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2017, Vìsnik Odesʹkogo nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu
16 pages
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Викладено результати дослідження дернових опідзолених глейових ґрунтів Закарпатської низовини. Проаналізовано сучасний агрофізичний стан ґрунтів, зокрема, гранулометричний, мікроагрегатний, структурно-агрегатний склад, загальні фізичні властивості. Встановлено, що інтенсивне сільськогосподарське використання ґрунтів спричинило розвиток процесів фізичної деградації, яка проявляється у переущільнені ґрунтів та погіршенні загальних фізичних властивостей, формуванні брилистої структури. Запропоновано заходи оптимізації агрофізичного стану дернових ґрунтів.
Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography, 2019
On the basis of morphological and laboratory-analytical researches it is established that in the profile of sod-podzolic pseudogleyed soils of the Beskydy Precarpathians are formed ortsteins that have clear outer contours, concentric inner structure with alternation of rust-red circles. Two ranges for the formation of ortsteins in the investigation soils were established: in the overiluvial part of the profile and the transition to the rock horizon. Within the НЕgl horizon, the content of ortsteins is 2.8 %, and in the fractional composition, the fraction is from 2.1 to 3.0 mm (37.5 %). The highest content of ortsteins (7.7 %) is characteristic of the Ehgl horizon, within which the fraction from 7.1 to 10.0 mm (27.2 %) prevails. Within the Pigl horizon, large ortsteins of 1.0 to 5.0 cm in size are oval and tubular with a concentric inner structure, and their content is 17.6 %. Ortsteins in the sod-podzolic pseudogleyed soils were formed as a result of alternation of redox conditions...
Physical Geography and Geomorphology, 2020
The indicators of humus condition reflect not only the productivity of soils, but also the features of the genesis, intensity and direction of soil-forming processes. It was found that the brownish-podzolic soils of the Pregorganian Precarpathian region are characterized by a low content of humus (1 36-3.7%) within the NE gl horizon, and in the lower horizons its content decreases sharply. Profile distribution of humus is determined as regressive-accumulative type, which is typical for most soils with elluvial-illuvial type of profile. The content of humus in the silty fraction of the studied soils is 1.5-2.0 times higher in comparison with the fine soil, and within I (e) m gl of the horizon the accumulation of humus is established, which is due to the lessivage process. Brown-podzolic soils are characterized by fulvate type of humus (C ha: C fa = 0.2-0.5). The movement of fulvic acids within the profile, especially organo-mineral colloids, is caused by the lessivage process. Among ...
Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agro-chemistry and Ecology, 2017
Традиционни показатели, които се използват у нас за характеризиране на почвената структура, са морфологичното описание на формата на агрегатите, агрегатен състав и водоустойчивост на агрегатите. Този набор от характеристики отговаря на една от дефинициите за
AgroChemistry and Soil Science, 2019
The paper presents results obtained from a study on the characteristics of the soils prevalent in the area of Novi Silozi gravel extraction quarry complex, Sofia, Bulgaria. The plants growing on the soils studied have been described. The soil texture and some chemical properties of the soil have been studied. The percentage of silt was highest in the third layer and lowest in the second layer. Low percentage of clay and silt was found, which determine the low content of humus and TKN. Plant composition did not differ substantially from the one typical for the natural vegetation in the region.
Vìsnik Lʹvìvsʹkogo unìversitetu, 2023
an increase of the urease activity is caused by application of organic fertilizers. Despite slightly acidic reaction of the soil water extract from upper horizons of ploughed-up soils the catalase activity here decreases up to 2-2.5 times. This is caused by deterioration of hydric and aeration properties of soils due to their compaction. We noted manifold decrease in the С-СО 2 production, as well. The most optimal soil parameters were characteristic for the hay meadow plot despite being significantly affected by anthropogenic activities while the succession of 'arable lands → pasture → hay meadow' took a path. Similar moderate soil biotic activity was distinguished for the former pasture land plots. This indicates on the selfrestoration and self-regulation capacities of natural ecosystems in the region. We concluded that major indicators of soil biotic activity in the past arable lands are the urease activity, microbial biomass, and soil respiration. The catalase activity makes an additional value for soil degradation assessment of the post-agricultural land uses.
Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography
The “Systematics of Polish Soils” (SgP, 2011) is very close to WRB and “Soil Taxonomy”. The morphological characteristics of the soils, investigated in the field, rather than soil genesis are diagnostic criteria. The main provisions of the new “Systematics”, properties of soils of higher taxonomic levels have been reviewed. Some diagnostic horizons, which were not borrowed from other classifications, have been described. We tried to find equivalents in the Ukrainian classification for some soils names. The correlation of Poland soils and WRB has been analyzed. Key words: Systematics of Polish Soils, classification, order, soil type, diagnostic horizon, WRB.
AgroChemistry and Soil Science, 2020
The article tackles the impacts of anthropogenic load on the physical and hydrophysical soil properties. In order to better comprehend the processes of spontaneous sylvatisation in a mountain region (the Pohartsi boundary, Koziova village, the Skolivski Beskydy physiographic region) four study plots were selected representing the successional sequence: forest → pasture → hay meadow → arable lands. Land patches that were affected the least by anthropogenic load restored faster to their natural baseline conditions. Tilling appeared to retardate restoration processes, however those anyway took place. Proper functioning of arable land patches may be facilitated by continuous land care actions (i.e. ploughing or mowing).We found that soil bulking density in arable lands increased in upper soil horizons compared to forest ecosystems. Such an increase is caused by mechanical turning upper soil horizons up down and vice versa, for lower horizons. In pasture lands, upper soil horizons are tr...
Fundamental and Applied Soil Science, 2014
Disaster floods on the Carpathian rivers and surrounding areas as a result of radial and lateral erosion have predetermined to significant changes in geomorphological levels: the rivers bottom in some areas deepened to 100 cm or more, the coastline has shifted to 15–20 m, landslide processes first of all on the shores was invigorated. Due to the flooding in 2008 the soil and vegetation cover of the floodplains was completely destroyed, where the surface alluvial sediments and, often, the bedrock of the river valley went out. To prevent the river influence on the floodplain, the floodplain has become a terrace, so from this moment the alluvial soils have changed their place in the classification system. Pedogenesis in the river valley is certainly correlates with the specified geological and geomorphological processes, and therefore one question arises: in which taxonomic of soil classification the soil is, which now is located outside of floodplain, but the time that has passed from...
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Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography, 2017
Ukrainian chemistry journal, 2021
Materialy IX Vserossijskoj s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii "Prirodopol'zovanie i ohrana prirody: Ohrana pamjatnikov prirody, biologicheskogo i landshaftnogo raznoobrazija Tomskogo Priob'ja i drugih regionov Rossii"
Povolzhskiy Journal of Ecology, 2018
Agroecological journal
Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography, 2018
Oil and Gas Studies, 2019
Dagestan State Pedagogical University. Journal. Natural and Exact Sciences
in: Archaeological Research in Ukraine 2012, Institute of Archaeology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, pp. 173-4., 2013
Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agro-chemistry and Ecology, 2018
Dokuchaev Soil Bulletin, 2019
Agroecological journal, 2021
Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography, 2013
Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography, 2016
Sel'skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya, 2020
Bûlletenʹ Počvennogo instituta imeni V.V. Dokučaeva, 2018
Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Biologiya, 2018