Fragility Analysis of a Steel Building in Fire


Community resilience to extreme events is an issue of increasing concern in our interconnected and urbanized societies. This work provides a framework to evaluate the response of a community of buildin gs to fire following earthquake, a potentially highly destructive cascading multi-hazard event. In a prev ious part of the work, a model has been developed to pre dict the probability of ignition in a building due to an earthquake. Given an ignition in a building, the pr obability of the structure exceeding certain limit states must be evaluated in order to quantify the expected damage loss. Adopting an approach similar to that used in seismic engineering, fragility functions can be developed for structures subjected to fire. The methodology is described here for a prototype nine- story steel frame building. In developing the fragi lity functions, uncertainties in the fire model, the hea t transfer model and the thermo-mechanical response are considered. In addition several fire scena...