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2010, Artificial Life and Robotics
A secure routing scheme for mobile wireless sensor networks such things as robots. For example, research into mobile WSNs are Robomote, 2 Emulab, 3 and ZebraNet. Challenges in mobile WSNs include deployment, localization, selforganization, navigation, coverage, and energy maintenance. One difference between static and mobile WSNs is routing, i.e., dynamic routing is used in a mobile WSN, unlike a static WSN which uses fi xed routing or fl ooding. The issue of security in WSNs must be addressed because WSNs may be deployed in potentially adverse or hostile environments. Adversaries can inject jamming, which may cause not only false alarms, but also depletion of the limited energy of sensor nodes. Frequency-hopping (FH) is a well-known spread-spectrum method of transmitting radio signals by rapidly changing the frequency channel using a predefi ned hopping sequence known to both transmitter and receiver. Although FH is resistant to jamming by external malicious nodes which have no knowledge of the sequence, it is of no effect against attacks by internal compromised nodes which know the sequence. Since the computation and storage constraints of low-end sensor nodes make complex cryptographybased mechanisms for creating the hopping sequence unfeasible, it is necessary to create the sequence simply and securely. In this article, we propose a secure scheme for creating a hopping sequence for mobile wireless sensor networks. The proposed scheme is based on the idea of statistical enroute fi ltering (SEF). In SEF, assuming that the same event can be detected by multiple nodes, forwarding nodes along the way to the base station can statistically detect false reports en-route. SEF has achieved the early detection of false data reports with low computation and communication overheads. We evaluated the performance of our scheme thorough simulations. The rest of the article is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we describe the frequency-hopping and the statistical enroute fi ltering in detail. Section 3 presents our secure scheme for creating the hopping sequence for mobile wireless sensor networks. In Sect. 4, we evaluate the performance of our scheme thorough simulations, and Sect. 5 concludes the paper.
A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a collection of thousands of tiny sensor nodes having the capability of wireless communication, limited computation and sensing. These networks are vulnerable to internal and external attacks due to the lack of tamper-resistant packaging and the insecure nature of wireless communication channels. Since most of the existing routing protocols are application specific and hence do not satisfy the security constraints of wireless sensor networks. Whenever any device comes within the frequency range can get the access to the transmitting data and may affect the transmission. In this paper, we simulated the concept of frequency hopping and proved it a better approach to provide security in WSN..
Wireless Sensor Networks is the new concept in the field of networks consists of small, large number of sensing nodes which is having the sensing, computational and transmission power. Due to the lack of tamper-resistant packaging and the insecure nature of wireless communication channels, these networks are vulnerable to internal and external attacks. Moreover, routing protocols are designed, taking the consideration of power consumption not security as a goal. As security plays an important role in the ability to deploy and retrieve trustworthy data from a wireless sensor network. The proper operations of many WSNs rely on the knowledge of routing algorithms. However, most existing routing algorithms developed for WSNs are vulnerable to attacks in hostile environments. Current routing protocols assume the networks to be benevolent and cannot cope with misbehaviour of nodes. The misbehaviour may be due to node being malicious to save the battery power. Whenever any device comes within the frequency range can get the access to the transmitting data and may affect the transmission. Thus, this work has significant importance, to build a highly secure system through frequency hopping.
Wireless networks are low-power actuator devices which are poised to turn out to be widely used in the commercial and military environments for the surveillance. Security problems for the wireless sensor networks have been exacerbated by the limited energy, power and the size of the sensor devices. In this research paper, the proposed work describes the design and implementation of the deployment of the sensor nodes, master node selection, and dissemination of the authenticated messages into the network to enhance the communication securely among them. Frequent updating of node information in the database that supports the secure communication under very limiting energy. In addition, it selects highly energetic shortest routes that have authenticated nodes for data transmission. Thus, the proposed work improves the performance of the sensor networks by exploiting multiple highly energetic shortest paths with authenticated routers.
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2020
With the emergence of new smart technologies, including the Internet of Things, wireless media are playing an important role to connect numerous devices to fulfill the requirements of newly developed communication systems. The massive connectivity, therefore, made the wireless spectrum too crowded and gave several challenges to resisting against potential wireless jammers. Note that, the two main challenges that have always been a part of any communication system, especially in the case of wireless communication, are information security and information jamming. Carefully considering the given challenges, this study uses a new advanced anti-jamming approach, a modulation technique based on the frequency-hopping spread spectrum, which has notably high resistance accounted against various potential jammers. The objective of this study is two-fold. First, the physical channel properties are considered, and the random bits are transmitted, employing a cryptographic secured hoping-spread...
B. Tech (CSE) Seminar Report, Semester VI, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIST, Odisha, India., 2013
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are rapidly emerging as an important new area in wireless and mobile computing research. Applications of WSNs are numerous and growing, and range from indoor deployment scenarios in the home and office to outdoor deployment scenarios in adversary’s territory in a tactical battleground (Akyildiz et al., 2002). For military environment, dispersal of WSNs into an adversary’s territory enables the detection and tracking of enemy soldiers and vehicles. For home/office environments, indoor sensor networks offer the ability to monitor the health of the elderly and to detect intruders via a wireless home security system. In each of these scenarios, lives and livelihoods may depend on the timeliness and correctness of the sensor data obtained from dispersed sensor nodes. As a result, such WSNs must be secured to prevent an intruder from obstructing the delivery of correct sensor data and from forging sensor data. To address the latter problem, end-to-end data integrity checksums and post-processing of sensor data can be used to identify forged sensor data (Estrin et al., 1999; Hu et al., 2003a; Ye et al., 2004).
The collections of large number of sensor nodes are called wireless sensor networks. It is one of the domineering technologies in near future and also poses the unique challenges for the researchers to related field. Sensor networks are tiny nodes with sensing, computation capability. The fault tolerance, high sensing fidelity, flexibility and rapid deployment are some of the characteristic of sensor network which make it exiting in the field of remote sensing. Though there is another side too. In a very large scale sensor network individual sensors are subject to security compromise. Attacker can overhear the messages sent by another sensor node due to broadcast nature of communication. With increasing requirement of WSN in the areas of military and other areas, the security threats also increases. However the open nature of the wireless communication channels, the lack of infrastructure, the fast deployment practices, and the hostile environments where they may be deployed, make them vulnerable to a wide range of security attacks. The key issues in WSN are security, energy consumption and proper communication .In this paper we surveyed all the possible security attacks and all the geographical routing protocols in WSN .Some possible security attacks in wireless sensor network are Sink hole attack, Sybil attack, selective forwarding attack, wormhole attack and hello flood attack. This paper presents a thorough review of all the routing protocols as well as all these attacks which are given above in WSN.
Wireless mesh network represent a solution to provide wireless connectivity. There are number of assaults on remote sensor systems like dark gap attack, sink gapa attack, Sybil attack, selective sending and so on. In this paper we will focus on particular sending assault. Particular Forwarding Attack is one among the numerous security dangers in remote sensor systems which can debase arrange execution. A foe on the transmission way specifically drop parcel. The enemy same time exchange the bundle, while in few events it drops the parcel. It is difficult to recognize this kind of assault since the bundle misfortune might be because of inconsistent remote correspondence. The proposed plan depends on trust estimation of every hub. Amid information transmission a hub chooses a downstream hub that has most astounding trust esteem, which is refreshed progressively in light of the quantity of bundles a hub has sent and dropped. We contrasted our plan and existing plan and found that the bundle misfortune in the proposed plan is a great deal not as much as the current plan. A. Introduction [1].WMNs are not built on a fixed infrastructure. Instead of this, hosts rely on each other to keep the connection. WMNs provide low-cost broadband internet access, wireless LAN coverage and network connection to fixed or mobile hosts for both network operators and users. The reason of preferring WMNs is easy, fast and deployment of the technology [2 A WMN comprises of work switches and work customers [3]. Work switches are settled. They have a remote foundation and work with alternate systems to give a multi-bounce web get to benefit for work customers. Then again, work customers can interface with system over both work switches and different customers. In these systems, because of substantial number of hubs, working through a few issues like security, adaptability and reasonability is required. In this manner, new uses of WMNs make mystery and security instruments are necessities [4].each sensor hub comprises of a radio transceiver for correspondence reason, smaller scale controller for preparing capacities, a sensor for detecting or observing and battery for giving vitality. A portion of the mainstream utilizations of sensor system are territory observing, condition monitoring(such as contamination checking), modern and machine wellbeing observing, squander water observing and military surveillance.[5].Security is vital for remote sensor systems sent in unfriendly situations. Giving security answers for these systems is difficult because of its characteristics, for example, modest in nature and limitations in assets. One of the assaults in WSN, is Selective Forwarding assault. Cao in this paper to proposed a scheme of secure data transmission which can forward the data safely, and detect the selective forwarding attack judge the trust value of each node to select a secure path for message forwarding and then use the watermark technology to detect the malicious nodes which are suspected to launch selective forwarding attack .When such an attack is detected, detection mode starts. The malicious node can be detected and addressed. Watermark technique is used to protect the data transmission safely. B. Chemas This paper is presented by B. Xiao, B. Yu and C. Gao [4proposed a multi jump affirmation plot for recognizing particular sending assaults. The between intervene hubs are in charge of recognizing the trouble making of the hubs. C. A Polynomial-Based Countermeasure to Selective Forwarding Attacks in Sensor Networks Xie Lei et al [14] have proposed a polynomial demonstrating based countermeasure against specific sending assault and a security plot utilizing excess information to endure the loss of basic occasion messages. The essential thought is to part the detecting
In this report, we propose a provably secure routing protocol for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) based on random walks using tabu lists. Many approaches have been developed in the literature to solve security problems of routing protocols for WSNs. But most of them are not resilient against attacks from compromised nodes because they only use cryptographic solutions. In our work, we design a new secure routing protocol to improve this resiliency using realistic assumptions such as asynchronous communication. We propose a probabilistic approach that allows us to save energy and to avoid malicious nodes with a detection system of safe paths using tabu lists, acknowledgments and trust counters. Our main result is that, even in presence of compromised nodes, our protocol ensures data confidentiality, integrity, authenticity and a high delivery rate.
Security in routing mechanisms of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has become a key aspect of the current research fields where various security issues due to vulnerable attacks in WSN drag the attention of many researchers. This study is intended to investigate some of the existing secure routing techniques for WSN and emphasizes on the existing efficient secure routing techniques. Inferrencing has been done to evaluate the performance efficiency, limitations and the advantages of the different types of existing secure routing techniques. This paper focuses on the state-of-art study of the existing surveys and presents technologies which are emphasized on designing robustness and computationally efficient techniques for secure routing in WSN. This paper also discusses some of the most important and significant findings as well as a brief illustration of research gap for various robust and computational efficient secure routing techniques in the area of WSN, in addition the description...
1Student, Dept. of Information Technology, AISSMS College of Engineering, Kennedy Road, Pune, India 2Student, Dept. of Information Technology, AISSMS College of Engineering, Kennedy Road, Pune, India 3Student, Dept. of Information Technology, AISSMS College of Engineering, Kennedy Road, Pune, India 4Student, Dept. of Information Technology, AISSMS College of Engineering, Kennedy Road, Pune, India 5Professor, Dept. of Information Technology, AISSMS College of Engineering, Kennedy Road, Pune, India
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Sciences and its Applications (ICCSA), Fukuaka, Japan, Springer LNCS Vol 6018, pp. 277-290, March 2010, 2010
Wireless sensor networking has been a subject of extensive research efforts in the recent years, and has been well recognized as a ubiquitous and general approach for some emerging applications such as a real-time traffic monitoring, ecosystem and battlefield surveillance. Since these networks deal with sensitive data, it is imperative that they are made secure against various types of attacks such as node capture, physical tampering, eavesdropping, denial of service etc. This paper presents a secure routing mechanism for wireless sensor networks. The protocol is resilient in the presence of malicious nodes that may launch selective packet dropping attack on the routing path. The scheme employs single-path routing, and therefore, it is energy-efficient. While the packets are forwarded towards the base station, if any node fails to forward a packet, it is isolated immediately. Packets are then routed around the node. Simulation conducted on the scheme clearly demonstrates that it is more efficient than some of the existing similar schemes.
WSNs are vulnerable to a wide range of security threats, and security is crucial in facilitating secure communication. The rapid growth of wireless communication and related fields has re-energized academia-industry collaboration to develop more secure and efficient routing strategies. Because WSN nodes have limited energy, they frequently die, resulting in pre-mature link outages, data loss, retransmission delays, and low battery. The existence of a malicious node in the network has a negative impact on network performance. Secure routing protocols, which can transfer packets using secure paths, are required to protect WSNs from security attacks and malware. Since security important in WSN, Various secure routing protocols are developed to improve packet transmission efficiency. Different schemes for providing security are Cryptography, Intrusion detection, and Secure routing. This paper aims to study various routing mechanisms that offer secure and robust packet transmission from source to destination. Finally, the paper contributes to discussing the difficulties in developing a routing protocol for WSNs that considers the interdependency of various network parameters.
Book Chapter in Sustainable Wireless Sensor Networks, Yen Kheng Tan (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-297-5, INTECH Publishers, Croatia, December 2010. Chapter 12, pp. 279 – 309. , 2010
In this chapter, we first identify different types of attacks which are possible on the network-layer of a WSN such as: (i) spoofed routing information, (ii) selective packet forwarding, (iii) sinkhole, (iv) Sybil, (v) wormhole, (vi) Hello flood, (vii) acknowledgment spoofing etc. These attacks are described in detail clearly explaining how these attacks are launched by an adversary. Then we present detailed discussion on the defense mechanisms for such attacks. Schemes like use of message authentication code (MAC), packet leashes, directional antenna-based defense, client puzzles are discussed. Secure broadcasting and multicasting techniques based on group key management protocols and directed diffusion-based mechanism are also presented. In addition, some of the well-known existing secure routing protocols for WSNs such as μTESLA, INSENS, SPINS, TRANS, and defense mechanisms against Sybil attack, blackhole and grayhole attacks are also discussed in detail.
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2013
Recently, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been deployed into a variety of applications including homeland security, military systems, and health care. Sensor nodes deployed in such networks are subject to several attacks such as sinkhole and select forwarding, wormhole, Hello flood, and replication attacks. Therefore, developing secure and energy-efficient routing protocols to protect WSNs against these attacks while efficiently utilizing the energy of the deployed nodes has become imperative. Several routing protocols have been proposed in the literature for WSNs. Most of these protocols assume static nodes and sinks to collect data from network fields. However, they may be highly movable, and recent advances show that mobile sensors in WSNs have a promising performance. Therefore, this paper surveys the state of the art on routing protocols related to WSNs and presents the security issues or problems associated with the current protocols as well as discusses the future trends...
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been a subject of extensive research and have undergone explosive growth in the last few years. WSNs utilize collaborative measures such as data gathering, aggregation, processing, and management of sensing activities for enhanced performance. In order to communicate with the sink nodes, nodes having low power and limited communication range may have to traverse multi-hop. This requires neighbors' nodes to be used as relays. However, if the relay nodes are compromised or malicious, they may leak confidential information to unauthorized nodes in the WSN. Moreover, in many WSN applications, the deployment of sensor nodes is carried out in an ad-hoc fashion without careful examination. In such networks it is desirable to ensure the source to sink privacy and maximize the lifetime of the network, by finding secure energy-efficient route discovery and forwarding mechanisms. Careful management is also required, as processing required for secure routing and communication is distributed over multiple nodes. An important consideration in this regard is energy-aware secure routing, which is significant in ensuring smooth operation of WSNs. As, these networks deal in sensitive data and are vulnerable to attack, it is important to make them secure against various types of threats. However, resource constraints could make the design, deployment and management of large WSNs a challenging proposition. The purpose of this paper is to highlight routing based security threats, provide a detailed assessment of existing solutions and present a Trust-based Energy Efficient Secure Routing Protocol (TEESR). The paper also highlights future research directions in of secure routing in multi-hop WSNs.
ABSTRACT In wireless sensor network there are various possible security threats encountered during data delivery, among the various possible threats like information security, node failure, etc. we are presenting this paper in order to conquer the ‘blackholes’ that are formed due to compromised-node (CN) and denial-of-service (DoS) by using some routing mechanisms approach. The existing multi-path routing approaches are vulnerable to such attacks, mainly due to their deterministic nature. Compromised-node and denial-of-service are two key attacks in Wireless sensor networks (WSNs). We have developed a structure that generates randomized routes. Under this design the routes taken by the “shares” of different packets change over time to time increasing the probability of randomness of paths to be selected for transferring the data. Hence, even though adversary or offender comes to know about the routing algorithm still it cannot pinpoint the routes in where each packet is roam randomly. Apart from randomness, the routes that are generated by these mechanisms are energy efficient as well as dispersive which ultimately make them capable of circumventing the blackholes at less energy cost. Extensive frameworks are conducted to verify the validity of our mechanisms.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2013
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have attracted intensive interest from both academia and industry due to their wide application in civil and military scenarios. Recently, there is a great interest related to routing process in WSNs. Security aspects in routing protocols have not been given enough attention, since most of the routing protocols in WSNs have not been designed with security requirements in mind. This paper surveys the current challenges of WSN. It will focus on the attempts of building an Artificial Intelligence (AI) based routing protocols in WSNs. This paper also identifies the WSN security trends and threats. The paper also addresses some examples of how to use artificial intelligence in the routing algorithms and shows the advantages and the drawbacks of each. A proposed framework also has been introduced. Finally, the future directions of WSNs have been declared.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2018
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), considered as one of the successfully distributed applications that are currently used to acquire knowledge and collect information from the wirelessly devices seamlessly. The distinctive architecture of WSNs contributed to deploy it in an extensive range of modern industrial applications such as surveillance, monitoring, predicted, and automated control systems which can help in bridging the divide between user requirements and technologies. Moreover, WSNs face several challenges such as Topology control, Robustness, Placement, Power consuming, Scalability, Reliability, Resource Utilization, QoS, Data availability and Security. The main objective of this paper can be classified into two parts; the first one is to illustrate WSNs architecture, applications, challenges, and recent research directions. The second one is highlighting on routing and security design issues, security threats, countermeasures against network layer attacks to achieve secure routing, as the efficiency of the communication process is mainly based on determining the best path between nodes. We also highlight the advantages and performance issues of each secure routing technique. At the end of this paper the possible future research areas are concluded.
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