Polycrystalline Silicon PV Modules as Elements of Bipv Systems

2018, Contemporary Materials

In this paper, the basic information of BIPV systems and results of theoretical and experimental investigation of electrical energy generated by differently oriented PV modules as elements of BIPV systems in Banja Luka, are given. It was found that in the period from September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015, optimally oriented polycrystalline silicon PV module of 50Wp generated 61.32 kWh, horizontal module 52.37 kWh, vertical module oriented toward the South 38.72 kWh, vertical module oriented toward the East 25.74 kWh, and vertical module oriented toward the West 24.98 kWh of electrical energy. For theoretical investigation of electrical energy generated with differently oriented PV modules, the PVGIS-CMSAF software is used. The obtained results can be applied in designing residential, commercial and other buildings with BIPV systems in the Republic of Srpska where such investigations have not been not been performed earlier. Keywords: PV electricity generation, BIPV systems, PVGIS-CMS...