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2023, Zeszyty Naukowe - Politechnika Śląska. Organizacja i Zarządzanie
The aim of this article is to discuss the results of qualitative research concerning the inclusion of stakeholders in social dialogue conducted as part of the transition process of a mining region. The subject of social dialogue is the joint shaping of professional relations, working conditions, wages, social benefits as well as other matters of socioeconomic policy that are in the area of interest of various stakeholders. Dialogue plays a particularly important role in the transition process of a coal region and in the departure from traditional branches of industry. Design/methodology/approach: The qualitative study in the was carried out in 2022 and 2023 as part of the Regional Observatory of the Transformation Process project (ROPT). It composed of 8 focus group interviews and 5 individual in-depth interviews in eight subregions of the Silesian Voivodeship. Findings: Social dialogue is a mechanism for reconciling opposing interests in socioeconomic relations. This papers findings share information about the quality and course of this process as a crucial for the effective involvement of stakeholders. Originality/value: The new and the value of the paper is regarding social dialogue efficiency to prepare people for the changes that arise from the transition process.
Moravian Geographical Reports
Despite the promises that the just transition will bring more democracy and prosperity, there are legitimate fears that, in some regions, the pre-existing inequalities will be reinforced rather than rectified. Questioning how community resilience can be stimulated prior to and during coal mining closures, this paper focuses on Jiu Valley, a coal mining region in Romania. Using empirical and action research methodologies, this case study underlines the importance of considering the level of agency and different agendas of stakeholders regarding both the vision of their common future and the timeline for implementation. The article stresses shortcomings in implementing a just transition, including the issue of governance and mistrust towards local and national authorities, difficulties in orchestrating individual agendas to launch a collective action for the future of the region and, not least, poor information and delays of the mine closures. Concerning the hypotheses about awareness...
Consilience: journal of sustainable development, 2010
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to formally acknowledge the many people who shared their time, resources and talents with us over the last six months. First, we wish to thank Professor Eugenia cGill and our advisor Dr. Scott Martin, for their direction and endless support and M encouragement throughout the course of this project. We are grateful to the Economic and Political Development concentration at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs, the Earth Institute at Columbia niversity and alumni J.P. Leous and Neal Parry for the financial support that helped make U this project a reality. In Brazil, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Dr. João Paulo Cândia Veiga, Felipe Saboya and Dudu Amarildo Bolito, our invaluable partners in this project and ithout whom this report would not have been possible. Our warmest thanks also go to w Raimunda Rodrigues, who provided vital services in the field. We would also like to thank all of those who particip...
This article, which deals with civilizational challenges of Upper Silesian mining communities at the end of the 20th century, consists of five complementary parts. In Part I, we present a diagnosis of economic and social situation of this catastrophic and scansen-type region of Poland and Europe. Part II deals with the history of mining local communities, from the early years of this branch of industry (which are given documentary evidence) to the end of the Second World War. In Part III, we reconstruct the changes within these communities in the time of real socialism (1945-1989). In the next part, we suggest necessary and radical changes in ,UPPer Silesian mining and associated social structure. The last part of an article is an attempt to describe a regional social agreement called the Regional Contract. The Document was prepared in the Katowice voivodship in 1995 by numerous economic institutions, political parties, trade unions, social and cultural organisations. Its main purpo...
Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization and Management Series
On the basis of their own research, the authors of the article undertook to determine the factors determining future social and economic development and to develop recommendations for strengthening active economic, social and labour market policies in mining municipalities and districts in Poland-in the perspective of the "European Green Deal" plan and "Just Transition" Design/methodology: the results presented in the article were obtained on the basis of the implementation of questionnaire research, expert interviews, literature review, critical literature analysis, documentation analysis, statistical descriptive analysis. Findings: As a result of the analyses and surveys carried out, the article presents an extensive set of conclusions, the most important of which are those relating to social. The presented attempt of the prospective approach to the phenomena and processes which may result from the transformation of the hard coal mining in Poland is aimed at better understanding of the role which may be fulfilled in the future by the local self-government in the area of which the operating or disused mines and mining enterprises are located. Secondly which are related to the perspective of the hard coal mining transformation process, first of all showed terms the scale of challenges faced by mining municipalities. The indicated processes are nowadays dominated by the challenge of creating new ecological solutions of high quality both in the sphere of their social acceptance in the utilitarian dimension. It is a process that allows for a better understanding of the role of local government in the transformation process, which will probably take up, in a fragmentary way, economic, social and environmental challenges resulting from the contemporary development of economy based on knowledge and determined by the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Originality: the findings and recommendations of the study may become relevant for practitioners and researchers dealing with climate change mitigation, strategy implementation, cross-sectoral partnerships and sustainable development of transformed areas.
Europa XXI
This article deals with the analysis of Hungary’s still-existing coal region (Northern Hungary), including the future of coal mining and energy production. Within the interpretive tradition of social research, we approached the problem and explored the role and significance of the Mátra Power Plant in the country and the coal region. The results show that there has been widespread involvement in the field of coal removal, Just Transition and that it is important for decision-makers and energy policy stakeholders in the country and the region to have a say. It also helps to shape discourses and bring out alternative views.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
IISD contributes to sustainable development by advancing policy recommendations on international trade and investment, economic policy, climate change and energy, measurement and assessment, and natural resources management, and the enabling role of communication technologies in these areas. We report on international negotiations and disseminate knowledge gained through collaborative projects, resulting in more rigorous research, capacity building in developing countries, better networks spanning the North and the South, and better global connections between researchers, practitioners, citizens and policy-makers. IISD's vision is better living for all-sustainably; its mission is to champion innovation, enabling societies to live sustainably. IISD is registered as a charitable organization in Canada and has 501(c)(3) status in the United States. IISD receives core operating support from the Government of Canada, provided through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and Environment Canada; and from the Province of Manitoba. The Institute receives project funding from numerous governments inside and outside Canada, United Nations agencies, foundations and the private sector.
World Bank Group, 2024
With climate change causing loss and damage, disrupting nature, and affecting the lives of billions of people, the world has accepted that it cannot achieve carbon dioxide reduction goals without phasing out coal. This paper argues that addressing the broader social dimensions of coal transitions is crucial for success and offers benefits and opportunities for the millions of people affected. It outlines existing literature about anticipated impacts of the transition not just on workers but on people and communities more broadly, such as loss of employment, increased household costs, reduced public investment, mobility and outmigration, mental health, social and cultural identity, and conflict. It also considers the social co-benefits of coal transitions, such as reduced risks to livelihoods, new job opportunities, improvements in health and wellbeing, and social empowerment. Finally, it cautions that the uneven distribution of transition benefits and burdens can exacerbate pre-existing inequalities and systemic marginalization, reproducing the energy sector’s legacy of social exclusion and injustice (Johnson et al. 2020), underlining that social sustainability, alongside economic and environmental sustainability, is vital for advancing a just transition away from coal. The paper offers a framework of upstream interventions to help governments and other actors facilitate inclusive planning, decision-making, and transition management.
A Review of the Consultation and Participation of Indigenous Peoples within the International Mining Sector, 2002
The North-South Institute is a charitable corporation established in 1976 to provide professional, policyrelevant research on relations between industrialized and developing countries. The Institute is independent and cooperates with a wide range of Canadian and international organizations working in related activities. The contents of this study represent the views and the findings of the authors alone and not necessarily those of The North-South Institute's directors, sponsors or supporters or those consulted during its preparation.
Social Science Research Network, 2004
Mineral Economics, 2016
Mining is a global business with international networks of production and consumption, but mineral deposits are place specific and the impacts of mining projects are mostly experienced locally. Hence, mining is an example of a glocal phenomenon par excellence: global processes are realized in local communities and environments. This paper discusses the social impacts of mining in eight communities situated in Northern Europe. The data consist of 85 semi-structured interviews conducted in 2013 and 2014. Using a qualitative approach and starting from the bottom-up, the analyses identified three impact frames that combined individual experiences and meanings expressed in the interviews. The first impact frame focuses on environmental justice. Environmental impacts are corporeal, cognitive, and emotional, as they affect the real life of people living in the vicinity of the mine. The main finding is that environmental Bbads^are experienced locally in the North, whereas the economic Bgoods^go to mining companies and consumers in the BSouth.^The second impact frame looks at the loss of livelihoods and the cultural way of life. Mining is seen as a threat, especially to reindeer herding and nature-based practices. In the areas where mining is a new industry, the activity is seen as antithetical to those small-scale activities of a local economy. The third impact frame centers on experiences and concerns about the dependency of a community on a single industry. When the fortunes of local communities are dependent on international business and the fluctuations of global markets, the residents feel that they have no power to influence the developments and can thus only adapt.
A major project is being undertaken in the Bowen Basin coal mining region of Queensland, Australia, to assess how economic and social impacts of mining should be assessed and negotiated with regional communities. Coal mining has a major impact on regional communities in generating regional incomes and employment. At the same time, the industry is reliant on communities for the supply of labour and business services. While the mining industry and communities have common interests, often it is difficult for them to work together. The focus of this paper is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of traditional social and economic impact assessment tools, to identify a range of other mechanisms that are appropriate for engagement purposes; and to outline the potential use of some of these approaches. These include predictive mechanisms such as input-output analysis, assessment mechanisms such as choice modelling and experimental workshops, and engagement mechanisms such as extended stakeholder analysis.
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement)
South Africa has recently experienced an increase in unrest within urban and rural communities, despite attempts from both government and business levels to engage communities through community engagement (CE) forums. This has had a negative impact on the operations of businesses in the mining industry in South Africa. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore CE challenges in the South African mining sector, to understand the dynamics and factors affecting the peaceful equilibrium between the relevant stakeholder groups using CE best practices. The study used qualitative research methods where semi-structured interviews, as well as focus group discussion, was conducted among different stakeholders who were selected purposefully. Data were thematically analysed using the Atlasti software programme. The following themes were identified: Anglo social way, CE approaches, CE structures, guiding policies, terms of references and municipality framework. It was recommended that c...
Journal of Cleaner Production
Highlights Examine key drivers of social acceptance of mining in Australian regional areas Community members' experiences of dialogue are integral in predicting relationship quality and procedural fairness Relationship quality and procedural fairness predicted trust which drove acceptance Indirect effect of dialogue on acceptance indicates the importance of engagement strategies in mining
International Journal of Social Science Research, 2017
Social dialogue is one of the forms of participation of employees in matters referring to the field of labor or on matters of mutual interest for economic and social policy. Employees in the process of the social dialogue are represented through their union. Social dialogue is a form of communication involving social partners (unions and employers/ employer bodies) intended to affect the contracts and the development of labor issues. This context includes issues relating to participation in various types of negotiations, consultations, exchange of information between representatives of governments, employers and employees on issues of common interest and related to the economic and social policy. Social dialogue is also one of the forms through which employees can participate in decision-making, information and operations of the companies. The main aim of this paper is to clarify the social dialogue as one of the forms of participation of employees in decision making and managing wi...
Mining projects have become a point of focus due to social economic opportunities they can offer to local communities. Poverty in the vicinity of wealth is a source of insecurity and is a sign of immoral way of doing business. Benefit sharing and environmental protection bring project acceptance and hope to economic transformation of local communities. Corporate Social Responsibility is not obligatory but is a good way of doing business. Community Development Agreements protect mining companies from delivering goods and services that would have been the responsibility of government. These agreements should be a product of Free Prior Informed Consent so that a lasting Social Contract with the community is obtained. The paper highlights also a consultative process that should be undertaken in order to have community participation and acceptance to mining projects.
Some rights reserved This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank with external contributions. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of The World Bank, its Board of Executive Directors, or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Nothing herein shall constitute or be considered to be a limitation upon or waiver of the privileges and immunities of The World Bank, all of which are specifically reserved.
The energy transition currently taking place in the mining regions of the European Union poses many challenges that need to be addressed with a view to 2030 and 2050, of which the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is the key one. Initial results of the research project entitled “Models of a transition to a climate-neutral, circular economy for mining regions under transformation process”, which is developed in parallel with the transition of mining town Brzeszcze, are presented. The challenges, in the context of energy transition, for both the EU and local governments were identified on the basis of EU policies and the experience of the project team from the cooperation with the commune of Brzeszcze. A “research by design” method was used to develop model solutions. In the context of local challenges, there was a discussion of the Green Deal objectives and “greenery” as a tool for transformation and achieving well-being. It was concluded that a comparison of the tangible (mining...
A case study analysis of the introduction of a new system for appraising worker performance in an Australian coal mine is used to explore the related concepts of identity and culture that are central to explaining individual and group behaviour in organizational context (Irrmann, 2002: 164). The change initiative was initiated by management following a search and evaluation of the general business environment to see what other organizations were doing to improve their operations. There was no prior consultation with employees, nor were any attempts made to involve mine workers before implementing what management described as a more ‘scientific’ and ‘transparent’ system of employee performance management. As it turned out, this change disrupted operations, introduced new procedures that were scorned and fiercely resisted by miners, and served to increase levels of discontent and hostility among employees. One of the major threats that this new initiative posed for employees centred o...
Russia's program for restructuring its coal sector affects a wide range of interest groups who have a stake in the sector. As part of the preparation of a Coal Sector Adjustment Loan (SECAL) and an Implementation Assistance Project, the Government of the Russian Federation and the World Bank supported the preparation of this Social Assessment. The assessment was a joint effort between Bank staff and Russian social scientists who systematically listened to the views of the people: the miners, their families and communities. The views of a broad range of other interest groups were also solicited and are reflected in this study. The Social Assessment had an important impact both on the substance and process of World Bank assistance. With regard to substance, the Social Assessment helped reorient the thinking of the Bank, and, we believe, of the Government, towards more relevant and transparent institutional mechanisms to cushion the impact of the restructuring on miners and affected communities. The work also helped foster a broad consensus on the need for a permanent mechanism of social monitoring and stakeholder participation in the restructuring of the coal sector. With regard to process, the Social Assessment allowed both the Govermment and the Bank to develop a credible basis for discussing what beneficiaries did and did not feel was important to improving their lives. That the Russian coal restructuring program now places an emphasis on funding social assets divested from the coal industry is, in great part, due to the Social Assessment's findings. This Social Assessment is one of the first to be associated with a policy based loan to be funded by the World Bank. It has been an important instrument in allowing attention to be given to social factors essential to the long term success of the reform agenda. In light of the broad interest in the social impact assessment of sector restructuring in general and of the special interest of coal restructuring in transition economies, this report is being published for distribution to the general public.
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