Recency negativity: Newer food crops are evaluated less favorably

2020, Appetite

Food crops produced by new technologies such as genetic engineering are widely opposed . Here, we examine one reason for this opposition: recency. More recently-developed crops are evaluated less favorably, whether they are produced by artificial selection (i.e., conventional breeding), natural or man-made irradiation, or genetic engineering. Negative effects of recency persist in a within-subjects design where people are able to explicitly compare crops developed at different times, and an internal meta-analysis shows that the negative effect of recency is robust across measures and stimuli. These results have implications for the evaluation of crops produced using new modification techniques, including the widespread opposition to genetic engineering. Recency Negativity: Newer Food Crops are Disliked More Humans have been altering the plant genome through artificial selection for roughly the past 10,000 years (Zohary, Hopf, & Weiss, 2012), but the past century has seen significant advances in crop production resulting from new modification techniques. These include more intense forms of human selection, including well-known technologies such as genetic engineering (GE), but also older, lesser-known technologies such as forced mutation through irradiation or chemical exposure NAS, 2016;. Scientists are also developing next-generation gene editing techniques such as CRISPR-Cas9, which will allow more precise changes to organisms' genomes . New crop production technologies have already shown significant benefits-such as herbicide and pest resistance-to agricultural producers in both developing and developed countries . However, future applications could particularly benefit people in the developing world by making staple crops more pest-resistant, drought-tolerant, or vitamin-rich (Tang,