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2004, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
This paper discusses a "structural" technique for traversing the state space of a finite state machine (FSM) and its application to equivalence checking of sequential circuits. The key ingredient to a state-space traversal is a data structure to represent state sets. In structural FSM, traversal-state sets are represented noncanonically and implicitly as gate netlists. First, we present an exact algorithm, which is based on an iterative expansion of the FSM into time frames and a network-decomposition procedure serving the same purpose as an existential quantification operation. Then, we discuss approximative algorithms for the application of structural FSM traversal to sequential equivalence checking. We theoretically analyze the properties of the exact as well as the approximative algorithms. Finally, we give details on the implementation of a sequential equivalence checker and present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach for equivalence checking of optimized and retimed circuits.
IEEE Transactions on Computer-aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 1996
This paper presents algorithms for approximate finite state machine traversal based on state space decomposition. The original finite state machine is partitioned in component submachines, and each of them is traversed separately; the result of the computation is an over-estimation of the set of reachable states of the original machine. Different traversal strategies, which reduce the effects of the degrees of freedom introduced by the decomposition, are discussed. Efficient partitioning is a key point for the performance of the traversal techniques; a method to heuristically find a good decomposition of the overall finite state machine, based on the exploration of its state variable dependency graph, is proposed. Applications of the approximate traversal methods to logic optimization of sequential circuits and behavioral verification of finite state machines are described; experimental results for such applications, together with data concerning pure traversal, are reported.
Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Aided Design
BDD-based symbolic traversals are the state-of-the-art technique for reachability analysis of Finite State Machines. They are currently limited t o m e dium-small circuits for two reasons: peak BDD size during image computation and BDD explosion for representing state sets. Starting from these limits, this paper presents an optimized t r aversal technique particularly oriented to the exact exploration of the state space of large machines. This is possible thanks to: 1) temporary simplication of a Finite State Machine by removing some of its state elements, 2) a \divide{and{conquer" approach based on state set decomposition. An eective use of secondary memory allows us to store relevant portions of BDDs and to regularize access to memory, resulting in less page faults. Experimental results show that this approach is particularly eective on the larger ISCAS'89 and ISCAS'89{addendum'93 circuits.
This paper presents algorithms for approximate finite state machine traversal based on state space decomposition. The original finite state machine is partitioned in component submachines, and each of them is traversed separately; the result of the computation is an over-estimation of the set of reachable states of the original machine. Different traversal strategies, which reduce the effects of the degrees of freedom introduced by the decomposition, are discussed. Efficient partitioning is a key point for the performance of the traversal techniques; a method to heuristically find a good decomposition of the overall finite state machine, based on the exploration of its state variable dependency graph, is proposed. Applications of the approximate traversal methods to logic optimization of sequential circuits and behavioral verification of finite state machines are described; experimental results for such applications, together with data concerning pure traversal, are reported.
IEEE Transactions on Computer-aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 1996
Exploiting circuit structure is a key issue in the implementation of algorithms for state space decomposition when the target is approximate FSM traversal. Given the gate-level description of a sequential circuit, the information about its structure can be captured by evaluating the affinity between pairs or groups of latches. Two main factors have to be considered in carrying out the structural analysis of a sequential circuit: Latch connectivity and latch correlation. The first one takes into account the mutual dependency of each memory element on the others; the second one tells us how related are the functions realized by the logic feeding each latch. In this paper we estimate the affinity of two latches by combining these two factors, and we use this measure to formulate the state space decomposition problem as a graph partitioning problem. We propose an algorithm to automatically determine "good" partitions of the latch set which induce state space decomposition, and we present approximate FSM traversal and logic optimization results for the largest ISCAS'89 sequential benchmarks.
International Conference on Computer Aided Design, 2005
In bounded model checking (BMC)-based verifica- tion flows lack of reachability constraints often leads to false negatives. At present, it is daily practice of a verification engineer to identify the missing reachability constraints by manually inspecting the design code and by analyzing counterexamples. This, unfortunately, requires a lot of effort and is prone to errors. We propose an algorithm to
Reachability don't cares (RDCs) can have a dramatic impact on sequential optimization and CTL model checking. However, since the computation of RDCs is often intractable, approximate reachability don't cares (ARDCs) are often preferable. The challenge in computing approximations of the reachable states is to obtain the best accuracy within given time and memory limits. Cho et al. presented the Machine-By-Machine (MBM) and Frame-By-Frame (FBF) methods to perform approximate FSM traversal. FBF produces tighter upper bounds than MBM; however, it usually takes much more time and it may have convergence problems. In this paper, we present a new method that produces the same upper bounds as RFBF (Reached FBF, one of the FBF methods), and is as fast and efficient as MBM, but more accurate. Since the original MBM is a greatest fixpoint computation and the new method is a least fixpoint MBM, we call the new method LMBM (Least fixpoint MBM).
We address the state reachability problem in FSMs, which is the problem of determining if one set of states can reach another. State reachability has broad applications in formal verification, synthesis, and testing of synchronous circuits. This work attacks this problem by making a series of under-and over-approximations to the state transition graph, using the overapproximations to guide the search in the under-approximations for a potential path from one state set to the other. Central to this method is an algorithm to approximate a Boolean function by another function having a smaller HDD. 'Supported by an SRC Fellowship 1. the BDD representing the set of states reached at an intermediate step grows too large, or 2. the image of a given set of states cannot be computed. This work does not address the first problem directly, but instead focuses on the second problem; in doing so, we aim to increase the size of FSMs that can be analyzed. To understand the idea behind our approach, consider the state transition graph G of an FSM M, representing a set of interacting FSMs. We assume that G is too large to build and analyze directly. Instead, we make a series of over-and under-approximations to G, where with each ap proximation, we attempt to narrow in on a path from I to F, or prove that such a path cannot exist. An over-approximation of G is a graph containing a superset of the edges^of G, and an under-approximation of G is a graph containing a subset. Consider an over-approximation V to G, and restrict V to those transitions lying on a path from I to F. If there is a path in G from I to F, then this path must exist in the restricted V. Now, consider an under-approximation U. Denote by I' all those states that are reachable from I in I/, and by F' all those states that can reach F in U. If I' and F' intersect, then certainly / can The terms edgeand transition are used interchangeably. FSM. Next, the set Ri of reachable states of sub-FSM, is computed for each i. This computation
Journal of Systems Architecture, 2001
Reachability analysis is an orthogonal, state-of-the-art technique for the veri®cation and validation of ®nite state machines (FSMs). Due to the state space explosion problem, it is currently limited to medium-small circuits, and extending its applicability is still a key issue. Among the factors that limit reachability analysis, let us list: the peak binary decision diagrams (BDD) size during image computation, the BDD size to represent state sets, and very high sequential depth. Following the promising trend of partitioning, we decompose a ®nite state machine into``functioning-modes''. We operate on a disjunctive partitioned transition relation. Decomposition is obtained heuristically based on complexity, i.e., BDD size, or functionality, i.e., dividing memory elements into``active'' and``idle'' ones. We use an improved iterative squaring algorithm to traverse high-depth subcomponents. The resulting methodology attacks the above problems, lowering intermediate peak BDD size, and dealing with high-depth subcomponents. Experiments on a few industrial circuits and on some large benchmarks show the feasibility of the approach.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1997
prod is a reachability analyzer for Predicate/Transition Nets.
Abstract In this paper, we address the problem of finite state machine (FSM) traversal, a key step in most sequential verification and synthesis algorithms. We propose the use of partitioned-ROBDDs to reduce the memory explosion problem associated with symbolic state space exploration techniques.
State space exploration is often used to prove properties about sequential behavior of Finite State Machines (FSMs). For example, equivalence of two machines is proved by analyzing the reachable state set of their product machine. Nevertheless, reachability analysis is infeasible on large practical examples. Combinational verification is far less expensive, but on the other hand its application is limited to combinational circuits, or particular design schemes. Finally, approximate techniques imply sufficient, not strictly necessary conditions. The purpose of this paper is to extend the applicability of purely combinational checks. This is generally achieved through state minimization, partitioning, and re-encoding the FSMs to factor out their differences. We focus on re-encoding. In particular, we present an incremental approach to re-encoding for verification that transforms the product machine traversal into a combinational verification in the best case, and into a computationally simpler product machine traversal in the general case. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique on medium-large circuits where other techniques may fail.
1999 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design. Digest of Technical Papers (Cat. No.99CH37051), 1999
The knowledge of the reachable states of a sequential circuit can dramatically speed up optimization and model checking. However, since exact reachability analysis may be intractable, approximate techniques are often preferable. Cho et al. presented the Machine-By-Machine (MBM) and Frame-By-Frame (FBF) methods to perform approximate FSM traversal. FBF produces tighter upper bounds than MBM; however, it usually takes much more time and it may have convergence problems. In this paper, we show that there exists a class of methods-Least Fixpoint Approximationsthat compute the same results as RFBF (Reached FBF, one of the FBF methods). We show that one member of this class, which we call Least fixpoint MBM (LMBM), is as efficient as MBM, but provably more accurate. Therefore, the trade-off that existed between MBM and RFBF has been eliminated. LMBM can compute RFBFquality approximations for all the large ISCAS-89 benchmark circuits in a total of less than 9000 seconds.
Proceedings IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI. New Paradigms for VLSI Systems Design. ISVLSI 2002
We increase the reasoning power of the Record & Play algorithm for structural FSM traversal presented in [16] by incorporating a constraint-satisfying simulation technique. Combinational verification tools often use simulation to identify candidates for internally equivalent functions. This can significantly reduce the computational costs needed to prove the equivalence of two circuits. The key idea to improve Record & Play is to perform a random simulation in every time frame that satisfies stored equivalences and constants which are needed to represent the state set. Our experimental results show the benefit of the proposed approach.
Journal of Systems Architecture, 2000
Symbolic traversals are state-of-the-art techniques for proving the input/output equivalence of ®nite state machines. Due to state space explosion, they are currently limited to medium-small circuits. Starting from the limits of standard techniques, this paper presents a mix of approximate forward and exact backward traversals that results in an exact exploration of the state space of large machines. This is possible, thanks to ecient pruning that restricts the search space during backward traversal using the information coming from the approximate forward traversal step. Experimental results con®rm that we are able to explore for the ®rst time some of the larger ISCAS'89 and MCNC circuits, that have been until now outside the scope of exact symbolic techniques. We are also able to generate the test patterns for or to tag as undetectable stuck-at faults with few exceptions.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 1995
Computing the set of reachable states of a finite state machine, is an important component of many problems in the synthesis, and formal verification of digital systems. The process of design is usually iterative, and the designer may modify and recompute information many times, and reachability is called each time the designer modifies the system, because current methods for reachability analysis are not incremental. Unfortunately, the representation of the reachable states that is currently used [1] in synthesis and verification, is inherently non-updatable. We solve this problem by presenting alternate ways to represent the reachable set, and incremental algorithms that can update the new representation each time the designer changes the system. The incremental algorithms use the reachable set computed at a previous iteration, and information about the changes to the system to update it, rather than compute the reachable set from the beginning. This results in computational savings, as demonstrated by the results
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2008
Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) and their multi-terminal extensions have shown to be very helpful for the quantitative verification of systems. Many different approaches have been proposed for deriving symbolic state graph (SG) representations from high-level model descriptions, where compositionality has shown to be crucial for the efficiency of the schemes. Since the symbolic composition schemes deliver the potential SG of a high-level model, one must execute a reachability analysis on the level of the symbolic structures. This step is the main resource of CPU-time and peak memory consumption when it comes to symbolic SG generation. In this work a new operator for zero-suppressed BDDs and their multi-terminal extensions for carrying out (partitioned) symbolic reachability analysis is presented. This algorithm not only replaces standard BDD-based schemes, it even makes symbolic composition as found in contemporary symbolic model checkers such as Prism and Caspa obsolete.
Proceedings EURO-DAC '96. European Design Automation Conference with EURO-VHDL '96 and Exhibition
BDD{based symbolic traversals are the state-of-theart technique for reachability analysis of Finite State Machines. They are currently limited t o m e dium{small circuits for two reasons: BDD peak size during image computation and BDD explosion for state space r epresentation. Starting from these limits, this paper presents a technique that decomposes the search space d e creasing the BDD peak size and the number of page faults during image computation. Results of intermediate computations and large BDDs are eciently stored in the secondary memory. A decomposed t r aversal that allows exact explorations of state spaces is obtained. Experimental results show that this approach is particularly eective on the larger MCNC, ISCAS'89, and ISCAS'89{addendum circuits.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
We propose a new saturation-based symbolic state-space generation algorithm for finite discrete-state systems. Based on the structure of the high-level model specification, we first disjunctively partition the transition relation of the system, then conjunctively partition each disjunct. Our new encoding recognizes identity transformations of state variables and exploits event locality, enabling us to apply a recursive fixed-point image computation strategy completely different from the standard breadth-first approach employing a global fix-point image computation. Compared to breadth-first symbolic methods, saturation has already been empirically shown to be several orders more efficient in terms of runtime and peak memory requirements for asynchronous concurrent systems. With the new partitioning, the saturation algorithm can now be applied to completely general asynchronous systems, while requiring similar or better run-times and peak memory than previous saturation algorithms.
ISCAS 2001. The 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (Cat. No.01CH37196), 2001
We present a new symbolic algorithm for reachability analysis in sequential circuits. Using don't cares from the computed reachable states, we introduce flexibility in choosing the transition relation, which can be used to minimize its Binary Decision Diagram (BDD). This can reduce the time-consuming image computation step. The technique is implemented and integrated in our equivalence checking system M-CHECK and its efficiency is shown on the ISCAS-89 benchmark circuits.
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