Procédés d'édition coopérative dans l'environnement WikiPedia



We are interested in collaborative writing. In this report, we take Wikipedia as an example on collaborative writing and study it in order to learn lessons. Wikipedia is a collaborative project with a goal to create a free, multilingual encyclopedia on the web. Wikipedia is based on web servers thar use the Wiki technology. A wiki is a software that allows users to create, edit, and link web pages easily. Wikipedia is written by collaboration between voluntaries. It has a fundamental principle, the neutral point of view. This principle recommends representing fairly, and as far as possible without bias, all significant views that have been published by reliable sources. Articles in Wikipedia are published under Free Documentation License GNU, the content of a page, can be freely copied, modified and redistributed. All new version is published under the same licence and must indicate Wikipedia as resource. The simplicity of editing in Wikipedia is a powerful point leading to its growing success. In the first section, we present the principal functionalities of Wikipedia, in order to be familiarized with this environment. In section two, we are interested in the community of Wikipedia and in differents status of its users. In the third section, we define the processes of Wikipedia with their associated activities. In the last section we present different types of editing conflicts in Wikipedia and their resolution.