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2017, Canadian Journal of Physics
22 pages
1 file
A pulsed discharge light source to study the six and seven times ionized xenon spectra in the 419–4642 Å region was used. A set of 40 transitions of Xe VII and 25 transitions of Xe VIII were classified for the first time. We revised the values for the previously known energy levels and extended the analysis for Xe VII to 10 new energy levels belonging to 5s6d, 5s7s and 5s7p, 4d95s25p even and odd configurations, respectively. Seven new energy levels of the core excited configuration 4d95s5d of Xe VIII are presented. For the prediction of the atomic parameters, energy levels, and transition, relativistic Hartree–Fock calculations were used.
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2014
A capillary discharge tube was used to record the Xe spectrum in the 400-5500 Å region. A set of 243 lines of the Xe vi spectrum was observed, and 146 of them were classified for the first time. For all known lines, we calculated the weighted oscillator strengths (gf) and weighted transition probabilities (gA) using the configuration interaction in a relativistic Hartree-Fock approach. The energy matrix was calculated using energy parameters adjusted to fit the experimental energy levels. Core polarization effects were taken into account in our calculations. Experimental energy values and calculated lifetimes are also presented for a set of 88 levels. From these levels, 32 were classified for the first time and 33 had their values revised. Our analysis of the 5s5p5d and 5s5p6s configurations was extended in order to clarify discrepancies among previous works.
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 1999
The atomic-emission spectrum of four times ionized xenon (Xe V) has been observed in the region 500-6700 A; 233 lines were classified as transition between 5s5p3,5 s 25p5d, 5s25p6s with 5s25p2,5 s 25p6p and 5s25p4f configurations. Ninty-seven of these lines are reported for the first time. Two new energy level values corresponding to the 5s25p4f configuration have been determined, and we proposed two new values for the previously reported 3D j and 3G 5 energy levels of this configuration. The value of the 5s25p6p 'Sq energy level has also been determined, and we propose a new value for the previously reported 5s25p5d 3F4 energy level. New adjusted values for the previously known levels of the studied configurations are included. Least-squares fitted parametric calculations involving configuration interactions have been carried out to interpret the observed spectrum.
The Astrophysical Journal, 2017
The present work reports transition line parameters for Xe VIII, which are potentially important for astrophysics in view of recent observations of multiply ionized xenon in hot white dwarfs. The relativistic coupled-cluster method is employed here to calculate the E1, E2, and M 1 transition line parameters with high accuracy. The E1 oscillator strengths and probabilities of E2 and M 1 transitions are determined using theoretical amplitudes and experimental energy values. The calculated branching ratios and the lifetimes are supplemented to the transition parameters. Accurate presentation of these calculated data is crucial for density estimation in several stellar and inter-stellar media.
New results obtained in spontaneous xenon spectrum employing a conventional pulsed gaseous laser tube as light source, are presented in this work. A total of 626 spectral lines has been ionically assigned as follows: 50 to Xe 11 spectrum, 103 to Xe 111 spectrum, arid 222 to Xe IV spectrum. 30 Lines previously assigned to Xe II were reassigned as belonging to Xe 111, 94 lines were assigned with some doubts to Xe 11-111 spectrum. and 84 lines to Xe Ill-IV spectrum. Also there were classified 43 lines of Xe 11. RESUMEN Nuevos resultados obtenidos en el espectro del xenon espontaneo logrado mediante la utilizacion de un tuba de laser gaseoso pulsarlo convencional coma fuente de luz son presentados en este trabajo. Han sido estudiadas en total 626 I ineas espectrales las que fueron asignadas ionicamentP. de la sigu,ente manera: 50 al espectro del Xe II. 1"03 al de Xe Illy 222 al de Xe IV. 30 Lineas asignadas anteriormente al Xe II fueron reasignadas como pertP.necientes al Xe Ill. 94 Lineas fueron asignarlas con cierta duda al espectro del Xe 11-111 y 84 I ineas al de Xe 111-IV. Fueron clasificadas ademas 43 lineas del Xe II.
Journal of the Optical Society of America
The spectrum of Xe VIII has been observed in a theta-pinch discharge. New line identifications were made that determine the energies of the 6s, 7s, 6p, and 5f terms relative to the 5s 2 S ground state and confirm the previously known 5p and 5d terms. An independent system of levels derived from the observed Af-ng (n = 5,6) transitions was found. Its position relative to the ground state is obtained from a predicted value for the 5g effective quantum number n*. From the ns series in = 5-7) a value for the ionization enegy of 105.91 ± 0.05 eV was derived.
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2002
A capillary light source was used to observe the spectrum of eight times-ionized xenon, Xe IX, in the vacuum ultraviolet range, 270-1300 A. One hundred and nine transitions have been identiÿed as combinations between levels of the 4d 9 5d with 4d 9 5p and 4d 9 5f conÿguration. Seventeen levels have been determined that belong to the 4d 9 5d conÿguration, and 15 belong to the 4d 9 5f conÿguration. The energy parameters were obtained with Hartree-Fock relativistic calculations. Least-squares parametric calculation has been carried out to study the ÿt between experimental and theoretical values.
Physical Review A, 1991
The spectrum of triply ionized xenon {XeIv) has been observed in the region 570-6900 A. The configurations Ss 5p Sd and 5s 5p 6s have been studied and the energy levels reported for these configurations by Moore [(Atomic Energy Levels, Natl. Bur. Stand. Ref. Data Ser. , Natl. Bur. Stand. (U.S.) Circ. No. 467 (U.S. GPO, Washington, D.C. , 1971)] were revised and extended to include seven new levels. The configuration 5s5p was included in the analysis to take into account the strong interaction between this configuration and Ss'5p 5d. Configuration-interaction Rydberg series have been also included in the calculations. This investigation was supported by Hartree
Physical Review A, 2001
High-resolution spectroscopy of xenon is performed on four transitions from the 5p 6 1 S 0 ground state to the 5dЈ͓3/2͔ 1 , 8d͓1/2͔ 1 , 8d͓3/2͔ 1 , and 7sЈ͓1/2͔ 1 excited states ( jl-coupling notation͒ by means of 1VUV ϩ1UV photoionization spectroscopy. Spectra of all nine stable isotopes are resolved enabling the determination of the hyperfine splittings and isotope shifts. Magnetic dipole ͑for both 129 Xe and 131 Xe) and electric quadrupole ͑for 131 Xe) hyperfine splitting constants are derived for all four excited states. Mass and field shift contributions to the isotope shifts are separated using King plots relative to existing accurate isotope shift values. A high field shift factor, even for the transitions in which no s electron is involved, is deduced. From precise calibration of the transition frequencies an accurate value for the ionization energy of 136 Xe, E 3/2 136 ϭ97 833.805(11) cm Ϫ1 , is derived. In addition, values of the ionization energies for all other isotopes are determined.
Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 1997
Collision-based spectroscopy of a Xe qϩ (q ϭ 6, 7) beam with a target T (T ϭ Na, Ar) has been performed in the 35-800-nm wavelength region. Twenty-five new Xe VI lines and twenty-two new Xe VII lines were classified, twelve new energy levels of Xe VI and nine new energy levels of Xe VII were established, and one energy level of Xe VI was revised from the classified transitions. The analysis was supported by Hartree-Fock calculations.
Physica Scripta, 1988
The spectrum of doubly ionized xenon has been investigated. The study is based on photographic recordings of xenon spectra in the 490-8900 À range. The number o f classified lines has been increased from about 300 to about 1400. The lines have been classified as transitions between 73 even levels belonging to the 5s2 Sp4, S^Sp^ôp, 4/, 5 / and 5r°5/>6 configurations, and 83 odd levels belonging to the 5sSps, 5s15/r* 6s, 7s, 5d and 6d configurations. In particular, the classifications include most o f the Xe III laser lines. The experimentally observed level structures are compared with the results of Hartree-Fock calculations and least-squares fits. A comparison is also made between the results o f the present analysis and the published data on the Xe N 4 .OO Auger spectrum.
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