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devolution of power and decentralization of decision-making and governance have become crucial worldwide due to the rise in government activities, population growth, and development needs. No doubt in Nigeria, the three tiered system of government has become inadequate due to population and increased government activities. The top-down development model preferred by the government in Nigeria have rather aided disjointed and total absence of development in rural communities. This gives rise for the need to study bottom-up development model that suit the African history of small autonomous nationalities to galvanized development. This paper, therefore, explore the roles(s} of various government, and nongovernment actors in the development governance of projects, and to what extant their involvement has impacted the success of local initiatives in Anambra state. The study is primarily a qualitative one and adopts explanatory research design. Data was generated from secondary sources. The secondary data was complemented with key informant interview (KII) while the secondary data were sourced from books, government publications and other relevant document. The bulk of data generated was analyzed through textual method of data analysis. Using the Public Choice theory, the study argues that the Project though a bottomtop developmental model could not achieve much community development due to combination of factors. These includes but not limited to lack of law to recognize communities as a tier or arm of government that should spelt out functions of the PGs and traditional leaders of the communities. The result further shows that the people were not substantially involved in the decision-making at the grass-root and that there were pervasive corruption and looting of common wealth by staketakers (stakeholders) of the communities and party members among others.
International Journal of Educational Research and Studies, 2019
Grass root development is a complex process and involves warm, gradual and considerate efforts. Community participation is a requisite to attaining this form of development. Democratic governance which could have encouraged community participation has hindered it in several measures based on how it is been practiced in Nigeria. The paper explores the perspectives of Modakeke-Ife community elites on threats to community participation in grass root governance and development. Qualitative data from 30 adult elites in the three wards of Modakeke revealed that the people of the community are sidelined in decisions affecting them. There is still suspicion of favouritsim in governments' approach to development of the community. In conclusion, to encourage better community participation there must be more representation of the people, trust and confidence in the government.
This study investigates public perception of corruption and its effects on the development of Nando and Aguleri community in Anambra East local government area of Anambra State Nigeria. The main aim has been to understand the local people's perception on the effects of corruption on community development and whether transparent governance can moderate the identified effects. Purposive sampling was used to sample participants from five categories of group in the community over their experience to the research topic. I utilized qualitative research strategy, using mainly semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions and participant observations to collect data for the study and NVivo software was used for data analysis. Kpakpin corruption model, freedom of information theory and decentralisation constituted the theoretical background for the study. Findings show that the public perceived corruption as a serious problem which must be stopped. The perceived corrupt practices in the community include, mismanagement and embezzlement of public funds, illegal payment and bribes, underpayment of workers, non-transparent leadership and favouritism. These practices have hindered the development of the community with severe consequences which incudes, poor infrastructural development, lack of basic amenities, poverty and unemployment. However, results also revealed that perception of transparent governance and improvement of socioeconomic factors could have a major impact to fortify anti-corruption practices. Good leadership, monitoring of community project funds, strengthening of anti-corrupt institutions and punishment for corrupt leaders among others were analysed to minimize corrupt practices and improve the socioeconomic conditions of the community.
A b s t r a c t evelopment at the Local Government Level globally is enhanced through the D freedom enjoyed by officials and citizens at the grassroots level. This independence to choose officials, design and implement policies at the level appears to be a major challenge of the Local Governments in Nigeria, thereby promoting a sense of pseudo democracy which has resulted in the complete neglect of the local government councils. This paper investigates the factors that have constituted the road blocks to democracy, good governance and development in Nigeria. The study used secondary sources of data collection and applied the method of content analysis. The paper used the elitist theory for its theoretical framework. At the end of the study, findings reveal among others, that local governments in majority of the States in Nigeria are under the stranglehold of governors or their agents, such as commissioners of Local government and chieftaincy affairs or under the Local Government Service Commission, the State independent electoral commission (SIEC) or the State joint local government account committees (SJLGA), making it impossible for the local governments to survive as the third tier of government. The paper recommended among others, that the scrapping of state independent electoral commissions nationwide will enhance democracy, promote good governance and development if the elections are conducted by the people in their own locality. This has the potentials of freeing resources that are tied up at the local level and could promote economic diversification with new opportunities for sustainable growth and development.
International Journal of Research in Business Studies ISSN: 2455-2992, Vol. 3 (1), June. 2018, 2018
The role of Governance in community development cannot be over emphasize, every meaning of community development suggests that the government, the stakeholders and the public in the community need to work together to identify and maintain the social development system for development of local communities. One reason for the participation of the individuals in Community development is the belief that government alone can neither develop nor improve the communities. The Government, stakeholders and individuals in communities must help either way to bring about development. This paper examines the intensity as well as degree in which Governance contribute to successful community development projects in Gombe Local Government Area, Gombe State, Nigeria. A total of 109 respondents were purposely selected with the aid of multi-stage sampling technique. Frequency counts, simple percentage, mean and standard deviation were utilized in realizing the main objectives of the study. It was observed that Governance with its six elements (Voice and accountability, violence-free and political stability, Government efficiency, Regulatory quality, respect for rule of law and corruption control) has a significant factor in the success of community development projects in Gombe local government. The study recommends amongst others, that Federal government needs to increase the local government funding in order to enable them carry out their functions effectively and that education should be given priority as there is no meaningful development without education. Keywords Governance, Local Governance, Community development, Community Participation, Poverty
University, 2018
The role of Governance in community development cannot be over emphasize, every meaning of community development suggests that the government, the stakeholders and the public in the community need to work together to identify and maintain the social development system for developing the local communities. One reason for the participation of the individuals in Community development is the belief that government alone can neither develop nor improve the communities. The Government, stakeholders and individuals in communities must help in one way or another to bring development. The study examines Governance and Community Development in Nigeria, with a view to assess the impact of the Gombe State Agency for Community and Social Development Project (CSDP) on Communities in terms of their project and programmes. A total of 291 respondents were selected through multi-stage sampling technique for the study. Frequency counts, simple percentage, mean and standard deviation were utilized in realizing the objectives of the study. It was observed that Governance has a significant factor in the success of community development projects in the study area. The study recommends amongst others, that government should formulate policies that can boost the level of public awareness, despite the fact that there is a unit called information, education, communication and training (IEC & T) under the operations department saddled with the responsibility of crating awareness, there is a need for such unit to be upgraded to a department in other be more proactive in enlightening and educating the general public on the benefits, role and function of the CSDP to all and sundry. The idea of 10% host community contribution to fund the MP’s should be abolished; as most communities are poor in nature and cannot afford to contribute to their chosen project if they had to pay 10% of it. Laws pertaining gender discrimination should be strengthen, moreover, the agency (GSACSD) should greatly sustain the idea of PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) approach as the best procedure for bottom-up method of decision making since it has yielded the desired result. Keywords: Governance, Community Development, Community Participation, Gender Inclusiveness, Capacity Building
This research was carried out assess the role played by local leaders in community development projects in Zuru Local Government Area of Kebbi State, Nigeria. A total of 90 respondents comprising of thirty (30) local leaders and sixty (60) non-leaders selected through stratified random sampling technique were used for the study. Data were collected using interview schedule in 2013. Percentage and mean scores were used to analyze the data collected. The results revealed that 40% of local leaders are within the range of 41 – 50 years, while 60% of non-local leaders fall within the age bracket of 20 – 30 years. The results also showed that majority (75%) of local leaders are male, while 66% of non-local leaders are female. The result further indicated 36.7% of local leaders had tertiary education, while 33.3% of non-local leaders had primary education. The findings also revealed that the major role played by local leaders in community development projects are arrangement of funds in the form of levies, donations to finance projects (=4.35), determination of feasible projects based on available resources (=4.33) and determination of feasible projects based on community needs and priorities (=4.23). However, the prominent activities engaged by local and non-local leaders in community development projects include; the actual implementation of community development projects, planning (designing) community development projects and in selling the idea of community development projects to other members of the community. Inadequate funding, poor implementation of projects and high cost of labour were the major constraints faced by local leaders in community development projects in the study area. It is therefore, imperative for communities, agricultural development programs, donor agencies, government and non-governmental organizations to seek the assistance and support of local leaders in the identification and delivery of viable community development projects in the study area.The identified constraints need integrated approach in providing solutions by all stakeholders in community development projects including extension workers, farmers, influential people in the community, government, non-governmental organizations, charity organizations, and the international donor agencies.
IDOSR Journal of Arts and Management Volume 8 No. 2, 2023
Nigeria. The study was guided by the following research objectives: to identify the level of community development in Gombe local government and also to establish if there was a significant relationship between governance and community development in Gombe local Government in Nigeria. This study adopted mixed approaches, combining qualitative and quantitative approaches and using descriptive survey for data collection. Data was collected using researcher‘s devised questionnaires. Pearson Linear Coefficient of Correlation (r) was used to establish the type of relationship existing between the level of governance and community development in Gombe local government in Nigeria. For Community development, the findings revealed a general average mean of 2.77, which was interpreted as satisfactory. There was a significant relationship between Governance and Community development (r=0.395, Sig=0.000), the null hypothesis is rejected. The researcher concluded that the role of government in community development is simply to work closely with other players in the community development system; working closely can improve speed and smoothness in administrative and regulatory tasks, probably at limited cost
This article provided insights into the grassroots' participation and democratic governance of Nigeria, with a focus on Osun State. The study adopted survey research design and utilized primary data obtained through the administration of questionnaires and conduct of in-depth interview. A proportional fraction of 382 respondents comprising executive members of political parties, traditional chiefs, community development associations, civil society organizations and semi-formal organizations were selected for the study. The data were analysed using descriptive analysis with the aid of SPSS. The study revealed that limited government accommodation and responsiveness, lack of access to information about government programmes, lack of trust in political office holders, and low awareness level of the people concerning their roles in governance are major factors responsible for low grassroot participation in the governance of the State. These factors, as revealed, have led to the reduction of the legitimacy and peoples' trust in the government of the State. Thus, more fora such as town hall meetings must be provided by the government and there should be a law for mandatory public hearing and consultation in the State.
The community have attracted a lot of discourse in terms of power, development, and social relations, to the extent that it now constitute sites of political engagement and contestation with contradictory meanings around which diverse economic and social cultural practices occur. The interplay of community power structure with the socio-political and economic institution and structures are what gives raise to development activities or otherwise. This paper examines the community power structure of Chikaji Community. The paper interrogates the existence of power structure, its nature, composition and overall bearing on development. The methodology use for the study is a survey design using focus group interview and questionnaire coupled with secondary data anchored on grounded theory. The findings indicate that rather than having the economic elites controlling and influencing power it is the cleric and community leaders that are the dominant power structure. The study recommends that for the dominant power structure to be able to contribute and participate more meaningfully to the development of the community there is the need for them to undertake some form of orientation on rural and community development and the youths should be giving more voice in the affairs of the community. Key Words: - Community, Development, Power Structure, Community Leaders.
Community Development, 2020
The recent establishment of community government as a distinct, but coordinating level of government in Nigeria came with the high expectation that it would facilitate adequate transfer of statutory powers, responsibilities, and finances to various communities for community-driven development. However, the underdevelopment situation of most of the communities seemingly appears to have dashed this expectation. Thus, this recent study investigated the development essence of community government as decentralized local governance with a view to unraveling factors responsible for perceived poor performance. Using mixed data and first-hand insights from multi-stakeholder forum premised on the theory of post-colonial state as our analytical framework, the study argued that community government grossly underperformed its development functions, arising from a lack of stakeholders’ supports and occasioned by state government interference in community government administration. The implication...
International Journal of Community Research , 2020
This study accessed the extent of community participation in development projects within the Ajumako-Enyan -Essiam District of Ghana. Development projects selected were water systems, market structures and KVIP's. The descriptive survey research design was adopted, using semi-structured interviews, a focus group discussion guide and observation checklist to gather data from 72 respondents in six selected communities within the district. The findings indicated that both Development Agencies and beneficiaries 'participated' in the development projects as a means to an end. The end to the Development Agents was to meet externally induced welfare targets and to the communities, the end being meeting immediate socio-economic deficiencies. Both choose a course of action that best suited their interest, as explained by the rational choice theory. It is recommended that the District Assembly should sensitize the communities on their roles as channels in the decentralization process, to encourage them to fully participate in the development process. On project sustainability, it is recommended that the communities take token fees from users of the facility handed over to them by the Development Agents. This will enable them to maintain the projects properly and hence sustain them.
The understanding of Nigeria governments that the institution of local government is a core factor in grass-root development, has led the country into embarking on local government reforms in such an extensive nature as were introduced in 1976. The 1976 local government reforms were aimed among others,at ensuring development at grass-roots level. The rural Nigeria has the largest number of citizens with not less than 75% of the country's total population living in the rural areas. It is the collective desire of this vast majority of the Nigerian population to access development irrespective of political, economic and social status. The local government is the most veritable agent of developing the rural areas. This is informed by the local government's proximity to the people at the grassroots level and its intimate knowledge of the needs, aspirations and preferences of the rural people, which it could bring to bear on the formulation of rural development policies and programmes to address the developmental needs of the people. Despite the vantage position of the local government for effective and efficient services delivery at the local level, it has failed to perform to expectations in grassroots development across the country. The dynamics of godfatherism and its negative consequences in the development process of Nigeria has long been a topical issue. Political godfatherism is one of the factors that embedded democratic setting in Nigeria since first republic.Altthough It gained more prominence in the fourth republic as it has helped many to ride into political power (Joseph, 1991) . This paper analysis the administration of local government and grassroot development, the place of political gladiator and godfatherism in the
International Journal of Social Science Research , 2020
This study accessed the extent of community participation in development projects within the Ajumako-Enyan-Essiam District of Ghana. Development projects selected were water systems, market structures and KVIP's. This was a descriptive survey research design which used semi-structured interviews, a focus group discussion guide and observation checklist to gather data from 72 respondents from six selected communities within the district. The findings indicated that both Development Agencies and beneficiaries 'participated' in the development projects as a means to an end. The end to the Development Agents was to meet externally induced welfare targets and to the communities, the end being meeting immediate socioeconomic deficiencies. Both choose a course of action that best suited their interest, as explained by the rational choice theory. Participation in the district is functional. It is recommended that the District Assembly should sensitize the communities on their roles as channels in the decentralization process to encourage them to fully participate in the development process. Additionally, development Agents empower the communities to make project sustainability a possibility.
European Scientific Journal, 2015
Development is a programme, deliberate, concerted and sustained to free people from poverty, illiteracy, and disease and bring them into modern life. But citizen participation is a significant and necessary component of any attempt of improving the planning process of Development in Nigeria. This paper therefore investigates various approaches geared towards development and also their short comings. Among other causal factors; non participation of citizenry in developmental programme, planning, project choice is in a rarity hence a bane to development programme.
International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology, 2020
We should move from bringing governments close to the people to bringing people close to government (Igboeli, 1992). Rather than imposing development projects on the community, its members should be allowed to participate right from planning and execution of projects. This is the bottom-up approach to development planning which this article is about. With scarce resources and the over increasing needs of the rural population where the majority of the people still live in Africa, we should not continue to plan for the people from the top or from the cities without their input. Community based development initiatives improve the match between what a community needs and what it obtains from development projects. Recently, the World Bank evaluation of projects indicated that those projects that have bottom up approach have succeeded and are rated satisfactory and sustainable (Olukotun,2017 and Stanley,2003). It is better to mobilize the society rather than leading it, because once the self-confidence in the people germinates, it will not take a long time for the flowers of development to blossom (Chirenje et al., 2013). Community participation in project development is about ordinary citizens assessing needs and participating in project planning and budgeting, implementation and monitoring. This improves public resource management and reduces corruption.Thus, making civil servants and political leaders accountable to the people. The exemption of weak and powerless citizens from decision making is one of the causes of poverty, most especially in Uganda because it denies them their rights and creates unequal power relationship. Many countries except some countries like Uganda have addressed this problem by introducing a number of mechanisms to enhance community participatory budgeting at local levels.
This paper examined the Role and Challenges of Local Government in Community Development in Nigeria. Local government since its creation in Nigeria has been and is still involved in the process of community development which ultimately translates increased standard of living among rural dwellers. Though there is glaring evidence of serious inadequacies in basic social services and amenities to the rural community, emphasis in this regard has been placed on mobilization for sustainable community development. Research and studies have shown that local government plays a variety of roles to meet-up with the challenges of community development. The paper is made up of Introduction; Conceptual Clarification; local government and Community Development; Approaches to Community Development, challenges to community development, Conclusion and Recommendations. It concluded that local governments have not been able to play their constitutional roles, let alone making attempts at rural development due in the main to the fact that they have been emasculated by other tiers of government. It suggested the Integrated Rural Development approach in view of its comprehensiveness for sustainable rural development. The paper strongly recommended autonomy for local governments. It further canvassed fiscal and political reforms as avenues for strengthening governance in the Nigerian local government system.
International Journal of Public Administration, 2019
The recent establishment of fourth-tier system as a distinct, but coordinating level of government in Imo State came with the expectation that it would facilitate community development. However, the underdevelopment situation of most communities dashed this expectation. Thus, this recent study adopted theory of postcolonial state as our analytical framework to interrogate the development utility of the fourth-tier system using mixed research methods for evidence gathering and analysis. The analysis revealed that the system grossly underperformed its development functions resulting from lack of stakeholders' supports, which should be the basis for determination and implementation of fourth-tier system in Imo State.
Article, 2023
Following Ghana's decentralisation policy, the District Assemblies, in consultation with communities, are required to prepare and implement Medium-Term Development Plans [MTDPs] to ensure the overall development of their respective jurisdictions. However, little consideration has been given to the participation of grassroots stakeholders in the development of MTDPs. Consequently, this study investigates the participation of grassroots stakeholders in developing MTDPs. A cross-sectional survey involving 139 respondents was deployed. The data were gathered using a questionnaire and an interview guide, and it was analyzed using descriptive statistics, Spearman's Rank Correlation, and thematic analysis. Results indicated that grassroots stakeholders were aware of their right to participate in the preparation of MTDPs. As such, they actively participated in the process that led to developing such plans addressing community needs. Additionally, awareness of MTDP, involvement, level of influence, satisfaction with the preparation of MTDPs, satisfaction with the quality of participation in the area council, level of confidence in the preparation of MTDP, representation adequacy, and capture of community needs had statistically significant associations at the 1% level with the associations being positive. Nonetheless, the implementation of MTDPs is jeopardised by limited funding, stakeholder commitment, and human capacity. To ensure the smooth implementation of the MTDPs, the Assembly must intensify its revenue mobilisation efforts, depoliticise the MTDP process, and build staff capacity on the involvement of the grassroots stakeholders.
International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Review, 2019
This paper examines the nature of community participation in rural development at the grassroots in Nigeria which is essentially the role of rural dwellers in the up-liftmen of their living conditions. Local government being the third tier of government is examined within the context of its constitutional roles and resources at its disposal to facilitate the much desired task of grassroots participation in rural development. The study employs the use of Content Analysis as a methodology and Participatory Theory is used as a theoretical framework of the study. The data for the study was generated from secondary sources. The paper reveals that top bottom approach, political deprivation, lack of enlightenment and awareness campaign and lack of proper educational empowerment constitutes the major challenges of community participation in rural development. It was concluded that the goals of the participation in rural development are not with that of government development plans. The pape...
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