Green Finance : A Study with Respect to Modern India

2024, International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology


In the modern world the ever increasing adverse climate changes has been a great concern for the governments of the various countries of the world which has caused them and various other organisations to specifically concentrate on reducing the greenhouse gas emissions . Green Finance goes on to play an important role in promoting or financing those type of industries which are energy efficient and also has low carbon emissions which in turn can go on to develop the green economy of a country . Therefore Green Finance can be described as those type of financial activities or services which are created and implemented to ensure a better environmental surroundings by financing in those types of projects which deals with industrial pollution control , biodiversity protection , energy efficiency , renewable energy , etc , etc . In this paper we have tried to study the importance of introducing various green financing methods , techniques and mechanisms among various countries of the modern world with a reference to modern day India and the data needed for such research work has been basically collected through both primary and various other secondary methods of collections .