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2024, Heliopolis. Culture Civiltà Politica, XXII, 1
16 pages
1 file
The ancient Hebrew word Schibboleth is a tongue-twister that allows to recognise the stranger – the one who speaks a different language – by blocking his passage within the territory to which we belong. Starting from these suggestions, this paper proposes a symbolic hermeneutics of that schibboleth on which the paradoxical identity of Derrida was built. The Jew, the Arab, the Algerian, the Frenchman, the European, the Christian, the Islamic are plural allegiances that structure – and de-structure – the marrano Derrida, always placing his identity at the border, which thus becomes open to the event and the voices of the Others that constitutes him. The schibboleth reveals a pursuable itinerary to rethink twenty years after Derrida’s death his spiritual legacy: what is at stake, then, is the ethical and political challenge of the identity of Europe with its troubled borders, the future of its democratic promise. Far from any exclusive attachment to place and, at the same time, from a definitive uprooting, Derrida leaves us the task of new cosmopolitan identity which, in its plural crossing, learns to linger along the edges.
The thesis of this essay is that a jurist should read Derrida because deconstruction allows to take a step beyond the theory of law that still today believes that it must leave aside issues such justice or power, thus repeating obsessively that law is nothing but law founded on law. What is at stake, however, is a step beyond the law (and its theory) which is also a step beyond, pointing towards a different origin. Keywords: Deconstruction, Democracy, Force, Justice, Law
Articolo-recensione su "Strappare lungo i bordi" di Zerocalcare (Netflix, 2021). Pubblicato su Quaerere ( il 13/12/2021.
This text addresses the problem of the limit in Jacques Derrida's philosophy. It is to be interpreted from the point of view of the determination of a "rule" from which it is possible to interpret the sensible horizon of phenomena. The limit is the problematic determination within which the real is resolved. The fundamental question pertains to the fate of reality. To what does the history of Being refer? Where does the sensible determination of History lead? The finality of existence is investigated from the concept of "limit", understood as a useful discriminator to investigate the historical relevance of phenomena within Being, seeking to understand their cogency. The limit, investigated from its manifestation within the forms of the real, opens to a design determination of the world, giving meaning to the multiplicity of phenomena that are thus illuminated by the "light" of Being.
L'inconscio, 2025
This article focuses on the relationship between Jacques Derrida and cinema, starting with the analysis of three films featuring him.
La filosofia della decostruzione di Jacques Derrida fa entra il lettore in un vortice linguistico che porta alla luce i significati e i riferimenti segreti che si celavano nei concetti e nelle parole anche di più comune uso. Questa volta sarà il caso della parola resto. Vi sembra banale il suo significato? Non vi sembra talmente comune da non aver nulla di filosofico… preparatevi a rimanere a bocca aperta! Parlare dei “segreti” del resto non solo ci farà parlare di vacche sacre indiane e latte cotto, ma ci condurrà alla scoperta dell’essenza del rapporto maestro-discente…
“Bollettino Filosofico”, 33, 2018: Ripensare la Fenomenologia, con e oltre, 2018
From its very first steps, Derrida’s thought engages a close confrontation with Husserlian phenomenology in order to take distance from it. My thesis is that, in spite of a claimed “fidelity” to phenomenological method, Derridian thought of differance has as its own preferential critical target phenomenology itself, intended as thought of the living present, of presence and of evidence. Starting from this thesis, deconstruction may be read first of all as deconstruction of phenomenology. It shows the irreducible character of the “non-phenomenological,” which every phenomenology tries to conceal as its own limit, as testified by Derrida’s analysis of gift and secret. These belong to the thought of sur-vival, which reveals death – the non-phenomenological par excellence – in the heart of life.
Nelle pagine che presentiamo, tratte dal libro Tourner les mots. Au bord d'un film 1 , Derrida si produce in una fra le forme più originali della sua scrittura, cioè l'auto-commento di un'esperienza 'personale', in questo caso quella che lo vide coinvolto come attore-di-se-stesso nel film del 1999 di Safaa Fathy:
L'inconscio. Rivista Italiana di Filosofia e Psicoanalisi N. 18 -Vent'anni dopo. Derrida tra filosofia e psicoanalisi, 2025
The essay focuses on the affinity between deconstruction and psychoanalysis, as a critique of the uniformity of rationality and the attention to differences, starting from the reinterpretation of The Man Moses. The polemical discussion with Yerushalmi and his archival concept of psychoanalysis and Judaism allows Derrida a different approach: a double bind of psychoanalytic and Jewish topics brings out the radical alterity of both. It allows a reinterpretation of Moses, beyond political theology. The “friendship” with psychoanalysis allows deconstruction to rethink the political space as multiform and different, open to the other, to his coming and ready to meet the in-coming challenges.
Derrida e le arti, 2018
Il confronto con le arti e la letteratura è una costante nell'evoluzione del pensiero di Derrida. Mallarmé, Ponge, Artaud, Jabès, Joyce, Valéry, Adami sono alcuni dei protagonisti di un dialogo ininterrotto, che segna i passi fondamentali del cammino filosofico derridiano. In questo libro l'autore propone un commento critico dei saggi più significativi che Derrida ha dedicato alle arti e alla letteratura. Confrontarsi con questi testi, spesso oscuri ed enigmatici, significa accettare una sfida ermeneutica e cercare di "decifrare" gli innumerevoli significati nascosti tra le righe. Questo lavoro d'interpretazione produce un risultato duplice. Da una parte emerge chiaramente che, nonostante la diffidenza di Derrida nei confronti dell'estetica, l'incontro tra estetica e decostruzione è non solo possibile, ma anzi necessario. Dall'altra parte un'analisi approfondita dei testi consente di evidenziare i problemi e le difficoltà che sembrano caratterizzare l'approccio decostruzionista alle arti e ai testi letterari.
Articolo pubblicato sulla rivista Scenari di Mimesis
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“Riga”, 39, 2019
Quaderni di Scienza&Politica, 2020
Mimesis Scenari, 2022
G. Noberasco, F. Peruzzotti (éd.), Il segreto della libertà, 2021
In MICHELA ANDREATTA, FABRIZIO LELLI (A CURA DI), עִר חֶפְצִי־בָהּ ῾IR ḤEFṢI-VAH Studi di ebraistica e giudaistica in onore di Giuliano Tamani, 2021
Attraversare il margine Su smarginature e marginalità del presente, a cura di E. Porciani e F. Sielo, 2024
Horti Hesperidum, III, 2013, 1, pp. 55-83.