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2024, Justice That Transforms: Restorative Justice – "Not Enough!"
The doctrine of hell necessarily arises in the context of a Christian consideration of violence. For a theological discussion of violence inevitably brings one to the most extreme instance of violence in God, if the traditional, most dominant, Western doctrine of hell is indeed “biblical” — namely, eternal conscious punishment of the unbeliever. This paper, inclusion of which also is in large part is in Volume Three of this series: "WAR AND HELL – and Exception-Clause Footnote Theology."
The doctrines of hell and the existence of God seem to pose a formidable paradox for both Christianity and Islam. The paradox can be stated as follows: Given that God is perfect in every sense, how can he allow any of his creatures to suffer eternal perdition? In this paper, I undertake a critical examination of the arguments for and against the doctrine of hell and conclude that on balance, arguments against the existence of hell heavily outweigh those for its existence. This calls for a radical revision of the traditional doctrine of hell. I contend that what is needed is a gentler and more sinner-friendly theology of hell that recognizes God’s mercy and infinite patience. Nevertheless, belief in hell can serve the social function of deterring potential sinners from sinning.
Justice That Transforms: Volume Three, 2018
Studying theology at Regent College (1974 – 1976; 1981) on the University of British Columbia (Vancouver Canada) campus strongly urged that we students make it a life work to apply theology to our vocation. I took that urging seriously, and indeed have tried to apply it ever since. In that my entire career in criminal justice actually began while a student at Regent, it was natural to begin the process right away. In turning one’s attention to issues of crime and punishment, it is inevitable to come up rather immediately against the dominant Western view of Divine Punishment: a literal Hell of eternal conscious torment. All my instincts, by the time of completing an initial two years of study at the seminary, rebelled against the kind of “god” who, à la Four Spiritual Laws, “loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life”, but if one does not buy in. “god hates you, and has a horrible plan for your afterlife!” And the further along the trajectory of understanding God’s justice as invariably restorative, the more impossible it became to accept the traditional dominant Western theological view of hell – or of war or punishment/prisons. As it turns out, such profoundly troubling misgivings put me in very good company. Kevin Miller, writer, film maker – and so talented at so many things – produced a documentary in 2012 entitled “Hellbound?” (2012). His follow-up was a book he edited entitled “Hellrazed?” (2017). Several of us put in our two cents worth, all challenging a view of god about which a yesteryear newspaper columnist, Matt Miller, did an ironic riff on Evangelicals’ all-time favourite verse, John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he temporarily died to save it from himself. But none of that really matters because most people will be tortured for eternity anyways. As you will see further on, I also raise questions about an arcane footnote/exception-clause theology of John 3:16 – and more generally of “Evangelicals” by extension. The first part of the chapter below was originally a movie review; the second part a book review. I eventually joined the two into what you may now read. The chapter that follows is explicit about a trilogy of linked justice issues – with “just deserts” rounding out that trilogy.
It is the conviction of the writer of this paper that the evidence presented from both the New Testament and its conservative scholar’s exhibits that the doctrine of the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked held by orthodox Christians for over 2000 years is the only option for a conservative Bible-believing Christian. Some may mock at the idea that humans often need contrasts to learn and to be grateful for the blessing they have received. Nevertheless, often it is only when one sees that someone else did not receive a blessing which he has received is he able to view things from a perspective of thankfulness. When Scripture has its proper place as the final authority for faith and practice, many issues can be resolved. Likewise, how the Holy Spirit assisted orthodox exegetes to interpret texts over the last 2,000 years can also assist Bible students in not wandering into the error of many American based cults.
This problem of hell is a specific form of the problem of evil. The possibility that perhaps a great number of people will end up in an eternal hell is a problem for the Christian who also confesses faith in an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent God. In this paper, I shall introduce issuantist views of hell and show that the basic formulations of this perspective do not provide an adequate answer to the problem of hell. Issuantist scholars themselves, however, recognize this weakness and add a wide range of possible supplements to their basic perspective. Some of these supplemented versions succeed in presenting reasonable answers to the problem of hell. One of the key reasons for the shift in interpretations of hell is a perceived failure on the part of other interpretations of hell to give adequate answers to the problem of hell. It is my conclusion, however, that with the addition of some of the same supplements, versions of annihilationism/ conditionalism and hell as ete...
The Blackwell Companion to the Problem of Evil, 2014
1. Introduction While accounts of the nature of hell vary within and between religious traditions, formulations of the traditional doctrine include at least the following five elements. E1 Some persons do or will reside in hell and will be there for an infinite period of time. E2 Hell is the residence of those persons who have failed to satisfy some condition(s) dictated by God as necessary to avoid hell and enjoy heaven. E3 The cumulative well-being and well-being at any moment of any resident of hell is negative. E4 Those in hell are blocked from leaving. E5 Those in hell are consigned to hell as punishment for either failing to satisfy the condition(s) God requires for one to avoid hell or for actual sins committed or both. In this essay we explain why the doctrine of hell poses a problem of evil for traditional theists in the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) and how some have responded to the problem. Our focus is entirely on recent work in analytic philosophical theology. Given that the recent philosophical debates over hell have largely transpired within the context of the Christian theistic tradition, Christian theism provides the backdrop for how we frame the problem and some of the responses in much of what follows. However, this should not be taken as an indication of the problem as unique to traditional Christianity or even that the responses to the problem considered are only available to those who are working from within the Christian tradition. In what follows, we first summarize the case for why the doctrine of hell poses a problem of evil. Next, we consider recent traditionalist responses to the problem. Finally, we examine some non-traditionalist strategies that involve dispensing with one or more of the five elements of the traditional view. 2. The Problem Stated Some philosophers have argued that the conception of hell that follows from (E1)-(E5) is inconsistent with the traditional conception of God. In particular, it poses a problem for theists who (a) believe in an afterlife and (b) believe that some persons will reside in hell forever. Such theists affirm the following two theses: (i) God exists, and is essentially omnipotent, omniscient, and perfectly good. 1 Similar reasoning can be found in Adams (1975), Hick (1978, chapter XVI), and Talbott (1990). 2 We are not using the same numbering as Adams and we have substituted 'God' where Adams has 'He'.
Numen Special Issue: The Uses of Hell 56.2-3, 2009, pp. 282-97, 2009
Th e paper re-examines the evidence concerning the early Christian conceptions of punishment of sinners in the afterlife. It commences with the New Testament and the ideas attributed to Jesus and moves on to the apocryphal Apocalypse of Peter, composed about a generation later, which enjoyed great popularity among several early Christian circles and was seriously considered for inclusion in the New Testament canon. It is claimed that as it now reads, Apoc. Pet. advances ideas about hell that sharply contrast those presented in the New Testament. To solve this riddle, it is proposed that the Apoc. Pet., as it has been preserved, was reorganized at a much later stage to meet the needs of the developing Church. Its original meaning was consequently twisted almost beyond recognition. In its earliest layers, the apocryphal document appears to have been mostly concerned, just like the New Testament, with salvation rather than everlasting chastisement.
Louvain Studies, 2013
This article is a systematic theological discussion and evaluation of the contemporary use of Christ’s descent into Hades in relation to the salvation of adherents of other religions. It does this by linking this article of the Apostles’ Creed to its historical roots and evolution of the idea in the history of church and theology. We start with a discussion of the origin of the conviction that Christ descended into Hades and what its major interpretations were. Next, we give both a historical sketch of the relation between Christ’s descent and the salvation of non-Christians and an evaluation of a contemporary proposal that Christ’s descent plays a role in the salvation of adherents of other religions. Finally, we evaluate this locus theologicus in the light of the conviction that salvation is mediated socio-historically, and we close with an alternative proposal about the intermediate state.
This problem of hell is a specific form of the problem of evil that can be expressed in terms of a set of putatively incompatible statements: 1. An omnipotent God could create a world in which all moral agents freely choose life with God. Issuantist Views of Hell in Contemporary Anglo-American Theology ii the problem of hell as those advanced by issuantists, thus rendering some of the issuantist critique of non-issuantist perspectives on hell unfounded. iii ABSTRAKT Helvetets problem är en specifik form av ondskans problem som kan uttryckas med hjälp av följande till synes oförenliga påståenden: 1. En allsmäktig Gud skulle kunna skapa en värld där alla moraliska varelser frivilligt väljer att leva i gemenskap med Gud. Issuantist Views of Hell in Contemporary Anglo-American Theology iv löser helvetets problem lika bra som de olika issuantistiska teorierna. En del av issuantisternas kritik mot icke-issuantistiska uppfattningar om helvetet framstår därmed som ogrundad. much-needed research grant in the final phases of writing this dissertation. Furthermore, I am grateful to the ecumenical community at Bjärka-Säby. In keeping with the words Ora et Labora on one of the stained glass windows, it was the perfect environment for praying and working. Finally, I dedicate this work to two people who will probably never read it. To my wife Kay and son David-life with you has been heaven when I've spent so much time thinking about hell.
Hell is a place where, after death, the souls of unrepentant sinners are eternally tormented by the unmediated presence of God, manifested in his wrath. This claim is confirmed through (i) an exegetical study of the words used to indicate “hell” in the Bible, (ii) a biblical-theological overview of the presence of God manifest in either blessing or cursing throughout the Scriptures, and (iii) a consideration of matters componential to a proper systematic theology of hell.
The Eternality of Hell, 2023
"Is the punishment of the wicked eternal?" is a common question. The answers to questions about hell's eternality contain weighty implications about the nature of God. Largely leaning on Charles Hodges's Systematic Theology, together with the use of computerbased language tools, this paper demonstrates that the place or condition of eternal punishment is a biblical reality.
Church History, 2012
A Theological Critique Submitted to Liberty Theological Seminary in partial fulfillment of the requirements for completion of the course, THEO 525 SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY I
Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture, 1999
QUAERENS: Journal of Theology and Christianity Studies, 2022
According to the view that is relatively common in the wider Christian culture, heaven and hell basically deserve compensation for the kind of earthly life we lead. Good people go to heaven as a worthy reward for a virtuous life, and bad people go to hell as a just punishment for an immoral life; in that way, the scale of justice is sometimes considered balanced. But almost all Christian theologians regard such a view, however commonly it may be in popular culture, as too simplistic and unsampled; the biblical perspective, as they see it, is much more subtle than that. It is important to acknowledge the polemical and apologetic setting of its development. Judaism underwent modifications to protect the Jewish faith and chastise apostates in the face of invading Hellenism. For the early Christ-movement, continued growth was necessary to defend itself against both internal defection and first-century Judaism and Greco-Roman paganism. The early church fathers believed that using the dre...
Faith and Philosophy, 2011
The paper considers the objections to Christianity raised by David Lewis, which accuse Christians of immorality on the grounds of their worshipping a monstrous being who punishes finite evils by the infinite punishment of hell. It distinguishes between the objection that God is a monster because such punishment would be unjust, and the objection that even if damnation is just, God is a monster because he wills or allows the dreadful evil of hell by creating beings that can be justly damned. It asserts that Aquinas's defence of the traditional Christian doctrine of hell provides an answer to this objection. The traditional doctrine is that those who die having committed serious sins for which they have not repented will be punished by endless mental and physical suffering in hell. Aquinas argues that the endless punishment of the damned is just because the damned endlessly and freely choose evil, and that it is good because the punishment of impenitent sinners, while bad for the sinners, is good absolutely speaking. The basis for his claim that the damned freely choose evil forever is his understanding of practical reason as ultimately motivated by a choice of a particular kind of life to live, and his view that all motivations that are independent of practical reason have a physical basis. The basis for his claim that the punishment of the damned is a good thing absolutely considered is his teleological view of good and evil. The paper defends these bases and their application to the question of damnation.
Hell is being written out of theology and banned from serious conversation; for most scholars and modern-minded people it has become more or less a theoretical issue. Yet it remains alive and burning in the Western mind - there has been a surge in the amount of popular literature written on the subject from the 1990’s onwards. Why the sudden interest? Is there a pattern or social trend that can begin to explain the phenomenon? Part of the responsible way of dealing with the history of a concept such as hell is to point towards the social and political reasons for the emergence and need for certain concepts in particular contexts and circumstances, as they are all utilitarian concepts which are employed and abandoned as needs change and sentiments shift. This article will investigate the rise of the concept of hell by investigating the ancient sources in which it first appears, in order to establish what factors made the concept popular then and now. In doing so, a continuum will be identified between the first origin of these ideas and their present popularity.
Undercurrent Philosophy, 2022
This essay discusses the lingering belief in Hell as stated by some modern theologians and religious figures. Then, it argues that the emotional power of the narratives, metaphors, and tropes used to describe "Hell" in literature, sermons, and theology "bewitch", in the Wittgensteinian sense, the minds of believers leading them to continue to embrace this medieval notion. The insights of the later Wittgenstein and Bertrand Russell are used to construct this argument against the existence of "Hell."
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