Forecasting the Future: The BRICs and the China Model

2011, International Strategic Organization (USAK) Journal of Turkish Weekly


Unlike US futurologists Herman Kahn and Anthony J. Wiener (1967) who thought that Asian countries couldn’t grow as fast as the US, Canada and the European countries, be they capitalist or communist, O’Neill believed that the time was ripe for China and India to enter a sustainably high growth cycle, and that Russia and Brazil could be lumped into the same category (2001)… Tellingly, China alone accounts for more than 70% of the combined GDP growth generated by the BRIC countries in the past 12 years: if there is a BRIC miracle it’s first and foremost a Chinese one. The Chinese way combining structured central planning and free market forces has emerged as a powerful role model emulated successfully by many emerging countries across the Asia-Pacific area and beyond.