Nigeria is a damned hellhole

Let it be said from the very beginning. The German version will have a few shortcomings. This is by no means a criticism of Volker Oldenburg, the translator, who manages the rendition of the youngsters' special lingo quite adequately. The deficit is most clearly demonstrated by the different connotations of the two titles. Andy Africa points to the entire continent. The Five Sorrowful Mysteries of Andy Africa, however, clearly evoke Stations of the Cross associations. In this way, a catholic horizon as well as a context of suffering is unequivocally set out. My advantage, on the other hand, is most certainly the first-hand knowledge of things Nigerian, as I have a friend of roughly Buoro's age who lives in the South of the country and can easily testify to the hopeless condition 'the biggest democracy in Africa' is in at the moment. Police arbitrariness, senile kleptomaniacs as irresponsible politicians, and a youth without any prospects of a viable future, who feel imprisoned as if in a cage, and who most