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2008, Journal of Algebra
We study prime algebras of quadratic growth. Our first result is that if A is a prime monomial algebra of quadratic growth then A has finitely many prime ideals P such that A/P has GK dimension one. This shows that prime monomial algebras of quadratic growth have bounded matrix images. We next show that a prime graded algebra of quadratic growth has the property that the intersection of the nonzero prime ideals P such that A/P has GK dimension 2 is non-empty, provided there is at least one such ideal. From this we conclude that a prime monomial algebra of quadratic growth is either primitive or has nonzero locally nilpotent Jacobson radical. Finally, we show that there exists a prime monomial algebra A of GK dimension two with unbounded matrix images and thus the quadratic growth hypothesis is necessary to conclude that there are only finitely many prime ideals such that A/P has GK dimension 1.
Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 2013
We show that over every countable algebraically closed field $\mathbb{K}$ there exists a finitely generated $\mathbb{K}$-algebra that is Jacobson radical, infinite-dimensional, generated by two elements, graded and has quadratic growth. We also propose a way of constructing examples of algebras with quadratic growth that satisfy special types of relations.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2005
We consider algebras over a field K presented by generators x 1 ,. .. , x n and subject to n 2 square-free relations of the form x i x j = x k x l with every monomial x i x j , i = j, appearing in one of the relations. It is shown that for n > 1 the Gelfand-Kirillov dimension of such an algebra is at least two if the algebra satisfies the so-called cyclic condition. It is known that this dimension is an integer not exceeding n. For n ≥ 4, we construct a family of examples of Gelfand-Kirillov dimension two. We prove that an algebra with the cyclic condition with generators x 1 ,. .. , x n has Gelfand-Kirillov dimension n if and only if it is of I-type, and this occurs if and only if the multiplicative submonoid generated by x 1 ,. .. , x n is cancellative.
Contemporary Mathematics, 2012
We show that if k is a countable field, then there exists a finitely generated, infinite-dimensional, primitive algebraic k-algebra A whose Gelfand-Kirillov dimension is at most six. In addition to this we construct a two-generated primitive algebraic k-algebra. We also pose many open problems.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2000
Let A be an associative algebras over a field of characteristic zero. We prove that the codimensions of A are polynomially bounded if and only if any finite dimensional algebra B with Id(A) = Id(B) has an explicit decomposition into suitable subalgebras; we also give a decomposition of the n-th cocharacter of A into suitable Sn-characters. We give similar characterizations of finite dimensional algebras with involution whose *-codimension sequence is polynomially bounded. In this case we exploit the representation theory of the hyperoctahedral group.
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 2012
It is shown that over an arbitrary countable field there exists a finitely generated algebra that is nil, infinite dimensional and has Gelfand–Kirillov dimension at most 3.
Journal of Algebra, 1999
Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 2008
We prove some results on algebras, satisfying many generic relations. As an application we show that there are Golod–Shafarevich algebras which cannot be homomorphically mapped onto infinite dimensional algebras with finite Gelfand–Kirillov dimension. This answers a question of Zelmanov (Some open problems in the theory of infinite dimensional algebras, J. Korean Math. Soc. 44(5) 2007, 1185–1195).
Journal of Algebra, 1999
We construct, for every real /3 > 2, a primitive affine algebra with Gelfand Kirillov dimension /3. Unlike earlier constructions, there are no assumptions on the base field. In particular, this is the first construction over N or C. Given a recursive sequence {v,} of elements in a free monoid, we investigate the quotient of the free associative algebra by the ideal generated by all nonsubwords in {~Jn}. We bound the dimension of the resulting algebra in terms of the growth of {vn}. In particular, if Ivnl is less than doubly exponential, then the dimension is 2.
arXiv: Rings and Algebras, 2013
In 1964 Golod and Shafarevich found that, provided that the number of relations of each degree satisfies some bounds, there exist infinitely dimensional algebras satisfying the relations. Such algebras have come to be referred to as Golod-Shafarevich algebras. This paper provides bounds for the growth function on images of Golod-Shafarevich algebras based upon the number of defining relations, thus extending results from [13], [14]. We also provide lower bounds of growth for constructed algebras, permitting the construction in many cases of algebras with a given growth function. Recently several open questions about algebras satisfying a prescribed number of defining relations have arisen as a consequence of the study of noncommutative singularities. This paper additionally solves one such question, posed by Donovan and Wemyss in [3].
Advances in Mathematics, 1998
Let A be a PI-algebra over a field F. We study the asymptotic behavior of the sequence of codimensions c n (A) of A. We show that if A is finitely generated over F then Inv(A)=lim n Ä n c n (A) always exists and is an integer. We also obtain the following characterization of simple algebras: A is finite dimensional central simple over F if and only if Inv(A)=dim A.
Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2006
We give a simple construction of a prime monomial algebra with quadratic growth, which is neither primitive nor PI.
The São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2007
The main goal of this paper is to prove that the five algebras which were used in [3] to classify (up to PI-equivalence) the algebras whose sequence of codimensions is bounded by a linear function generate the only five minimal varieties of quadratic growth.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 1985
Let G G be an associative monomial k {\mathbf {k}} -algebra. If G G is assumed to be finitely presented, then either G G contains a free subalgebra on two monomials or else G G has polynomial growth. If instead G G is assumed to have finite global dimension, then either G G contains a free subalgebra or else G G has a finite presentation and polynomial growth. Also, a graded Hopf algebra with generators in degree one and relations in degree two contains a free Hopf subalgebra if the number of relations is small enough.
Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2011
Let A be a (non-necessarily associative) finite-dimensional algebra over a field of characteristic zero. A quantitative estimate of the polynomial identities satisfied by A is achieved through the study of the asymptotics of the sequence of codimensions of A. It is well known that for such an algebra this sequence is exponentially bounded. Here we capture the exponential rate of growth of the sequence of codimensions for several classes of algebras including simple algebras with a special non-degenerate form, finite-dimensional Jordan or alternative algebras and many more. In all cases such rate of growth is integer and is explicitly related to the dimension of a subalgebra of A. One of the main tools of independent interest is the construction in the free non-associative algebra of multialternating polynomials satisfying special properties. addresses: [email protected] (A. Giambruno), [email protected] (I. Shestakov), [email protected] (M. Zaicev).
Advances in Mathematics
Ufnarovski remarked in 1990 that it is unknown whether any finitely presented associative algebra of linear growth is automaton, that is, whether the set of normal words in the algebra form a regular language. If the algebra is graded, then the rationality of the Hilbert series of the algebra follows from the affirmative answer to Ufnarovski's question. Assuming that the ground field has a positive characteristic, we show that the answer to Ufnarovskii's question is positive if and only if the basic field is an algebraic extension of its prime subfield. Moreover, in the "only if" part we show that there exists a finitely presented graded algebra of linear growth with irrational Hilbert series. In addition, over an arbitrary infinite basic field, the set of Hilbert series of the quadratic algebras of linear growth with 5 generators is infinite. Our approach is based on a connection with the dynamical Mordell-Lang conjecture. This conjecture describes the intersection of an orbit of an algebraic variety endomorphism with a subvariety. We show that the positive answer to Ufnarovski's question implies some known cases of the dynamical Mordell-Lang conjecture. In particular, the positive answer for a class of algebras is equivalent to the Skolem-Mahler-Lech theorem which says that the set of the zero elements of any linear recurrent sequence over a zero characteristic field is the finite union of several arithmetic progressions. In particular, the counterexamples to this theorem in the finite characteristic case give examples of algebras with irrational Hilbert series.
Advances in Mathematics, 2008
Let A be an algebra over a field F of characteristic zero and let c n (A), n = 1, 2,. .. , be its sequence of codimensions. We prove that if c n (A) is exponentially bounded, its exponential growth can be any real number > 1. This is achieved by constructing, for any real number α > 1, an F-algebra A α such that lim n→∞ n √ c n (A α) exists and equals α. The methods are based on the representation theory of the symmetric group and on properties of infinite Sturmian and periodic words.
Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2006
Let F be a field of characteristic zero and let A be an F-algebra. The polynomial identities satisfied by A can be measured through the asymptotic behavior of the sequence of codimensions and the sequence of colengths of A. For finite dimensional algebras we show that the colength sequence of A is polynomially bounded and the codimension sequence cannot have intermediate growth. We then prove that for general nonassociative algebras intermediate growth of the codimensions is allowed. In fact, for any real number 0 < β < 1, we construct an algebra A whose sequence of codimensions grows like n n β .
Journal of Algebra, 1988
Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 1991
Kac has introduced the notion of (polynomial) growth for a graded Lie algebra. Here we consider Lie algebras L that occur as ideals either in the rational homotopy Lie algebra of a simply connected CW complex of finite type and finite category or as ideals in the homotopy Lie algebra of a local noetherian ring. Theorem. If these ideals have {finite) polynomial growth, then they are finite dimensional.
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