Two Beam Test Stand Experiments in the CTF3 Facility



The CLEX building in the CTF3 facility is the place where essential experiments are performed to validate the Two-Beam Acceleration scheme upon which the CLIC project relies. The Drive Beam enters the CLEX hall after being recombined in the Delay loop and the Combiner Ring in intense beam trains of 24 A -120 MeV lasting 140 ns and bunched at 12 GHz, although other beam parameters are also accessible. This beam is then decelerated in dedicated structures installed in the Test Beam Line (TBL) and in the Two-Beam Test Stand (TBTS) aimed at delivering bursts of 12 GHz RF power. In the TBTS this power is used to generate a high accelerating gradient of 100 MV/m in specially designed accelerating structures. To assess the performances of these structures a probe beam is used, produced by a second Linac. We report here various experiments conducted in the TBTS making use of the versatility of the probe beam and of dedicated diagnostics.