Ladar-Acoustic Fused Sensor for Area Denial Application



Area Denial concepts, as applied to the next generation of scatterable mines (NGSM), are oriented to the philosophy of greatly reducing the cost and logistics burden of the current family of scatterable mines (FASCAM) while maintaining or improving their effectiveness. By extending the sensing radius of the mines and employing some level of warhead mobility, each mine can protect a larger surrounding area, thus reducing the number of mines required per minefield. ARDEC is currently investigating short range, low cost, ladar-acoustic hybrid sensors, which would be capable of detecting, classifying, tracking, and selecting the optimal firing path to vehicular targets at various ranges from the sensor. In this concept, the strengths and weaknesses of each sensing mode are designed to complement each other, resulting in improved performance of the integrated product. Design concepts will be described and emphasis will be placed on techniques to detect and track targets despite near ground obstacle and terrain features, which can block line of sight. Experimental results, as available at the time of this paper, will also be presented. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.