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2008, arXiv (Cornell University)
6 pages
1 file
PACS 73.23.-b-Electronic transport in mesoscopic systems PACS 74.45.+c-Proximity effects; Andreev effect; SN and SNS junctions PACS 72.25.Ba-Spin polarized transport in metals Abstract.-We study transport through a single channel T-stub geometry strongly coupled to a superconducting reservoir. In contrast to the standard stub geometry which has both transmission resonances and anti-resonances in the coherent limit, we find that due to the proximity effect, this geometry shows neither a T = 1 resonance (T is the transmission probability for electrons incident on the T-stub) nor a T = 0 anti-resonance as we vary the energy of the incident electron. Instead, we find that there is only one resonant value at T = 1/4, where charge transport vanishes while the spin transport is perfect.
The European Physical Journal B, 2009
PACS 73.23.-b -Electronic transport in mesoscopic systems PACS 74.45.+c -Proximity effects; Andreev effect; SN and SNS junctions PACS 72.25.Ba -Spin polarized transport in metals
Europhysics Letters (epl), 2009
We study resonant transport through a superconducting double barrier structure. At each barrier, due to the proximity effect, an incident electron can either reflect as an electron or a hole (Andreev reflection). Similarly, transport across the barrier can occur via direct tunneling as electrons as well as via the crossed Andreev channel, where a hole is transmitted. In the subgap regime, for a symmetric double barrier system (with low transparency for each barrier), we find a new T=1/4 resonance (T is the transmission probability for electrons incident on the double barrier structure) due to interference between electron and hole wave-functions between the two barriers, in contrast to a normal double barrier system which has the standard transmission resonance at T=1. We also point out as an application that the resonant value of T=1/4 can produce pure spin current through the superconducting double barrier structure.
Physical Review Letters, 2011
We study the nonlinear cotunneling current through a spinful quantum dot contacted by two superconducting leads. Applying a general nonequilibrium Green function formalism to an effective Kondo model, we study the rich variation in the IV-characteristics with varying asymmetry in the tunnel coupling to source and drain electrodes. The current is found to be carried respectively by multiple Andreev reflections in the symmetric limit, and by spin-induced Yu-Shiba-Russinov bound states in the strongly asymmetric limit. The interplay between these two mechanisms leads to qualitatively different IV-characteristics in the cross-over regime of intermediate symmetry, consistent with recent experimental observations of negative differential conductance and re-positioned conductance peaks in sub-gap cotunneling spectroscopy.
Nanoscale Science and Technology, 1998
The charging energy is important for a mesoscopic body with small capacitance to the environment. Connecting the small island via low capacitance, high resistance tunnel junctions, the current through the resulting structure will depend upon the charge of the island -charge that can be applied via a gate electrode. For a normal metal island, the current varies periodically with the charge, the periodicity is the electron charge e. If the island is superconducting, the period, e or 2e, depends upon whether the superconducting energy gap is less than or larger than the charging energy. This parity effect can be used to study possible nodes in the gap function of a high-T c superconductor.
Physical Review B, 2010
We study dc-transport and magnetization dynamics in a junction of arbitrary transparency consisting of two spin-singlet superconducting leads connected via a single classical spin precessing at the frequency Ω. The presence of the spin in the junction provides different transmission amplitudes for spin-up and spin-down quasiparticles as well as a time-dependent spin-flip transmission term. For a phase biased junction, we show that a steady-state superconducting charge current flows through the junction and that an out-of-equilibrium circularly polarized spin current, of frequency Ω, is emitted in the leads. Detailed understanding of the charge and spin currents is obtained in the entire parameter range. In the adiabatic regime, Ω ≪ 2∆ where ∆ is the superconducting gap, and for high transparencies of the junction, a strong suppression of the current takes place around ϕ ≈ 0 due to an abrupt change in the occupation of the Andreev bound-states. At higher values of the phase and/or precession frequency, extended (quasi-particle like) states compete with the bound-states in order to carry the current. Well below the superconducting transition, these results are shown to be weakly affected by the back-action of the spin current on the dynamics of the precessing spin. Indeed, we show that the Gilbert damping due to the quasi-particle spin current is strongly suppressed at low-temperatures, which goes along with a shift of the precession frequency due to the condensate. The results obtained may be of interest for on-going experiments in the field of molecular spintronics.
Nature Physics, 2012
Conventional superconductivity is incompatible with ferromagnetism, because the magnetic exchange field tends to spinpolarize electrons and breaks apart the opposite-spin singlet Cooper pairs 1 . Yet, the possibility of a long-range penetration of superconducting correlations into strong ferromagnets has been evinced by experiments that found Josephson coupling between superconducting electrodes separated afar by a ferromagnetic spacer 2-7 . This is considered a proof of the emergence at the superconductor/ferromagnetic (S/F) interfaces of equalspin triplet pairing, which is immune to the exchange field and can therefore propagate over long distances into the F (ref. 8). This effect bears much fundamental interest and potential for spintronic applications 9 . However, a spectroscopic signature of the underlying microscopic mechanisms has remained elusive. Here we do show this type of evidence, notably in a S/F system for which the possible appearance of equal-spin triplet pairing is controversial 10-12 : heterostructures that combine a half-metallic F (La 0.7 Ca 0.3 MnO 3 ) with a d-wave S (YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 ). We found quasiparticle and electron interference effects in the conductance across the S/F interfaces that directly demonstrate the long-range propagation across La 0.7 Ca 0.3 MnO 3 of superconducting correlations, and imply the occurrence of unconventional equal-spin Andreev reflection. This allows for an understanding of the unusual proximity behaviour observed in this type of heterostructures 12,13 .
Physical Review Letters, 2002
We investigate spin-dependent transport in hybrid superconductor -normal-metal-ferromagnet structures under conditions of the proximity effect. We demonstrate the feasibility of the absolute spin-valve effect for a certain interval of voltages in a system consisting of two coupled trilayer structures. Our results are also valid for noncollinear magnetic configurations of the ferromagnets.
The spin polarization and the corresponding tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) for a hybrid ferromagnetic/superconductor junction are calculated. The results show that these parameters are strongly depends on the exchange field energy and the bias voltage. The dependence of the polarization on the angle of precession is due to the spin flip through tunneling process. Our results could be interpreted as due to spin imbalance of carriers resulting in suppression of gap energy of the superconductor. The present investigation is valuable for manufacturing magnetic recording devices and nonvolatile memories which imply a very high spin coherent transport for such junction.
Physical Review B, 1999
Physical Review B, 2013
We study transport across a line junction lying between two orthogonal topological insulator surfaces and a superconductor which can have either s-wave (spin-singlet) or p-wave (spin-triplet) pairing symmetry. We present a formalism for studying the effect of a general time-reversal invariant barrier at the junction and show that such a barrier can be completely described by three arbitrary parameters. We compute the charge and the spin conductance across such a junction and study their behaviors as a function of the bias voltage applied across the junction and the three parameters used to characterize the barrier. We find that the presence of topological insulators and a superconductor leads to both Dirac and Schrödinger-like features in charge and spin conductances. We discuss the effect of bound states on the superconducting side of the barrier on the conductance; in particular, we show that for triplet p-wave superconductors such a junction may be used to determine the spin state of its Cooper pairs. Our study reveals that there is a non-zero spin conductance for some particular spin states of the triplet Cooper pairs; this is an effect of the topological insulators which break the spin rotation symmetry. Finally, we find an unusual satellite peak (in addition to the usual zero bias peak) in the spin conductance for p-wave symmetry of the superconductor order parameter.
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