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2002, Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen
This paper introduces, by way of constructing, specific finite and infinite integral transforms with Bessel functions J ν and Y ν in their kernels. The infinite transform and its reciprocal look deceptively similar to the known Weber transform and its reciprocal, respectively, but fundamentally differ from them. The new transform enjoys an operational property that makes it useful for applications to some problems in differential equations with non-constant coefficients. The paper gives a characterization of the image of some spaces of square integrable functions with respect to some measure under the infinite and finite transforms.
Using a generalized form of confluent hypergeometric function [N.Virchenko: On a generalized confluent hypergeometric function and its generalizations. Fract. Calc.Appl. Anal. 9(2006), 101-108], we introduce some new integral transforms and obtain their inversion theorems. Parseval-Goldstein type relations are established. Classical integral transforms, such as Laplace, Stieltjes .Widder-Potential follow as special cases of general transforms considered here. Some examples are given.
New index transforms with Weber type kernels, consisting of products of Bessel functions of the first and second kind are investigated. Mapping properties and inversion formulas are established for these transforms in Lebesgue spaces. The results are applied to solve a boundary value problem on the wedge for a fourth order partial differential equation.
European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2018
In this paper, the generalization of integral transform (GIT) of the func-tion G{f (t)} is introduced for solving both differential and interodif-ferential equations. This transform generalizes the integral transformswhich use exponential functions as their kernels and the integral trans-form with polynomial function as a kernel. The generalized integraltransform converts the differential equation in us domain (the trans-formed variables) and reconvert the result by its inverse operator. Inparticular, if u = 1, then the generalized integral transform coincideswith the Laplace transform and this result can be written in anotherform as the polynomial integral transform.
Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 2018
New index transforms with Weber type kernels, consisting of products of Bessel functions of the first and second kind are investigated. Mapping properties and inversion formulas are established for these transforms in Lebesgue spaces. The results are applied to solve a boundary value problem on the wedge for a fourth order partial differential equation.
European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
In this paper we have extended Titchmarsh’s theorem for the Bessel type transform for function on half-line [0, ∞) in a weighted Lp− metric are studied with the use of Bessel type generalized translation
In this work a new integral transform, namely Sumudu transform was applied to solve linear ordinary differential equation with and without constant coefficients having convolution terms. In particular we apply Sumudu transform technique to solve Spring-Mass systems, Population Growth and financial problem.
Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 2010
In this paper, we generalize the concepts of a new integral transform, namely the Sumudu transform, to distributions and study some of their properties. Further, we also apply this transform to solve one-dimensional wave equation having a singularity at the initial conditions.
Integral transform method is widely used to solve the several differential equations with the initial values or boundary conditions which are represented by integral equations. With this purpose, the Sumudu transform was introduced as a new integral transform by Watugala to solve some ordinary differential equations in control engineering. Later, it was proved that Sumudu transform has very special and useful properties. In this paper we study this interesting integral transform and its efficiency in solving the linear ordinary differential equations with constant and nonconstant coefficients as well as system of differential equations.
Abstract. The familiar Beurling theorem (an uncertainty principle), which is known for the Fourier transform pairs, has recently been proved by the author for the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform. In this paper analogs of the Beurling theorem are established for certain index transforms with respect to a parameter of the modified Bessel functions. In particular, we treat the generalized Lebedev-Skalskaya transforms, the Lebedev type transforms involving products of the Macdonald functions of different arguments and an index transform with the Nicholson kernel function. We also find inversion formulas for the Lebedev-Skalskaya operators of an arbitrary index and the Nicholson kernel transform.
In this research paper, we discuss new class of integral transform whose kernel involved a product of exponential function and I-function of two variables defined by K. Shantha Kumari, Vasudevan Nambisan and A.K. Rathie [2]. In the last particular cases of two dimensional integral transform are also discussed.
Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics
Analysis Mathematica, 1997
An integral transform of generalized functions. II ANIL KUMAR MAHATO D(I) will denote the standard union space (see [7, pp. 32, 33]) of countably multinormed spaces DK (I) of all complex-valued smooth functions defined on I = (0, c¢), which vanish on those points of I that are not in a compact subset K of I, with seminorms defined by ~k(¢) = suplDkC(t)l, ¢ ~ DK(I), tEI k c¢ and with the topology generated by the countable multinorms {7 }k=0 assigned to the corresponding linear space with usual pointwise operations of addition and multiplication of functions. E(I) denotes the space of smooth functions on I. Its dual E'(I) is the space of distributions with compact support on I.
Sibirskie Elektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya, 2021
In this paper we apply the Integral Transforms Composition Method (ITCM) in order to derive compositions of integral transforms with Bessel functions in kernels, and obtain norm estimates and other properties of such composition transforms. Exactly, we consider transmutations which are compositions of classical Hankel and Y integral transforms. Norms estimates in L2 for these integral transforms with Bessel functions in kernels and their compositions are obtained. Also boundedness conditions for such transforms in weighted Lebesgue classes are proved. Classical integral transforms are used in this method as basic blocks. The ITCM and transmutations obtained by this method are applied to deriving connection formulas for solutions of singular dierential equations.
Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática, 2022
Objective of this study is to give a shape of general integral transform for studying its convergence in the general set-up, from which convergences of some well know integral transforms follow easily as well as these integral transforms appear as particular cases of the present integral transform; some more may appear as new but special cases of present transform which have been listed but not studied here.
In this study, we apply double integral transforms to solve partial differential equation namely double Laplace and Sumudu transforms, in particular the wave and poisson's equations were solved by double Sumudu transform and the same result can be obtained by double Laplace transform.
Gazi University Journal of Science
In this paper, Parseval-Goldstein type theorems involving the G ̃n-integral transform which is modified from G_2n-integral transform [7] and the -integral transform [8] are examined. Then, theorems in this paper are shown to yield a number of new identities involving several well-known integral transforms. Using these theorems and their corollaries, a number of interesting infinite integrals of elementary and special functions are presented. Generalizations of Riemann-Liouville and Weyl fractional integral operators are also defined. Some theorems relating generalized Laplace transform, generalized Widder Potential transform, generalized Hankel transform and generalized Bessel transform are obtained. Some illustrative examples are given as applications of these theorems and their results.
In this paper, the generalization of integral transform (GIT) of the function G{f(t)} is introduced for solving both the differential and interodifferential equations. This transform generalizes the integral transforms which use exponential functions as their kernels and the integral transform with polynomial function as a kernel. The generalized integral transform converts the differential equation into us domain (the transformed variables) and reconverts the result by its inverse operator. In particular, if u = 1, then the generalized integral transform coincides with the Laplace transform and this result can be written in another form as the polynomial integral transform. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 44B53, 44B54
Cornell University - arXiv, 2022
In this work, we introduce a new generalized integral transform involving many potentially known or new transforms as special cases. Basic properties of the new integral transform, that investigated in this work, include the existence theorem, the scaling property, elimination property a Parseval-type identity, and inversion formula. The relationships of the new transform with well-known transforms are characterized by integral identities. The new transform is applied to solve certain initial boundary value problems. Some illustrative examples are given. The results established in this work extend and generalize recently published results.
A new Weber-type integral transform and its inverse are defined for the representation of a function f(r,t), (r,t)∈[R,1]×[0,∞) that satisfies the Dirichlet and Robin-type boundary conditions f(R,t)=f1(t), f(1,t)−α∂f(r,t)∂r|r=1=f2(t), respectively. The orthogonality relations of the transform kernel are derived by using the properties of Bessel functions. The new Weber integral transform of some particular functions is determined. The integral transform defined in the present paper is a suitable tool for determining analytical solutions of transport problems with sliding phenomena that often occur in flows through micro channels, pipes or blood vessels. The heat conduction in an annular domain with Robin-type boundary conditions is studied. The subroutine “root(⋅)” of the Mathcad software is used to determine the positive roots of the transcendental equation involved in the definition of the new integral transform.
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