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In this paper we extend the standard differential geometric theory of Hamiltonian dynamics to noncommutative spaces, beginning with symplectic forms. Derivations on the algebra are used instead of vector fields, and interior products and Lie derivatives with respect to derivations are discussed. Then the Poisson bracket of certain algebra elements can be defined by a choice of closed 2-form. Examples
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2010
First, we review the notion of a Poisson structure on a noncommutative algebra due to Block-Getzler and Xu and introduce a notion of a Hamiltonian vector field on a noncommutative Poisson algebra. Then we describe a Poisson structure on a noncommutative algebra associated with a transversely symplectic foliation and construct a class of Hamiltonian vector fields associated with this Poisson structure.
We study noncommutative generalizations of such notions of the classical symplectic geometry as degenerate Poisson structure, Poisson submanifold and quotient manifold, symplectic foliation and symplectic leaf, for associative Poisson algebras. We give the full description of the family of Poisson structures on the endomorphism algebra of a vector bundle and study the above structures in the case of this algebra. Introduce the notion of generalized center of Poisson algebra as a subspace of the space of generalized functions (distributions) on a Poisson manifold and study its relation with the geometrical and homological properties of a singular Poisson structure.
Journal of Geometry and Physics, 1998
It is known that any integrable, possibly degenerate, Hamiltonian system is Hamiltonian relative to many different symplectic structures; under certain hypotheses, the 'semi-local' structure of these symplectic forms, written in local coordinates of action-angle type, is also known. The purpose of this paper is to characterize from the point of view of symplectic geometry the family of all these structures. The approach is based on the geometry of noncommutatively integrable systems and extends a recent treatment of the nondegenerate case by Bogoyavlenskij. Degenerate systems are comparatively richer in symplectic structures than nondegenerate ones and this has the counterpart that the bi-Hamiltonian property alone does not imply integrability. However, integrability is still guaranteed if a system is Hamiltonian with respect to three suitable symplectic structures. Moreover, some of the properties of recursion operators are retained.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2022
In this paper, we revise the concept of noncommutative vector fields introduced previously in [1, 2], extending the framework, adding new results and clarifying the old ones. Using appropriate algebraic tools certain shortcomings in the previous considerations are filled and made more precise. We focus on the correspondence between so-called Cartan pairs and first-order differentials. The case of free bimodules admitting more friendly "coordinate description" and their braiding is considered in more detail. Bimodules of right/left universal vector fields are explicitly constructed.
The purpose of this paper is presenting an algebraic theoretical basis for the study of ωHamiltonian vector fields. We introduce the concepts of ω-symplectic group and ω-semisymplectic group, and describe some of their properties. We show that the Lie algebra of such groups is a useful tool in the recognition and construction of ω-Hamiltonian vector fields defined on a symplectic vector space (V, ω) with respect to coordinates that are not necessarily symplectic.
A notion of Cartan pairs as an analogy of vector fields in the realm of noncommutative geometry has been proposed in . In this paper we give an outline of the construction of a noncommutative analogy of the algebra of partial differential operators as well as its natural (Fock type) representation. We shall also define co-universal vector fields and covariant derivatives.
Archivum Mathematicum
On a symplectic manifold, there is a natural elliptic complex replacing the de Rham complex. It can be coupled to a vector bundle with connection and, when the curvature of this connection is constrained to be a multiple of the symplectic form, we find a new complex. In particular, on complex projective space with its Fubini-Study form and connection, we can build a series of differential complexes akin to the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand complexes from parabolic differential geometry.
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 1997
We give a natural definition of a Poisson differential algebra. Consistency conditions are formulated in geometrical terms. It is found that one can often locally put the Poisson structure on the differential calculus in a simple canonical form by a coordinate trans-formation. This is in analogy with the standard Darboux's theorem for symplectic geometry. For certain cases there exists a realization of the exterior derivative through a certain canonical one-form. All the above are carried out similarly for the case of a complex Poisson differential algebra. The case of one complex dimension is treated in detail and interesting features are noted. Conclusions are made in the last section.
We investigate the geometric, algebraic and homologic structures related with Poisson structure on a smooth manifold. Introduce a noncommutative foundations of these structures for a Poisson algebra. Introduce and investigate noncommutative Bott connection on a foliated manifold using the algebraic definition of submanifold and quotient manifold. Develop an algebraic construction for the reduction of a degenerated Poisson algebra.
Noncommutative geometry is the idea that when geometry is done in terms of coordinate algebras, one does not really need the algebra to be commutative. We provide an introduction to the relevant mathematics from a constructive ‘differential algebra’ point of view that works over general fields and includes the noncommutative geometry of quantum groups as well as of finite groups. We also mention applications to models of quantum spacetime.
Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 2016
We show that the quantisation of a connected simply-connected Poisson-Lie group admits a left-covariant noncommutative differential structure at lowest deformation order if and only if the dual of its Lie algebra admits a pre-Lie algebra structure. As an example, we find a pre-Lie algebra structure underlying the standard 3D differential structure on Cq[SU 2 ]. At the noncommutative geometry level we show that the enveloping algebra U (m) of a Lie algebra m, viewed as quantisation of m * , admits a connected differential exterior algebra of classical dimension if and only if m admits a pre-Lie algebra. We give an example where m is solvable and we extend the construction to the quantisation of tangent and cotangent spaces of Poisson-Lie groups by using bicross-sum and bosonization of Lie bialgebras.
Journal of Geometry and Physics, 1985
For a symplectic manifold the Poisson bracket on the space of functions is (uniquely) extended to a graded Lie bracket on the space of differential forms modulo exact forms. A large portion of the Hamiltonian formalism is still working. Let (M, w) be a symplectic manifold. Then there is an exact sequence of Lie algebras and Lie algebra homomorphisms 0 -~H°(M)-~C~(M)~=~(M) -+ H'(M) -~0, where H°(M), H 1(M) are the de Rham cohomology spaces,~= 0(M) is the space of all vector fields X with 0 (X)w = 0 (Lie derivative), a Lie subalgebra of the space~((M)of all vector fields. C(M) is equipped with the Poisson bracket }, and H(f) is the Hamiltonian vector field for the generating function f. 'y(x)
Given a symplectic form and a pseudo-Riemannian metric on a manifold, a nondegenerate even Poisson bracket on the algebra of differential forms is defined and its properties are studied. A comparison with the Koszul–Schouten bracket is established. Mathematics Subject Classifications (2000): Primary: 58A50, 58F05; Secondary: 58A10, 53C15.
Proceedings of the International Geometry Center
We review main differential-algebraic structures \ lying in background of \ analytical constructing multi-component Hamiltonian operators as derivatives on suitably constructed loop Lie algebras, generated by nonassociative noncommutative algebras. The related Balinsky-Novikov and \ Leibniz type algebraic structures are derived, a new nonassociative "Riemann" algebra is constructed, deeply related with infinite multi-component Riemann type integrable hierarchies. An approach, based on the classical Lie-Poisson structure on coadjoint orbits, closely related with those, analyzed in the present work and allowing effectively enough construction of Hamiltonian operators, is also briefly revisited. \ As the compatible Hamiltonian operators are constructed by means of suitable central extentions of the adjacent weak Lie algebras, generated by the right Leibniz and Riemann type nonassociative and noncommutative algebras, the problem of their description requires a detailed inves...
Czechoslovak journal of physics, 2003
The aim of this paper is to avoid some difficulties, related with the Lie bracket, in the definition of vector fields in a noncommutative setting, as they were defined by Woronowicz, Schmüdgen-Schüler and Aschieri-Schupp. We extend the definition of vector fields to ...
We study noncommutative generalizations of such notions of the classical symplectic geometry as degenerate Poisson structure, Poisson submanifold and quotient manifold, symplectic foliation and symplectic leaf for associative Poisson algebras. We consider these structures for the case of the endomorphism algebra of a vector bundle, and give the full description of the family of Poisson structures for this algebra.
Advances in Mathematics, 2015
We develop the formalism of double Poisson vertex algebras (local and non-local) aimed at the study of non-commutative Hamiltionan PDEs. This is a generalization of the theory of double Poisson algebras, developed by Van den Bergh, which is used in the study of Hamiltonian ODEs. We apply our theory of double Poisson vertex algebras to non-commutative KP and Gelfand-Dickey hierarchies. We also construct the related non-commutative de Rham and variational complexes. 4.2. Dirac reduction for non-local double Poisson vertex algebras 44 5. Adler-Gelfand-Dickey non-commutative integrable hierarchies 52 References 56
Annals of Physics, 1978
We present a mathematical study of the differentiable deformations of the algebras associatsed with phase space. Deformations of the Lie algebra of Cm functions, defined by the Poisson bracket, generalize the well-known Moyal bracket. Deformations of the algebra of Cm functions, defined by ordinary multiplication, give rise to noncommutative, associative algebras, isomorphic to the operator algebras of quantum theory. In particular, we study deformations invariant under any Lie algebra of "distinguished observables," thus generalizing the usual quantization scheme based on the Heisenberg algebra.
Reports on Mathematical Physics, 2001
A new Poisson bracket for Hamiltonian forms on the full multisymplectic phase space is defined. At least for forms of degree n − 1, where n is the dimension of space-time, Jacobi's identity is fulfilled.
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2007
Geometric, algebraic, and homological properties of Poisson structures on smooth manifolds are studied. Noncommutative (NC) foundations of these structures are introduced for associative Poisson algebras; noncommutative generalizations of such notions of the classical symplectic geometry as a degenerate Poisson structure, a Poisson submanifold, a symplectic foliation, and a symplectic leaf for associative Poisson algebras are also introduced. These structures are considered for the case of the endomorphism algebra of a vector bundle, and a full description of the family of Poisson structures for this algebra is given. An algebraic construction of the reduction procedure for degenerate noncommutative Poisson structures is developed. An NC generalization of the Bott connection on a foliated manifold is introduced by using the notions of NC submanifold and quotient manifold. This definition is applied to degenerate NC Poisson algebras, which allows one to consider the Bott connection not only for regular but also for singular Poisson structures.
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