Burkeian invention, from pentad to dialectic

1979, Rhetoric Society Quarterly


The rhetorical inventions of Kenneth.Burke can help'. writers la ew perspettiVes on,their topics and can-put new '1life into the pro ss of leArninglto,write..The pentad, Burke's instrument for ihterpreting actual .and potential motives, can help develop lines of thought that might never'occur without some such model. Other inventional systems such as etploring the limitt of agreement with the finding the complex in the simplei expanding the circumference,. and translation' affOrd opportunities to make writing an adventure in words and'ideas. The importance.oi Burke has two bases; he is the major: spokesperson in the United Statet in our century for a rhetoric grounded in dialectidand be .offers a way of getting :beyond our narrOw Concern "with linguittic style so ..that writing becomes action and a matter of interpreting' motives rather than being a linguittit process fbr-processimg informatiOn.,(T.1)