TORMENT OpenACC2016: A Benchmarking Tool for OpenACC Compilers

2017, 2017 25th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP)


OpenACC is a parallel programming model for hardware accelerators, such as GPUs or Xeon Phi, which has been in development for several years by now. During this time, different compilers have appeared, both commercial and open source, which are still on development stage. Due to the fact that both the OpenACC standard and its implementations are relatively recent, we propose a benchmark suite specifically designed to check the performance of the OpenACC features in the code generated by different compilers on different architectures. Our benchmark suite is named TORMENT OpenACC2016. Along with this tool we have developed an adequate metric for the comparison of performance among different machine-compiler pairs which we have named TORMENT ACC2016 Score. The version 1 of TORMENT OpenACC2016 presented in this paper, contains six benchmarks, and is available online.