyprus in Nicosia. She has worked on the critical edition of Southern Italy hagiographi- cal texts and of the Omiletic work of Philagatus Kerameus. She deals with literary and theatrical translation as well as the theoretical and practical study of traditional music, with main interest in the world of Rebetiko. Abstract The interest for the urban underclass layers is particularly widespread, at European level, in the end of the 19th century, above all in members of the Naturalism. In Greece, the phenomenon becomes more relevant in the years between the two wars, when the tavern, the rebetiko, the refugee neighborhoods, the prison, the brothel, the den, become the background of the stories of writers such as Petros Pikros, Kostas Var- nalis, Yannis Skarimbas and others, who often experienced the situa- tions they describe first hand.
The fundamental norm. husserl and the phenomenology of values From its very beginnings, Husserl’s philosophical life was characterised by the interweaving between ethical reflection and logical-argumentative rigour. It is not just a matter of the constant efforts concerning a theoretical formulation that was always aimed at constant formal coherence, but also and above all, of the progressive association of a rigorous ethics with the value of the individual- personal dimension. The phenomenological analysis of values – intertwined with those of perceptive-intellective experiences, feeling and volition – gradually finds a common denominator that, somewhere in the ‘20s, progressively takes shape in the ethical-material theme of personal vocation. This is a fundamental result for the phenomenology of values that, from the initial approach in which Husserl had difficulty in finding a possible conjugation between logics and ethics, finally culminates in the ethical theme of vocation as t...
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Rivista di estetica, 2000
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Schegge di filosofia moderna/X, pp. 41-55, 2014
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Verifiche, 2019
Annali del Dipartimento di Filosofia dell'Università di Firenze, 1997
Aisthema, International Journal, 2015
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InCircolo – Rivista di filosofia e culture, ISSN 2531-4092, 2016
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I Castelli Di Yale Online, 2013