Neoliberal Subjectivation: Between Foucault and Marx

2023, Critical Inquiry


s edited volume Foucault and Neoliberalism (2016) became the topic of a heated debate in the philosophical blogosphere for a while. The editors contend that Michel Foucault was "seduced" by neoliberalism; he facilitated its rise and betrayed the Marxist left. 1 The book's claims are arguable, textually ill-founded, and sensationalist, but the book is nevertheless symptomatic of the fractured and conflictual response in the academic left to the rise of neoliberalism. 2 The Marxist and the Foucauldian governmentality critiques have become the two main approaches in the critical analyses of neoliberalism, 3 and both of them have Critical Inquiry, volume 49, number 4, Summer 2023.