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2024, European physical journal. C, Particles and fields
We characterize quantum correlations encoded in a three-flavor oscillating neutrino system by using both plane-wave and wave-packet approach. By means of the Complete Complementarity Relations (CCR) we study the trade-off of predictability, local coherence and non-local correlations in terms of the relevant parameters, chosen from recent neutrino experiments. Although the CCR describe very well the contributions associated to bipartite correlations, an attempt of promoting these relations to include the genuine tri-partite contributions in the pure-state case leads to a not completely meaningful result. However, we provide an analysis of the genuine tripartite contributions both for the pure instance and for the mixed case, independently of CCR.
The European Physical Journal C
We analyze quantum correlations and quantum coherence in neutrino oscillations. To this end, we exploit complete complementarity relations (CCR) that fully characterize the interplay between different correlations encoded in a quantum system both for pure and mixed states. We consider the CCR for neutrino oscillations both in the case of plane-waves (pure state) and of wave packets (mixed state). In this last case we find a complex structure of correlations depending on the mixing angle, and we show the connection with the non local advantage of quantum coherence, a relevant quantifier of coherence.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2023
We exploit complete complementarity relations to characterize quantum correlations encoded in a three-flavor oscillating neutrino system. In particular, we analyze the contributions associated to the twoflavor subsystems, each of which exhibits a particular internal structure. We focus on the behavior of the correlations at large distances, both for an initial electron and muon neutrino state. Our analysis is based on the wave packet approach in which the neutrino is represented by a mixed state: consequently, the bipartite correlations are described by the Quantum Discord. In the last few years, elementary particles as neutrinos have been investigated in the context of quantum information [1]-[20]. The property of neutrinos to interact very weakly and to deeply penetrate into matter makes these particles interesting candidates for applications of quantum information beyond photons. In fact, classical communication using a neutrino beam was demonstrated in [21]. The characterization of quantum correlations in such systems is therefore important for the development of algorithms and protocols that can harness not only quantum entanglement but also other resources, such as Quantum Discord (QD) [22] and coherence [23]. The quantum nature of neutrino oscillations has been studied in terms of entanglement [1]-[4], Bell and Leggett-Garg inequalities [5]-[11] and various aspects of quantum coherence such as steering [12, 13], coherence and mixedness [14], and Non-local Advantage of Quantum Coherence [15]-[18]. They have also been considered in the context of entropic uncertainty relations [19, 20].
EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2015
The phenomenon of neutrino mixing and oscillations has a deep quantum nature, which can be conveniently described in a quantum information language. This allows for an efficient investigation of the quantum correlations involved in this phenomenon and their possible use as quantum resources. Furthemore, complete complementarity relations provide a full characterization of such correlations.
Proceedings of 7th Symposium on Prospects in the Physics of Discrete Symmetries, DISCRETE 2020-2021 — PoS(DISCRETE2020-2021), 2022
We investigate quantum correlations in the context of neutrino oscillations, with specific reference to Daya-Bay and MINOS experiments. We compute the non-local advantage of quantum coherence-a valuable quantum resource-for the two experiments, within the wave-packet approach. We find that this kind of non-local correlation may persist at long distances, when oscillations are washed out, depending on the value of the mixing angle.
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, 2020
We investigate and quantify various measures of bipartite and tripartite entanglement in the context of two and three flavor neutrino oscillations. The bipartite entanglement is analogous to the entanglement swapping resulting from a beam splitter in quantum optics. For the three neutrino systems various measures of tripartite entanglement are explored. The significant result is that a monogamy inequality in terms of negativity leads to a residual entanglement, implying true tripartite entanglement in the three neutrino system. This leads us to an analogy of the three neutrino state with a generalized class of W-state in quantum optics.
The European Physical Journal C
Quantum correlations provide a fertile testing ground for investigating fundamental aspects of quantum physics in various systems, especially in the case of relativistic (elementary) particle systems as neutrinos. In a recent paper, Ming et al. (Eur Phys J C 80:275, 2020), in connection with results of Daya-Bay and MINOS experiments, have studied the quantumness in neutrino oscillations in the framework of plane-wave approximation. We extend their treatment by adopting the wave packet approach that accounts for effects due to localization and decoherence. This leads to a better agreement with experimental results, in particular for the case of MINOS experiment.
EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2009
Flavor oscillations in elementary particle physics are related to multi-mode entanglement of single-particle states. We show that mode entanglement can be expressed in terms of flavor transition probabilities, and therefore that single-particle entangled states acquire a precise operational characterization in the context of particle mixing. We treat in detail the physically relevant cases of two-and three-flavor neutrino oscillations, including the effective measure of CP violation. We discuss experimental schemes for the transfer of the quantum information encoded in single-neutrino states to spatially delocalized two-flavor charged lepton states, thus showing, at least in principle, that single-particle entangled states of neutrino mixing are legitimate physical resources for quantum information tasks.
Proceedings of Corfu Summer Institute 2022 "School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity" — PoS(CORFU2022)
We analyze complete complementarity relations, which characterize the interplay between different correlations encoded in a quantum system, for oscillating neutrinos. We also provide a short review of the main results obtained so far about quantum correlations in neutrino oscillations.
Copyright © 2014 M. Blasone et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The publication of this article was funded by SCOAP3. Tools of quantum information theory can be exploited to provide a convenient description of the phenomena of particle mixing and flavor oscillations in terms of entanglement, a fundamental quantum resource. We extend such a picture to the domain of quantum field theory where, due to the nontrivial nature of flavor neutrino states, the presence of antiparticles provides additional contributions to flavor entanglement. We use a suitable entanglement measure, the concurrence, that allows extracting the two-mode (flavor) entanglement from the full multimode, multiparticle flavor neutrino states. 1.
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 2013
Neutrino oscillations can be equivalently described in terms of (dynamical) entanglement of neutrino flavor modes. We review previous results derived in the context of quantum mechanics and extend them to the quantum field theory framework, were a rich structure of quantum correlations appears.
Advances in High Energy Physics, 2014
Tools of quantum information theory can be exploited to provide a convenient description of the phenomena of particle mixing and flavor oscillations in terms of entanglement, a fundamental quantum resource. We extend such a picture to the domain of quantum field theory where, due to the nontrivial nature of flavor neutrino states, the presence of antiparticles provides additional contributions to flavor entanglement. We use a suitable entanglement measure, the concurrence, that allows extracting the two-mode (flavor) entanglement from the full multimode, multiparticle flavor neutrino states.
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 2007
The definition and derivation of flavor neutrino states in the framework of standard Quantum Field Theory is reviewed, clarifying some subtle points. It is shown that a flavor neutrino state that describes a neutrino produced or detected in a charged-current weak interaction process depends on the process under consideration and is appropriate for the description of neutrino oscillations as well as for the calculation of neutrino production or detection rates. Hence, we have a consistent framework for the description of neutrino oscillations and interactions in neutrino oscillation experiments. The standard flavor neutrino states are obtained as approximations which describe neutrinos in experiments that are not sensitive to the dependence of neutrino interactions on the neutrino mass differences. It is also shown that the oscillation probability can be derived either through the usual light-ray time = distance approximation or through an average of the space-time dependent oscillation probability over the unobserved propagation time.
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, 2020
Effects of physics beyond the standard model in the neutrino sector are conveniently incorporated through non-standard interaction parameters. Assuming new physics in the form of dimension-6 vector operators, a recent global analysis of neutrino oscillation data including results from COHERENT experiment suggests two favorable new physics scenarios. These are LMA-Light (with normal mass ordering) and LMA-Dark (with inverted mass ordering) sectors of parameters. In this work, we study the effects of these new physics solutions on Leggett-Garg-type (LGtI) inequality which quantifies temporal correlations in the system along with flavor entropy and genuine tripartite entanglement which can be considered as measures of spatial correlations. We show that the violation of LGtI for neutrino energy range between 3-4 GeV in the DUNE experimental set-up can not only be an indication of presence of new physics but such a new physics is expected to be in the form of LMA-Dark sector with inverte...
The European Physical Journal C
Effects of physics beyond the standard model in the neutrino sector are conveniently incorporated through non-standard interaction parameters. Assuming new physics in the form of dimension-6 vector operators, a recent global analysis of neutrino oscillation data including results from COHERENT experiment suggests two favourable new physics scenarios. These are LMA-Light (with normal mass ordering) and LMA-Dark (with inverted mass ordering) sectors of parameters. In this work, we study the effects of new physics solutions on Leggett–Garg-type (LGtI) inequality which quantifies temporal correlations in the system along with flavour entropy and genuine tripartite entanglement which can be considered as measures of spatial correlations. We show that the violation of LGtI for $$\nu _{\mu }$$ ν μ energy around 3 GeV in the DUNE experimental set-up can not only be an indication of presence of new physics but such a new physics is expected to be in the form of LMA-Dark sector with inverted ...
EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2014
The phenomena of particle mixing and flavor oscillations in elementary-particle physics can be addressed from the point of view of quantum information theory, and described in terms of multi-mode entanglement of single-particle states. In this paper we show that such a description can be extended to the domain of quantum field theory, where we uncover a fine structure of quantum correlations associated with multi-mode, multi-particle entanglement. By means of an entanglement measure based on the linear entropies associated with all the possible bipartitions, we analyze the entanglement in the states of flavor neutrinos and antineutrinos. Remarkably, we show that the entanglement is connected with experimentally measurable quantities, i.e. the variances of the lepton numbers and charges.
Foundations of Physics Letters, 2004
General arguments in favor of the necessity of a wave packet description of neutrino oscillations are presented, drawing from analogies with other wave phenomena. We present a wave packet description of neutrino oscillations in stationary beams using the density matrix formalism. Recent claims of the necessity of an equal energy of different massive neutrinos are refuted.
The European Physical Journal C, 2018
Many facets of nonclassicality are probed in the context of three flavour neutrino oscillations including matter effects and CP violation. The analysis is carried out for parameters relevant to two ongoing experiments NOνA and T2K, and also for the upcoming experiment DUNE. The various quantum correlations turn out to be sensitive to the mass-hierarchy problem in neutrinos. This sensitivity is found to be more prominent in DUNE experiment as compared to NOνA and T2K experiments. This can be attributed to the large baseline and high energy of the DUNE experiment. Further, we find that to probe these correlations, the neutrino (antineutrino) beam should be preferred if the sign of mass square difference ∆31 turns out to be positive (negative).
Using the wave-packet approach to neutrino oscillations, we analyze quantum-memory-assisted entropic uncertainty relations and show that uncertainty and the non-local advantage of quantum coherence are anti-correlated. Furthermore, we explore the hierarchy among three different definitions of NAQC, those based on l 1-norm, relative entropy and skew information coherence measures, and we find that the coherence content detected by the l 1-norm-based NAQC overcomes the other two. The connection between QMA-EUR and NAQC could provide a better understanding of the physical meaning of the results so far obtained and suggest their extension to quantum field theory.
Physical Review D, 1998
The temporal and spatial coherence widths of the microscopic process by which a neutrino is detected are incorporated in the quantum mechanical wave packet treatment of neutrino oscillations, confirming the observation of Kiers, Nussinov and Weiss that an accurate measurement of the energies of the particles participating in the detection process can increase the coherence length. However, the wave packet treatment presented here shows that the coherence length has an upper bound, determined by the neutrino energy and the mass-squared difference, beyond which the coherence of the oscillation process is lost.
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