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2016, Muzeológia a Kultúrne Dedičstvo
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Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, 2016, 4:1:127-135 Museology in Slovakia This paper examines the history of museology in Slovakia as a scientific discipline in general and a specialized university course of study in particular. We discuss the fundamental characteristics of the discipline, including the development of the current conception of museology as a university course and describe the fundamentals of the course as currently implemented in various institutes of tertiary education in Slovakia. In conclusion, we briefly survey the current state of the field in Slovakia, its potential and its possible future development.
ITlib.Informačné technológie a knižnice
Článok sa zameriava na problematiku evidencie obchodne nedostupných diel v správe Slovenskej národnej knižnice v zmysle novelizovaného Autorského zákona a európskej legislatívy. Výsledky medzinárodnej spolupráce zaraďujú Slovenskú republiku k lídrom v oblasti realizovaných štrukturálnych digitálnych projektov v rámci príspevku do portálu EUIPO. Metódy a skúsenosti Slovenskej národnej knižnice poskytujú neoceniteľné informácie pre budúcich používateľov a partnerov v oblasti aplikácie európskej smernice do Autorského zákona v jednotlivých štátoch Európskej únie.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Hrobové nálezy z doby rímskej v hornopotiskej oblasti v kontexte skupiny Leuna-Hassleben Burial findings of the Roman Period in the Upper Tisza region in context of the Leuna-Hassleben group.
Historicky Casopis, 2022
Konštantínove listy/Constantine's Letters, 2020
Methodius and Their Reflection in the Landscape of Slovakia. The formation of the Cyrillo-Methodian tradition in our history has an impact on the cultural landscape. The aim of the paper is a spatial identification of the cult of Sts. Cyril and Methodius as well as the study of its impact on the landscape of Slovakia. The first step is to identify tangible and intangible features, or, more precisely, cultural landscape elements. In Slovakia, we register in connection with Sts. Cyril and Methodius more than 120 sacral objects (churches, chapels, exterior sculptures). These, together with profane objects (schools, medical facilities) and intangible elements (e.g. street names, squares, organized events), are involved in the transformation of cultural, or, more precisely, religious landscape. The largest number of sacral objects arose after 1989, in the process of modern sacralisation of the landscape, which is typical of countries with renewed religious freedom.
Slovenske divadlo /The Slovak Theatre
The text analyzes the distribution of three Slovak films created in 2017 (Piata loď (Little Harbour), Špina (Filthy), Nina to Slovak cinemas. This year new Slovak films reached 1,414,132 cinemagoers, which is a 21.13% share of total cinema admissions. This is the highest annual number recorded since the establishment of the Slovak Republic (1993). The study looks for an answer to the question, Why do some Slovak films achieve higher admissions then others? It also seeks to point out the variability of the criteria to measure the success of a film with the audience.
World Literature Studies, 2021
Geografické informácie, 2016
The castles research has been traditionally solved by the specialist for historical sciences. But this issue could have much larger dimension opening wide space for any other scientists. According to postulate, that the castle could by considered as a landscape element, the geographers be able take part in the complex investigation of the castles. Geographical approach works with methods of collection, processing and evaluation of wide-spectrum databases about natural and cultural-historical environments of the castles transforming in space and time. This contribution attended to abiotic landscape elementbedrock and landforminfluenced geographical distribution of 272 castles identified in the area of the current Slovakia.
Životné prostredie, 2018
The scattered settlement landscape is a specific type of cultural landscape with a relatively low degree of transformation of the original natural landscape. Herein, we present reflections on the concept of cultural landscape in general and the specifics of a scattered settlement cultural landscape. Further, we use the example of the natural background and the cultural and political context of the Hrušov village to analyse the development of a cultural landscape with a large system of scattered settlements. Unlike most other scattered settlements inhabited by immigrants, the Hrušov scattered settlement was colonised by original local people. Analysis at this locality shows that they occur more frequently on less dissected plains despite their greater distance from the centre. The morphology of the terrain also determines the shape and character of the road network in these settlements, and their presence for long distances along roads influences the number and character of morpholog...
Prilozi Instituta Za Arheologiju U Zagrebu, 2007
Na veľkomoravských lokalitách nie sú neobvyklé prípady porušených telesných zvyškov zomrelých. Ich skeletový materiál býva pritom rozlomený či presunutý z anatomickej polohy alebo niektoré kosti v hrobovej jame chýbajú. Na osvetlenie jej príčin bol vytvorený materiálový súbor. Skladá sa z 253 hrobov a sídliskových objektov umiestnených na 61 lokalitách. Najbližšie interpretačné možnosti k porušovaniu tiel zomrelých pochádzajú z etnologických prameňov. Podľa nich boli popisované zákroky vykonávané u jedincov-revenantov, ktorí mohli po smrti rôznym spôsobom poškodzovať zdravie, úspešnosť v hospodárskej činnosti a ďalšie významné sféry života pozostalých. Dôvody k takýmto zákrokom mohli prameniť nielen z nedostatkov, ku ktorým došlo pri pohrebných obradoch, ale aj nesplnením záväzkov zomrelých či neobvyklým spôsobom úmrtia.
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17. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách. Sborník příspěvků. 17th International Colloquium on Regional sciences. Conference Proceedings., 2014
Slovenská literatúra
XIX. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách. Sborník příspěvků., 2016
Slavica Slovaca, 2021
Stredoeurópske pohľady, 2019
Geografické informácie, 2018
Slavica Slovaca, 2021
Procedia Engineering, 2016
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Geografický časopis, 2018
Konštantínove listy/Constantine's Letters, 2017
Geografické informácie, 2016
Musaica Archaeologica, 2020
Slovenská literatúra, 2024
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022