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2023, Учёные записки Петрозаводского государственного университета
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АЛЕКСАНДР ВАЛЕРЬЕВИЧ ПИГИН доктор филологических наук, профессор, ведущий научный сотрудник Институт русской литературы (Пушкинский Дом) Российской академии наук (Санкт-Петербург, Российская Федерация)
/ Ученые записки Петрозаводского государственного университета. 2023. Т. 45, № 3. С. 69–89., 2023
The paper addresses the history of friendly relations between a Petrozavodsk philologist V. M. Morozov (1910–1983) and V. I. Malyshev (1910–1976), a famous archaeographer and the creator of the Ancient Manuscripts Repository (Drevlekhranilishche) at the Pushkin House (Pushkinskij Dom). They met while studying at the Philological Faculty of Leningrad University in the 1930s and kept in touch for many decades until Malyshev’s death. Morozov was a member of Malyshev’s fi rst archaeographic expedition to Karelia in 1940, while Malyshev repeatedly helped his friend in diffi cult life circumstances. After the death of Malyshev, Morozov wrote memoirs about him. Reminiscences about Malyshev can also be found in Morozov’s letters to his friends and colleagues. This set of documents is now stored as part of Malyshev’s archives in the Manuscripts Department of the Pushkin House (collection 494). Morozov provided interesting biographical information about Malyshev and made an attempt to assess his personality and research activity. These sources can be used for studying the history of Russian philological science of the 1930s–1970s. The memoirs were written with the intention to publish them, but it did not happen at the time, and now these materials are presented to the public for the fi rst time. The memoirs and additions to them are accompanied by commentaries.
Russian plant breeder and geneticist Nikolai Vavilov was at the center of science and politics during the most tumultuous period in Soviet history and his impact continued long after his death. His memory was celebrated in a series of jubilees (1957–2012) following the downfall of Trofim Lysenko. This paper anasise them in more broad context to ideological pressure of the State upon the science. The first posthumous jubilee officially celebrated by Russian biologists was his 75-year anniversary in 1962. Vavilovʼs surviving colleagues used this date to rehabilitate the scientist’s reputation after being purged by Lysenko and his followers. For several years following this jubilee the name of Vavilov became a flag for fighters against Lysenkoism. However, during the Brezhnev era all discussion of Lysenkoism, as well as other crimes of Stalinism, was avoided. The 100-year anniversary was in the perestroika years and Vavilov was celebrated not only as a great scientist but also as fighter against Stalin’s regime. Again biologists used the memory of Vavilov against those Lysenkoists who in the “stagnation” years of Brezhnev gained power in agricultural research institutions. Finally, the 125-year anniversary in 2012 was celebrated among Russian biologists and plant breeders quite widely. However, because of increased administrative burden in the agricultural sciences only a few researchers spoke of Lysenkoism. The most active defenders of Vavilov and prosecutors of Lysenkoism were historians of science. A number of journalists have been eager to reconsider Lysenko as a precursor of some modern concepts in science (such as prions, for example), which, as an agronomist who was entirely uneducated about molecular biology, he could not have imagined.
Druzhinina I. A., Chkhaidze V. N. Remembering of Mikhail Gorelik // Military Archaeology: Ancient and Medieval Weapons of Eurasia. Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes. № 5. Kazan, 2017. P. 210-218.
Bʺlgarski ezik, 2024
Материалы международного круглого стола памяти профессора Николая Львовича Мусхелишвили (под ред. М.М. Базлева и А.В. Юдина). Studia Religiosa Rossica: научный журнал о религии. 2024;(3):27-74., 2024
On 13 October 2023, within the framework of the VI Congress of the Russian Religious Studies Society, an international round table in memory of Professor Nikolai Lvovich Muskhelishvili was held within the walls of the Orthodox Svyato-Tikhonovsky Humanitarian University in Moscow. Due to the hybrid format of presentations, the round table was attended by former colleagues of Nikolai L. Muskhelishvili from Russia, Italy, Great Britain, Canada and Ukraine. The roundtable was moderated by Mikhail Maksimovich Bazlev and Alexei Viktorovich Yudin. The article contains the materials presented by the participants of the round table, restored and edited from the record. Their purpose is to attempt to restore the image of Professor Muskhelishvili, the tasks he set and the meanings that unfolded around him and thanks to him. 13 октября 2023 г. в рамках VI Конгресса Русского религиоведческого общества в стенах Православного Свято-Тихоновского гуманитарного университета в Москве прошел международный круглый стол памяти профессора Николая Львовича Мусхелишвили. Благодаря гибридному формату выступлений участие в круглом столе приняли бывшие коллеги Николая Львовича как из России, так и Италии, Великобритании, Канады и Украины. Модераторами круглого стола выступили Михаил Максимович Базлев и Алексей Викторович Юдин. В статье приводятся восстановленные и отредактированные по записи материалы, представленные участниками круглого стола. Их целью является попытка восстановить образ профессора Мусхелишвили, поставленные им задачи и те смыслы, что раскрывались вокруг него и благодаря ему.
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Smirnov was a reputed pedagogue, historian and philosopher of logic with a strong interest in the methodology of science. Smirnov, who served он the author's doctoral dissertation committee, and with whom he worked since 1981, is remembered principally as a teacher and historian and philosopher of logic. From the standpoint of the author Smirnov's fundamental contribution was the re-discovery and dissemination of the work of turn-of-the-century Kazan logician N. A. Vasil'ev, in particular of Vasil'ev's development of non-classical logic. Smirnov was also an original logician who worked in proof theory, especially applying to proof theory the insights which he gleaned from his study of Vasil'ev and which he in turn further developed as formal systems. ¶ The author writes about "Vladimir Aleksandrovich Smirnov, as I remember him". It was Smirnov who developed the author's interest in Vasil'iev's work in logic, and t...
Stephanos. Peer reviewed multilanguage scientific journal, 2017
Всеволод Некрасов о Козьме Пруткове и Алексее Константиновиче Толстом Аннотация: Работа представляет собой обзор высказываний поэта-концептуалиста Вс.Н. Некрасова о Козьме Пруткове, поэзии А.К. Толстого-одного из создателей маски Козьмы, об органичности связи лирического и «прутковского» начал в творчестве Толстого, о «прутковском» у некоторых современников Некрасова. Создание маски Пруткова Некрасов понимал как плодотворную попытку «обезвредить» потенциально опасные последствия русского литературоцентризма; то, что делали создатели Пруткова, провоцировавшие своих читателей, зрителей и коллег,-как нечто родственное современному искусству ситуации, собственно концептуализму. Некоторые из комментируемых текстов Некрасова публикуются в статье впервые и извлечены из материалов личного архива писателя (расшифровок устных выступлений, отчетов для Всероссийского театрального общества, черновых набросков и т. д.).
Stephanos. Peer reviewed multilanguage scientific journal, 2019
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