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7 pages
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This paper presents a discussion on the metrics and methodologies used to evaluate research output in Scopus. It emphasizes the importance of citation analysis, publication trends, and the implications for researchers in assessing their academic performance and impact.
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 2009
An account of AJET's relations with Scopus was provided in AJET Editorial 23(3), also showing some exasperation [16]. As the communications reported in that Editorial are over two years ago, it's time for another update. We examined some relevant information from the Scopus website, specifically "New titles to be added in 2009" [17] and "List of Open Access titles" [18]. AJET does not appear, but the "New titles" file indicates that Scopus has been very busy indeed with expansion. New titles (total 757 listed) and open access titles (total 1212 listed) for journals found with searches in these files for Australian and Australasian include the following:
Research Analytics, 2017
A Brief History of Scopus ◾ 33 citation database (covered elsewhere in this book), which was already well established and known for its infamous Impact Factor (IF) rating of scientific journals. However, in its young history, Scopus has done incredibly well so far, growing from a mere 27 million indexed items in 2004 to over 67 million items at the time of writing in 2017, drawn from more than 22,700 serial titles; 98,000 conferences; and 144,000 books from over 5,000 different publishers worldwide, and last year, in 2016, it introduced its own CiteScore metric of journal performance. Today, Scopus is being used as the primary research citation data source by researchers and health professionals from top universities and research institutes around the globe, by leading university ranking organizations such as Times Higher Education (THE) and Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), by funding organizations such as the European Research Council (ERC) and the National Science Foundation (NSF), and by evaluation bodies conducting national research assessments such as the Research Excellence Framework (REF) in the United Kingdom in 2014 and the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) exercises in 2010, 2012, and 2015. This chapter aims to give an overview of Scopus' remarkable success story since its inception, including its user interface, functionality, advanced analysis tools, and bibliometric indicators; its coverage of different subject areas, publication years, sources, and document types; its stringent content selection policies and processes; the many author and affiliation profiles that can be found in Scopus; how Scopus data feed into other Elsevier research products such as SciVal, ScienceDirect, Pure, and Mendeley; and how customers use Scopus Custom Data (SCD) and Scopus application programming interfaces (APIs) to incorporate into their own tools.
Edizioni Sapienza, 2021
C'è stato un enorme bisogno di una rivista medica indipendente con revisione paritaria che mira al progresso della conoscenza medica piuttosto che alla promozione in Iraq. Il New Iraqi Journal of Medicine, la prima rivista medica irachena internazionale con revisione paritaria, è stata la prima rivista medica irachena a dichiarare l'adesione agli standard internazionalmente accettati delle moderne riviste mediche con revisione paritaria. Tutte le politiche editoriali della rivista sono state adattate dalle politiche dell'International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), World Association of Medical editors (WAME), e il Committee on publication ethics (COPE). La rivista è stata pubblicata per la prima volta nel 2005 con il nome di "Al-Karkh Journal of Medicine". Tuttavia, dal terzo numero del dicembre 2005 la rivista è diventata nota come "The New Iraqi Journal of Medicine la rivista medica ufficiale peer- reviewed del ministero della salute iracheno". La rivista è stata la prima rivista medica irachena ad essere inclusa in SCOPUS, e fino ad ora (luglio 2021), è l'unica rivista medica irachena che è apparsa nella classifica delle riviste nazionali di Scimago.
Why Scopus? Scopus is Elsevier's abstract and citation database launched in 2004. It is designed to simplify the access of researchers, students, teachers and general users to worldwide , quality-assessed peer reviewed academic publications in all Sciences and Arts and Humanities. The academic publishing industry is in continuous flux, and recent years have brought further challenges in respect of the evaluation of the proliferation of open access journals, online-only publication and a proliferation of new publishers, publishing strategies and commercial models. Academic cataloguing has an illustrious history, which includes the exhaustive pioneering work of Ulrich's catalogue and of Thomson ISI, whose printed publication library catalogues were well known to former generations of researchers, and which subsequently migrated on line as the " Web of Science ". Thomson's Impact Factor, derived from data within the Web of Science, has long had a major impact upon the science of bibliometrics and the quantitation of academic output. Competition drives innovation and progress and in its first decade, Scopus expanded such that by November 2015 it includes some 22,000+ titles from 5,000 publishers worldwide. Since 2009, every applicant journal for accession into Scopus has been through a formal qualitative and quantitative appraised and evaluation process, which itself is continually evolving as we gain more experience of the system and of the academic journal environment.
Edições Nosso Conhecimento, 2021
Le besoin d'une revue médicale indépendante évaluée par les pairs, qui vise à faire progresser les connaissances médicales plutôt qu'à en faire la promotion, s'est fait cruellement sentir en Irak. Le New Iraqi Journal of Medicine, la première revue médicale irako-internationale évaluée par des pairs, a été le premier journal médical irakien à déclarer son adhésion aux normes internationalement acceptées des revues médicales modernes évaluées par des pairs. Toutes les politiques éditoriales du journal ont été adaptées des politiques du Comité international des rédacteurs de revues médicales (ICMJE), de l'Association mondiale des rédacteurs médicaux (WAME) et du Comité d'éthique de la publication (COPE). Le journal a été publié pour la première fois en 2005 sous le nom de "Al-Karkh Journal of Medicine". Toutefois, depuis le troisième numéro de décembre 2005, la revue est connue sous le nom de "The New Iraqi Journal of Medicine the official peer- reviewed medical journal of the Iraqi ministry of health". La revue a été la première revue médicale irakienne à être incluse dans SCOPUS, et jusqu'à présent (juillet 2021), elle est la seule revue médicale irakienne à figurer dans le classement Scimago des revues nationales.
South African Journal of Radiology, 2017
A delegation of the College of Radiologists of the overarching Colleges of Medicine of South Africa observed the spring sitting of the Part 2B Examination of the Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists (FRCR) in London, in April 2016. Although the principal focus of the Observership was the Part 2B examination, the delegates also assessed broader aspects of the FRCR. This report presents an overview of current FRCR practices, including the findings of an independent review of the FRCR, and reflects on the implications for the South African Fellowship examination. The report is based on discussions with key Royal College role players, direct observation of the Part 2B examination and web-based documentation. It allows appreciation of the continued close alignment of the FC Rad Diag(SA) (Fellowship of the College of Radiologists of the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa) with the FRCR and highlights expected trends in the FC Rad Diag(SA). It also documents the increasing hum...
This article proposes the importance of scientific research in Uzbekistan for the production of ribbed fabrics and their competitiveness in the world market. In order to increase the difference in thickness between smooth and convex parts on the surface of the fabric, a new structural fabric was created using plain and complex weave elements. The article presents the proposed structural features of the newly proposed stripe ribbed fabrics and formulas for assessing the visibility of the surface pattern. The results of the study were mathematically processed and regression equations were obtained.
Our aim is to compare the coverage of the Scopus database Scopus with that of Ulrich, to determine just how homogenous it is in the academic world. The variables taken into account were subject distribution, geographical distribution, distribution by publishers and the language of publication. The analysis of the coverage of a product of this nature should be done in relation to an accepted model, the optimal choice being Ulrich's Directory, considered the international point of reference for the most comprehensive information on journals published throughout the world.
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Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2015
Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship
Journal of Informetrics, 2016
Reports of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland, 2013
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematic, 2018
Scientometrics, 2007