Eigen-Sinn, Herrschaft und kein Widerstand

2014, Dokupedia-Zeitgeschichte


Gemälde (Detail) des norwegischen Malers Aksel Waldemar Johannessen "Arbeiter", etwas 1915, Privatsammlung Oslo Wikimedia Commons (gemeinfrei) "Eigen-Sinn: denoting willfulness, spontaneous self-will, a kind of self-affirmation, an act of (re)appropriating alienated social relations on and off the shop floor by selfassertive prankishness, demarcating a space of one's own. There is a disjunction between formalized politics and the prankish, stylized, misanthropic distancing from all constraints or incentives present in the everyday politics of Eigen-Sinn. In standard parlance, the word has pejorative overtones, referring to ‚obstreperous, obstinate' behavior, usually of children. The ‚discompounding' of writing it as Eigen-Sinn stresses its root signification of ‚one's own sense, own meaning'. It is semantically linked to aneignen (appropriate, reappropriate, reclaim)." 1 Aus Anlass der 1995 erscheinenden englischen Übersetzung der von ihm 1989 herausgegebenen Aufsatzsammlung "Alltagsgeschichte. Zur Rekonstruktion historischer