Properties of intrinsic and rotational states in 175Ta

1972, Nuclear Physics A


High-spin rotational levels in tTSTa are populated in the tTSLu(~, 4n)tT~Ta reaction and the de-excitation),-ray cascades are studied with the y-~ coincidence technique. The rotational hands, which are built on the ~+ [404], 3 + [402], ]-[514] and ½-[541 ] intrinsic states, are identified up to high spin values. The experimental location of the band heads is compared with calculations within a single-particle model, using a diffuse Woods-Saxon potential. The moment-of-inertia parameters are discussed within the framework of the unified model with pairing and Coriolis interactions included. The gyromagnetic ratio of the core OR is determined from the experimental values of gK-g~, and the values of g~ predicted by the single-particle model. The analysis of the time distribution of the emitted y-radiation shows, for some transitions within the ~-[514] rotational band, a delayed component. It is deduced from the 7,-7, coincidence measurements that these delayed components originate from an isomeric level at 1569 keV. The half-life of the isomer is determined as 200 =t=70 ns. This state is interpreted as a three-quasiparticle state with a probable spin of-~. NUCLEAR REACTIONS 175Lu(c¢, 4n)175Ta, Ec¢ = 39-50 MeV; measured E. e, I v, E (r(Ea, E~,, 07), ~v-delay, yT-coinc. 17STa deduced levels, I, ~t, y-branching, T~r, Coriolis calculations, gK-ga, ga. Natural target.