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2017, Physical review
Physical Review D, 2016
We describe a big brake singularity in terms of a modified Chaplygin gas equation of state p = (γm − 1)ρ + αγmρ −n , accommodate this late-time event as an exotic quintessence model obtained from an energy-momentum tensor, and focus on the cosmological behavior of the exotic field, its kinetic energy and the potential energy. At the background level, the exotic field does not blow up whereas its kinetic energy and potential both grow without limit near the future singularity. We evaluate the classical stability of this background solution by examining the scalar perturbations of the metric along with the inclusion of entropy perturbation in the perturbed pressure. Within the Newtonian gauge, the gravitational field approaches a constant near the singularity plus additional regular terms. When the perturbed exotic field is associated with α > 0 the perturbed pressure and contrast density both diverge, whereas the perturbed exotic field and the divergence of the exotic field's velocity go to zero exponentially. When the perturbed exotic field is associated with α < 0 the contrast density always blows up, but the perturbed pressure can remain bounded. In addition, the perturbed exotic field and the divergence of the exotic field's velocity vanish near the big brake singularity. We also briefly look at the behavior of the intrinsic entropy perturbation near the singular event.
Astrophysics and Space Science, 2012
We review different dark energy cosmologies. In particular, we present the ΛCDM cosmology, Little Rip and Pseudo-Rip universes, the phantom and quintessence cosmologies with Type I, II, III and IV finite-time future singu-K. Bamba ( ) · S. Nojiri Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute for the Origin of Particles and the Universe, Astrophys Space Sci (2012) 342:155-228 z 0 dz /E(z ), where E(z) in Eq. (13) with Ω (0) K = 0. It follows from this relation, we find H (z) = {(d/dz)[d L (z)/(1 + z)]} −1 . Accordingly, for z < O(1), the cosmic expansion history can be obtained Author's personal copy Astrophys Space Sci (2012) 342:155-228 159
The European Physical Journal C, 2010
We study FRW cosmology for a non-linear modified F (R) Hořava-Lifshitz gravity which has a viable convenient counterpart. A unified description of early-time inflation and late-time acceleration is possible in this theory, but the cosmological dynamic details are generically different from the ones of the convenient viable F (R) model. Remarkably, for some specific choice of parameters they do coincide. The emergence of finite-time future singularities is investigated in detail. It is shown that these singularities can be cured by adding an extra, higher-derivative term, which turns out to be qualitatively different when compared with the corresponding one of the convenient F (R) theory.
EPJC, 2019
In this paper, applying the Hartman-Grobman theorem we carry out a qualitative late-time analysis of some unified dark energy-matter Friedmann cosmological models, where the two interact through linear energy exchanges, and the dark energy fluid obeys to the dynamical equation of state of Redlich-Kwong, Modified Berthelot, and Dieterici respectively. The identification of appropriate latetime attractors allows to restrict the range of validity of the free parameters of the models under investigation. In particular, we prove that the late-time attractors which support a negative deceleration parameter correspond to a de Sitter universe. We show that the strength of deviation from an ideal fluid for the dark energy does not influence the stability of the late-time attractors, as well as the values of all the cosmological parameters at equilibrium, but for the Hubble function (which represents the age of the universe). Our analysis also shows that a singularity in the effective equation of state parameter for the dark energy fluid is not possible within this class of models.
General Relativity and Gravitation, 2012
We investigate de Sitter solutions in non-local gravity as well as in non-local gravity with Lagrange constraint multiplier. We examine a condition to avoid a ghost and discuss a screening scenario for a cosmological constant in de Sitter solutions. Furthermore, we explicitly demonstrate that three types of the finite-time future singularities can occur in non-local gravity and explore their properties. In addition, we evaluate the effective equation of state for the universe and show that the late-time accelerating universe may be effectively the quintessence, cosmological constant or phantom-like phases. In particular, it is found that there is a case in which a crossing of the phantom divide from the non-phantom (quintessence) phase to the phantom one can be realized when a finite-time future singularity occurs. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the addition of an R 2 term can cure the finite-time future singularities in non-local gravity. It is also suggested that in the framework of non-local gravity, adding an R 2 term leads to possible unification of the early-time inflation with the late-time cosmic acceleration.
In this paper, we introduce the bulk viscosity in the formalism of modified gravity theory in which the gravitational action contains a general function f (R, T ), where R and T denote the curvature scalar and the trace of the energy-momentum tensor, respectively, within the framework of a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker model. As an equation of state for a prefect fluid, we take p = (γ − 1)ρ, where 0 ≤ γ ≤ 2 and a viscous term as a bulk viscosity due to the isotropic model, of the form ζ = ζ 0 + ζ 1 H , where ζ 0 and ζ 1 are constants, and H is the Hubble parameter. The exact non-singular solutions to the corresponding field equations are obtained with non-viscous and viscous fluids, respectively, by assuming a simplest particular model of the form of f (R, T ) = R + 2 f (T ), where f (T ) = αT (α is a constant). A big-rip singularity is also observed for γ < 0 at a finite value of cosmic time under certain constraints. We study all possible scenarios with the possible positive and negative ranges of α to analyze the expansion history of the universe. It is observed that the universe accelerates or exhibits a transition from a decelerated phase to an accelerated phase under certain constraints of ζ 0 and ζ 1 . We compare the viscous models with the non-viscous one through the graph plotted between the scale factor and cosmic time and find that the bulk viscosity plays a major role in the expansion of the universe. A similar graph is plotted for the deceleration parameter with non-viscous and viscous fluids and we find a transition from decelerated to accelerated phase with some form of bulk viscosity.
We explore the character of finite-time singularities that are possible to arise in FRW universes and in specific braneworld configurations. For FRW universes, we derive a first classification of singularities that is based on the behaviour of the Hubble rate. We further extend and complete this classification with the use of the Bel-Robinson energy. The braneworld models that we study consist of a three-brane embedded in a five-dimensional bulk space that is inhabited by a scalar field or a perfect fluid. Our analysis that is performed with the method of asymptotic splittings shows that these braneworlds can exhibit three main types of singularities that arise within finite distance from the brane.
The European Physical Journal C
We classify singularities in FRW cosmologies, which dynamics can be reduced to the dynamical system of the Newtonian type. This classification is performed in terms of the geometry of a potential function if it has poles. At the sewn singularity, which is of a finite scale factor type, the singularity in the past meets the singularity in the future. We show that such singularities appear in the Starobinsky model in f (R) =R + γR 2 in the Palatini formalism, when dynamics is determined by the corresponding piecewise-smooth dynamical system. As an effect we obtain a degenerate singularity. Analytical calculations are given for the cosmological model with matter and the cosmological constant. The dynamics of model is also studied using dynamical system methods. From the phase portraits we find generic evolutionary scenarios of the evolution of the universe. For this model, the best fit value of γ = 3γ H 2 0 is equal 9.70 × 10 −11. We consider a model in both Jordan and Einstein frames. We show that after transition to the Einstein frame we obtain both the form of the potential of the scalar field and the decaying Lambda term. Capozziello for encouraging us to consider this model in different frames. The work has been supported by the Polish National Science Centre (NCN), project DEC-2013/09/B/ ST2/03455.
The European Physical Journal C, 2018
The article is dedicated to one of the most undeservedly overlooked properties of the cosmological models: the behaviour at, near and due to a jump discontinuity. It is most interesting that while the usual considerations of the cosmological dynamics deals heavily in the singularities produced by the discontinuities of the second kind (a.k.a. the essential discontinuities) of one (or more) of the physical parameters, almost no research exists to date that would turn to their natural extension/counterpart: the singularities induced by the discontinuities of the first kind (a.k.a. the jump discontinuities). It is this oversight that this article aims to amend. In fact, it demonstrates that the inclusion of such singularities allows one to produce a number of very interesting scenarios of cosmological evolution. For example, it produces the cosmological models with a finite value of the equation of state parameter w = p/ρ even when both the energy density and the pressure diverge, while at the same time keeping the scale factor finite. Such a dynamics is shown to be possible only when the scale factor experiences a finite jump at some moment of time. Furthermore, if it is the first derivative of the scale factor that experiences a jump, then a whole new and different type of a sudden future singularity appears. Finally, jump discontinuities suffered by either a second or third derivatives of a scale factor lead to cosmological models experiencing a sudden dephantomizationor avoiding the phantomization altogether. This implies that theoretically there should not be any obstacles for extending the cosmological evolution beyond the corresponding singularities; therefore, such singularities can be considered a sort of a cosmological phase transition.
We perform the dynamical system analysis of a cosmological model in the energy-momentum squared gravity (EMSG) of the form f (Tµν T µν) = α ln(λTµν T µν), which is known as energymomentum log gravity (EMLG). In particular, we show that the analytical cosmological solution of EMLG presented by Akarsu et al. (Eur. Phys. J. C 79:846, 2019) is a future attractor. It includes new terms in the right-hand side of the Einstein field equations, which yield constant inertial mass density and provide a dynamical dark energy with a density passing below zero at large redshifts, accommodating a mechanism for screening Λ in the past, suggested for alleviating some cosmological tensions. We show that the model gives rise to an entire class of new stable late-time solutions with H → (Λ + 2α)/3 as a → ∞, where the new term is due to the constant effective inertial mass density that arises from EMLG contribution of dust, whereas H → Λ/3 as a → ∞ in the ΛCDM model. We also show existence of new interesting features and trajectories that are absent in the ΛCDM model.
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2005
We study the cosmological evolution based upon a $D$-dimensional action in low-energy effective string theory in the presence of second-order curvature corrections and a modulus scalar field (dilaton or compactification modulus). A barotropic perfect fluid coupled to the scalar field is also allowed. Phase space analysis and the stability of asymptotic solutions are performed for a number of models which include ($i$) fixed scalar field, ($ii$) linear dilaton in string frame, and ($iii$) logarithmic modulus in Einstein frame. We confront analytical solutions with observational constraints for deceleration parameter and show that Gauss-Bonnet gravity (with no matter fields) may not explain the current acceleration of the universe. We also study the future evolution of the universe using the GB parametrization and find that big rip singularities can be avoided even in the presence of a phantom fluid because of the balance between the fluid and curvature corrections. A non-minimal coupling between the fluid and the modulus field also opens up the interesting possibility to avoid big rip regardless of the details of the fluid equation of state.
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics
Dynamical behavior and future singularities of [Formula: see text] gravitational theory are investigated. This gravitational model is a more complete form of the [Formula: see text] gravity which can offer new dynamics for the universe. We investigate this gravitational theory for the case [Formula: see text] using the method of autonomous dynamical systems and by assuming an interaction between matter and dark energy. The fixed points are identified and the results are consistent with standard cosmology and show that for small [Formula: see text], the radiation-dominated era is an unstable fixed point of the theory and the universe will continue its procedure toward matter era which is a saddle point of the theory and allows the evolution to dark energy-dominated universe. Finally, the dark energy-dominated epoch is a stable fixed point and will be the late time attractor for the universe. We also consider future singularities for the two [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text]...
arXiv (Cornell University), 2021
In this paper, we have presented the big rip and pseudo rip cosmological models in an extended theory of gravity. The matter field is considered to be that of perfect fluid. The geometrical parameters are adjusted in such a manner that it matches the prescriptions given by cosmological observations, to be specific to the H0 range. The models favour phantom behaviour. The violation of strong energy conditions are shown in both the models, as it has become essential in an extended gravity. The representative values of the coupling parameter are significant on the evolution of the universe.
The European Physical Journal C, 2016
In this work we consider a family of cosmological models featuring future singularities. This type of cosmological evolution is typical of dark energy models with an equation of state violating some of the standard energy conditions (e.g. the null energy condition). Such a kind of behavior, widely studied in the literature, may arise in cosmologies with phantom fields, theories of modified gravity or models with interacting dark matter/dark energy. We briefly review the physical consequences of these cosmological evolution regarding geodesic completeness and the divergence of tidal forces in order to emphasize under which circumstances the singularities in some cosmological quantities correspond to actual singular spacetimes. We then introduce several phenomenological parameterizations of the Hubble expansion rate to model different singularities existing in the literature and use SN Ia, BAO and H (z) data to constrain how far in the future the singularity needs to be (under some reasonable assumptions on the behavior of the Hubble factor). We show that, for our family of parameterizations, the lower bound for the singularity time cannot be smaller than about 1.2 times the age of the universe, what roughly speaking means ∼2.8 Gyrs from the present time.
Along this review, we focus on the study of several properties of modified gravity theories, in particular on black-hole solutions and its comparison with those solutions in General Relativity, and on Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker metrics. The thermodynamical properties of fourth order gravity theories are also a subject of this investigation with special attention on local and global stability of paradigmatic f(R) models. In addition, we revise some attempts to extend the Cardy-Verlinde formula, including modified gravity, where a relation between entropy bounds is obtained. Moreover, a deep study on cosmological singularities, which appear as a real possibility for some kind of modified gravity theories, is performed, and the validity of the entropy bounds is studied.
Interest in cosmological singularities has remarkably grown in recent times, particularly on future singularities with the discovery of late-time acceleration of the universe and dark energy. While such explorations have previously been done in various modified gravity and quantum gravitationally inspired cosmologies (besides standard general relativistic cos-mology), no such an endeavour has been taken up till now in the realms of renormalization group approaches to cosmology and we have hence took up on this journey. In this work, we consider the formation of cosmological singularities in an asymptotically safe cosmology where the cut off scale is proportional to the Hubble parameter. We consider a well motivated inhomogeneous form of the equation of state(EOS) as well. We firstly delve into some basics of this cosmology and show that such a scenario permits a transition between phantom and quintessence forms of universal evolution. We then show that one can have Type I - Type IV sin...
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 2021
Cosmological models with an inhomogeneous viscous dark fluid, coupled with dark matter in the Friedmann–Robertson–Walker (FRW) flat universe, are considered. The influence of thermal effects caused by Hawking radiation on the visible horizon is studied, in connection with the classified Types I and III singularities which are known to occur within a finite amount of time. Allowance of thermal effects implies that a transition to a Type II singularity can take place, in a finite time. We take into account a bulk viscosity of the dark fluid, observing the equation of state in the case of radiation, and find that there is a qualitative change in the singular universe of Type I: it may pass into a singularity of Type III, or it may avoid the singularity at all.
The European Physical Journal C, 2010
We derive a formula for the entropy for a multicomponent coupled fluid, which under special conditions reduces to the Cardy-Verlinde form relating the entropy of a closed FRW universe to its energy together with its Casimir energy. The generalized fluid obeys an inhomogeneous equation of state. A viscous dark fluid is included, and also modified gravity is included in terms of its fluid representation. It is demonstrated how such an expression reduces to the standard Cardy-Verlinde formula corresponding to the 2d CFT entropy in some special cases. The dynamical entropy bound for a closed FRW universe with dark components is obtained. The universality of the dynamical entropy bound near a future singularity (of all known four types), as well as near the Big Bang singularity, is investigated. It is demonstrated that except from some special cases of Type II and Type IV singularities the dynamical entropy bound is violated near the singularity even if quantum effects are taken into account. The dynamical entropy bound seems to be universal for the case of a regular universe, including the asymptotic de Sitter universe.
The Eddington-inspired-Born-Infeld (EiBI) gravity, which is formulated within the Palatini formalism, is characterized by its ability to cure the big bang singularity in the very beginning of the Universe. We further analyze the EiBI phantom model, and investigate the possible avoidance or alleviation of other dark energy related singularities. We find that except for the big rip singularity and little rip event, most of the cosmological singularities of interest can be partially alleviated in this model. Furthermore, we generalize the EiBI theory by adding a pure trace term to the determinant of the action. This amendment is the most general rank-two tensor composed of up to first order of the Riemann curvature. We find that this model allows the occurrence of primitive bounces and some smoother singularities than that of big bang. Most interestingly, for certain parameter space, the big bang singularity can be followed naturally by an inflationary stage in a radiation dominated un...
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