Gravity induced from quantum spacetime


We show that tensoriality constraints in noncommutative Riemannian geometry in the 2-dimensional bicrossproduct model quantum spacetime algebra [x, t] = λx drastically reduce the moduli of possible metrics g up to normalisation to a single real parameter which we interpret as a time in the past from which all timelike geodesics emerge and a corresponding time in the future at which they all converge. Our analysis also implies a reduction of moduli in n-dimensions and we study the suggested spherically symmetric classical geometry in n = 4 in detail, identifying two 1-parameter subcases where the Einstein tensor matches that of a perfect fluid for (a) positive pressure, zero density and (b) negative pressure and positive density with ratio w Q = − 1 2 . The classical geometry is conformally flat and its geodesics motivate new coordinates which we extend to the quantum case as a new description of the quantum spacetime model as a quadratic algebra. The noncommutative Riemannian geometry is fully solved for n = 2 and includes the quantum Levi-Civita connection and a second, nonperturbative, Levi-Civita connection which blows up as λ → 0. We also propose a 'quantum Einstein tensor' which is identically zero for the main part of the moduli space of connections (as classically in 2D). However, when the quantum Ricci tensor and metric are viewed as deformations of their classical counterparts there would be an O(λ 2 ) correction to the classical Einstein tensor and an O(λ) correction to the classical metric.

Key takeaways

  • Section 3 finds the Einstein tensor and geodesics of these classical metrics while Section 4 shows that a classical change of coordinates motivated by the classical geodesic structure also works nicely in the quantum spacetime case.
  • In n = 2 this has the effect for the full metric that β and α − λ(β + λ) should be real.
  • We would now like to look at the classical geometry given by the metric in Proposition 2.3 with n = 4 and setting λ → 0.
  • Then the quantum metric in Proposition 2.3 becomes
  • The metric g itself contains an O(λ) correction compared to the classical but this contributes at higher order and we may as well use the classical metric here.