On the polytope of non-additive measures

2008, Fuzzy Sets and Systems


In this paper we deal with the problem of studying the structure of the polytope of non-additive measures for finite referential sets. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for two extreme points of this polytope to be adjacent. We also show that it is possible to find out in polynomial time whether two vertices are adjacent. These results can be extended to the polytope given by the convex hull of monotone Boolean functions. We also give some results about the facets and edges of the polytope of non-additive measures; we prove that the diameter of the polytope is 3 for referentials of three elements or more. Finally, we show that the polytope is combinatorial and study the corresponding properties; more concretely, we show that the graph of non-additive measures is Hamilton connected if the cardinality of the referential set is not 2.