Exposures. Reflections on a Curatorial Strategy

2020, Exposure. Das Politische in Zeiten radikaler Ungewissheit


Where Everything Is Yet to Happen (WEIYTH) took place in 2009 and 2010 in the framework of Spaport Biennale in Banja Luka, Mostar and Sarajevo, and involved a series of exhibitions, workshops, discussions, and new artistic productions, divided into two chapters: "Can you speak of this?-Yes, I Can" (2009) and "Exposures" (2010). The project was curated by Ivana Bago and Antonia Majaca, founders of Delve | Institute for Duration, Location, and Variables, and its first edition, "Can you speak of this?-Yes, I Can" included a collaboration with a team of invited co-curators: