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Milliyetçilik Söylemi ve Medya / Nationalism Discourse and Media

Milliyetçilik Söylemi ve Medya / Nationalism Discourse and Media

Ataturk Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi, 2011
Elif  Küçük Durur
Ozet: Milliyetcilik olgusunun ortaya ciktigi gunden bu yana toplumlar uzerinde etkinligisurmektedir. Milliyetciligin modernlesme sureci sona erdiginde etkisini ve gecerliliginikaybedecegine dair beklentiler bosa cikmistir. Kuresellesmenin ulus/devlet olgusunuzorlamasina ragmen yerelligi on plana cikaran yapisi da yeni milliyetciliklerin gundemegelmesini saglamistir. Dolayisiyla, zamana, siyasi rejimlere ve toplumlara gore degisipdonusebilen milliyetcilik olgusunu bir soylemsel strateji olarak ele almak gerekmektedir.Gundelik hayatin rutinleri icine yerlesmis bu soylem, uluslardan olusan dunya sistemiicinde surekli yeniden uretilmektedir. Gundelik hayattaki medyada, dilsel pratikler ve millikimligi kuran temsiller vasitasiyla milliyetcilik soyleminin yeniden uretiminde onemlibir rol oynamaktadir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Milliyetcilik soylemi, medya Abstract: Effects of nationalism on societies maintains since it occurred. Expectationsthat the end of modernism would cause the end of nationalism did not come true.Although globalization has brought the nation state in the foreground its structure givingimportance to localization brought into sharp relief of new nationalizations. Consequently,it's necessary to discuss nationalism fact that changing and transforming in the scope oftime, politic regimes and societies, as a discourse strategy. This discourse, taking place inthe daily life routines, is repeatedly generated in the world system formed by nations. Inthe daily life, media have an important role in the re-production of nationalism discoursethrough the linguistic practices and presentations forming national identity.Key Words: Nationalism discourse, media

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