The prime spectrum of algebras of quadratic growth

2008, Journal of Algebra



We study prime algebras of quadratic growth. Our first result is that if A is a prime monomial algebra of quadratic growth then A has finitely many prime ideals P such that A/P has GK dimension one. This shows that prime monomial algebras of quadratic growth have bounded matrix images. We next show that a prime graded algebra of quadratic growth has the property that the intersection of the nonzero prime ideals P such that A/P has GK dimension 2 is non-empty, provided there is at least one such ideal. From this we conclude that a prime monomial algebra of quadratic growth is either primitive or has nonzero locally nilpotent Jacobson radical. Finally, we show that there exists a prime monomial algebra A of GK dimension two with unbounded matrix images and thus the quadratic growth hypothesis is necessary to conclude that there are only finitely many prime ideals such that A/P has GK dimension 1.