2024, Convergetics Research Center

This article explores Hermann Minkowski's groundbreaking 1908 lecture Space and Time, which introduced the concept of four-dimensional spacetime. Contrary to popular belief, Minkowski's Theory of the Absolute World proposed a multispace paradigm, suggesting that reality consists of multiple independent spacetimes. This theory challenges the conventional singular spacetime continuum and addresses fundamental questions in physics and cosmology, including wave-particle duality, the constancy of the speed of light, and quantum entanglement. The article examines the misinterpretation of Minkowski's theory by the scientific community and its implications for modern physics. Key concepts such as worldpoint, worldlines, and proper time are explained. Practical applications of the multispace paradigm, like electromagnetic travel, are also discussed. Minkowski's work provides new insights into unresolved issues and has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the universe. "While there exists an unanimous consensus on the mathematical significance of spacetime for theoretical physics, for a hundred years there has been no consensus on the nature of spacetime itself."-Vesselin Petkov[1] I dedicate this work to Hermann Minkowski, who discovered the Paradigm of Multispace Reality. I hope this contribution will help the world recognize his exceptional genius. License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Contents 7 References 9 Notes 9