Telepresence and the Posthuman

Philosophy of Education


familiar from analyses of epistolary fiction, 3 and from debates and theory about speech and writing, presence and absence, from Plato to Derrida. New televisual communication, on the other hand, brings with it a different set of issues, involving representations of embodiment, speech, hearing, and vision, and resulting in a rather different interplay between immediacy and mediation. Together with virtual reality, audio/visual communication has been characterized as bringing mediated experience into a "post-symbolic" era, 4 delimiting horizons that include the (relative) immediacy of reciprocity and disjuncture of embodied self and other, of voice, hearing, and gaze. Microsoft's Skype, 5 Apple's FaceTime and Google's Hangouts boast that their users can be "in two places at once," that "conversa-