Speeding up spatial approximation search in metric spaces

2009, ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics


Proximity searching consists of retrieving from a database those elements that are similar to a query object. The usual model for proximity searching is a metric space where the distance, which models the proximity, is expensive to compute. An index uses precomputed distances to speedup query processing. Among all the known indices, the baseline for performance for about 20 years has been AESA. This index uses an iterative procedure, where at each iteration it first chooses the next promising element (“pivot”) to compare to the query, and then it discards database elements that can be proved not relevant to the query using the pivot. The next pivot in AESA is chosen as the one minimizing the sum of lower bounds to the distance to the query proved by previous pivots. In this article, we introduce the new index iAESA , which establishes a new performance baseline for metric space searching. The difference with AESA is the method to select the next pivot. In iAESA, each candidate sorts...