Khin Khin Mu (Research Based Ph.D Thesis) docx


DoA, for their kind guidance, encouragement, and administrative support throughout my study. I am sincerely thankful to my research work, U Khin Maung Win, Former DoA Manager; Magway Division, for his kind permission for collecting survey data for my study. I honestly my express heartfelt thanks and sincere appreciation to financially supported by Yuntianhua Scholarship Program and also Daw Khin Mar Soe and Daw Aye Aye Myint, farm managers of Aunglan Cotton Technology Farm, DoA and all farm staffs for their cooperative works, suggestions, valuable advice in my field work and for their infinite support for my field research. I would like to thank the farmers, the staff of village, township and district managers from Magway Division and all staffs from Aunglan area, Department of Agriculture for their great support for collecting cotton farmers during my field-survey days.