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2024, Architectus…
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The article presents the entire creative activity of Julian Lisiecki, a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University of Karlsruhe, committed to the protection and restoration of national heritage, a member of the Society for the Protection of Monuments of the Past [Towarzystwo Opieki nad Zabytkami Przeszłości], and an architect involved in the design of state construction investments of the Second Polish Republic. The text is based on archival material, the architect’s diaries made available to the author, and a careful study of professional journals from the period of Julian Lisiecki’s professional activity. Due to the scope of the text, emphasis was placed on presenting all aspects of the architect’s activity – from design and conservation projects, through journalistic activity, to involvement in professional associations, participation in competitions and service in the Ministry of Public Works and Military Affairs, omitting a detailed analysis of individual works.
Architektúra & urbanizmus, 2021
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
The work of prof. arch. Stefan Kuryłowicz (1949-2011) marked a new chapter in the history of Polish architecture. His activity concurred with a profound socioeconomic change that took place after the overthrow of the communist regime. For Polish architecture, this situation was a deeply pioneering one, as it brought the need of developing new types of buildings and a necessity to develop a different standard of architectural services. Design activities of prof. Stefan Kuryłowicz were combined with didactic and scientific work at the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology. The result of his academic involvement were publications containing texts referring to: the theory of architecture, principles of practicing the profession and analysis of the change of public spaces. The paper shows architectural works of prof. Kuryłowicz and his theoretical description of the discipline on the background of the time in which both, building design and theory, were created and formulated by him. The main theme of theoretical achievements of prof. Stefan Kuryłowicz is the relationship of built architectural work and concepts of idea, expression and message. The idea is understood as principles formulated at the design concept stage. Expression of the work-as the sum of materially built means, that may realize the idea. The message-as a result of activities of all parties involved in the team's creation of the architectural object and the influence of the environment of realisation shaped a part of the meaning of the architecture. The message in his interpretation becomes a way of denoting a part of the possible meaning of architecture. The analysed objects are: competition works from which a set of buildings of the Baltic Opera in Gdańsk (1973) and a set of buildings of Operetta Dolnośląska in Wrocław (1975) were selected, sacral buildings from which the church in Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki (1979-1984) was chosen, commercial buildings of public utility
Art Inqiuiry, 2021
The works of Krzysztof Wodiczko can be divided into three groups. The first one consists of different types of vehicles. The second group of Wodiczko's works, according to Stach Szabłowski, are "the designs of technological prostheses for socially <<disabled>> people-refugees, migrants, the homeless". The third and most well-known group are public projections, which consist in projecting images onto different famous buildings (first static images and, since 1996, moving ones, and images combined with sound), aimed at attracting the audience's attention to cultural, social and political issues important to the dwellers of the given place. In the article, the author focuses on describing the last of the mentioned groups, pointing out that the artist's projections on the one hand relate to real, current problems of the dwellers of a given place and, on the other hand, as they are created with the thought of specific buildings in mind, they enter a discourse with architecture which is commonly perceived as universal, timeless and far from what is happening now.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
The article concerns work by architect Józef Zbigniew Polak, who was the first Pole to win an international architectural competition in the Polish post-war era. As a lecturer, and graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at the Warsaw University of Technology, he continued the design school of Prof. Bohdan Pniewski. Polak’s architectural creativity can be divided into several phases, which are in turn closely connected to various developmental periods of architecture in post-war Poland. His designs and architectural realizations are often overlooked by researchers, which is among others the result of his later long-term activity in other countries.
Heritage and Society, 2019
Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia, 2021
Monika Sosnowska, exhibition essays, Zachęta - National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, 2020
Not many cities bear the autograph of an architect as strongly as Ljubljana. Slovenian architect Jože Plecnik has devoted most of his life as a practicing architect to the improvement of his home town: from small-scale interventions such as pavements, lamp poles and statues, to buildings, bridges and squares, grand city plans and the design of the city’s cemetery. This contribution offers a literary description of three periods in the life and work of Jože Plecnik. The author traces the paths of the architect in contemporary Ljubljana, imagining through fictional diary entries how his reading of the city and his view of the role of the architect changed in three successive periods.
Archives of Civil Engineering, 2010
In 1990, a newsreel which registered the emergence of new types of services after the end of socialism in Poland, showed an intervention of a security contractor in the neighborhood of Przyczółek Grochowski, a housing estate in Warsaw built in 1974 which, as the lector authoritatively states, “was first harmed by the architects”. Their names were not mentioned in the movie, but for those interested in Polish post-war architecture, this was not necessary: Przyczółek Grochowski was designed between 1963 and 1969 by Oskar Hansen, the Polish member of the Team 10, and his wife Zofia. The estate was a part of their visionary Linear Continuous System (LCS): an overarching design for the complete urbanization of Poland in four large stripes stretching throughout the whole territory of the country, from south to north. The design of Przyczółek, a block of flats for 6600 inhabitants, stretching 1.5 km, aimed at an egalitarian space for living and at paving the way to the visionary project of the LCS. When built within the restrictions of state-socialist construction industry, much of the vitality of its original vision was lost, leading to the incomprehension of architects' intensions among the inhabitants of Warsaw. After the end of socialism it became a paradigmatic example of the dilapidated postsocialist city characterized by socio-spatial segregation and fragmentation, surrounded by recently constructed gated apartment houses and nicknamed “Pekin” (Beijing) with regard to the poor condition and inhabitant density. This paper analyses the design process, construction, and use of the estate by its inhabitants, as well as of the shifts in social composition and ownership structures of Przyczółek in the last 40 years. Such account is necessary to speculate about the possibilities and challenges for the preservation of this building which did not fulfill its promise of a renewed everyday.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie / Journal of Heritage Conservation, nr 69, 2022
Koźniewo Wielkie zlokalizowane jest na północnym Mazowszu, w gminie Sońsk, w niedalekiej odległości od Ciechanowa. W centrum wsi, na terenie silnie przekształconego założenia parkowego wznosi się nieużytkowany budynek dawnego dworu, jeszcze do roku 2011 wykorzystywany przez miejscową szkołę podstawową. Wyniosły łamany dach obiektu i bogata dekoracja snycerska jego elewacji od dawna budziły zainteresowanie krajoznawców oraz badaczy architektury rezydencjonalnej Mazowsza, uważających go za jeden z najbardziej wartościowych przykładów barokowej, drewnianej architektury dworskiej regionu. Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie przekształceń dworu na podstawie przeprowadzonych w roku 2020 badań architektonicznych struktury zabytku oraz materiałów i technik budowlanych wykorzystanych do jego wzniesienia. Badaniami objęto konstrukcję obiektu (wzajemne relacje poszczególnych części i powiązania konstrukcyjne, rodzaj materiału i sposób jego obróbki, układ konstrukcyjny, połączenia ciesielskie poszczegól
The Warsaw architectural community was the largest such group within the territory of the Second Polish Republic, a fact influenced by Warsaw's role of as the capital, the number of investments undertaken during the interwar period when the capital was being rebuilt, and the presence of Warsaw Polytechnic Institute to educate new academic staff. During the occupation, this large community did not cease its professional activity. The article reviews professional activities undertaken by architects between 1939 and 1944 — i.e., from the outbreak of the Second World War until the Warsaw Uprising. This subject has not been dealt with comprehensively until now. The author looks at both institutionalized works, prepared under the auspices of the City Board as part of the clandestine activities of the Architecture Department at the Warsaw University of Technology, as well as individual architectural projects. From the perspective of the history of Warsaw's urban design, the work of...
The rational and intuitive trends in projects of reconstructing historical development were extracted in Poland during the period of the transformation in 1989 and during German reunification in 1990. These projects were subordinated to the adopted rules of restoration programs to restore the damaged space systems and to reconstruct of the most valuable development. A reconstruction of shattered historical cities forms a contrast with the modernist concepts of shaping an urban space. A redefining of the radical trends of the avant-garde movement of the modern style were discussed after a few decades and resulted in a trend of returning to traditional aspects of the beauty in all the form as well as returning to the classic rules of composing the façade and the urban complex development. During extensive reconstruction programs the return trends tend to reach the “sources” – a reconstruction of forms of classical architectural styles (of demolished objects that constitute national cu...
On the basis of Józef Pius Dziekoński’s projects: a house for the Industrial “Saturn” Society officials in Czeladź (1907), transformer building for the “Saturn” mine in Czeladź (1907), the administration building for the “Saturn” Society in Czeladż (1910), industrial architecture that is not just a package for technology, but creates a new aesthetic and functional qualities, is shown. such architecture also provides added value to the technology. analysis of the projects can lead to the conclusions that the work of architect can create the origins of new concepts,
Architectus, 2023
Czasopismo Techniczne, 2019
The results of research into two city gates, Kłodzka and Wodna (Water), and into the rycerska (Knight’s) Tower in bystrzyca Kłodzka are discussed in this paper. The research into the architecture of the three structures helped review the chronology of transformations they were subjected to between the beginning of the fourteenth century and the second half of the twentieth century. The city walls, together with the two gates and the tower, were probably erected by alderman Jakub rücker in the first half of the fourteenth century. all the towers were probably raised and converted in the fifteenth century and in around 1568, they were topped with masonry pyramid cupolas. The work performed in the nineteenth century was aimed at restoring the damaged elements and at introducing bells to the rycerska (Knight’s) Tower. The conservation work conducted in the years 2013–2017 resulted in the restoration of the damaged details and in the enhancement of all of the structures’ features of historical value.
This thesis will explore the history of monument protection of Lemko wooden churches in the 20 th century in Czechoslovakia, more exactly in today northeastern Slovakia. The attention is focused not only on historical overview of the institutionalization of monument care and protection in Czechoslovakia in the interwar and postwar period, but also on history of Lemkos. Of course, we will mention case studies that demonstrate examples of protection of wooden sacral buildings which were often influenced by political situation in Czechoslovakia. The photographic addendum will show rare historical photographs of existing and non-existing wooden churches as well as archive documents.
Architectus, 2020
Wystawę na 30-lecie istnienia pracowni JEMS Architekci i twórczość malarską przedstawicieli Bauhausu, takich jak Mies van der Rohe, łączy chęć ponownego zderzenia dwóch tylko z pozoru odrębnych światów-zbudowanej architektury i plastyki. Spojrzenie na twórczość awangardową XX w. z dzisiejszej perspektywy wydaje się zasadne, gdyż w niemal każdym swoim przejawie działalności awangarda odnosiła się do otaczającego ją świata, reagowała na jego dynamikę, pojawiające się nowe problemy społeczne czy techniczne i można nawet powiedzieć, że w pewnym sensie wywoływała nowe problemy kulturowe. Tak jak sto lat temu rzeczywistość zmieniała się pod wpływem postępującej industrializacji, tak teraz świat w każdym swoim aspekcie podlega rewolucji technologicznej, a wydarzenia związanie z ograniczaniem osobistego kontaktu jeszcze przyspieszają ten proces. Wpływ technik komputerowych na zawód architekta oraz dyktat obrazów generowanych cyfrowo spra-Tomasz Trzupek* Obrazy idei architektonicznej w twórczości JEMS Architekci na przykładzie wystawy z okazji 30-lecia działalności pracowni na tle twórczości wybranych przedstawicieli Bauhausu Images of an architectural idea in the works of JEMS Architekci on the example of the exhibition on the occasion of the 30 th anniversary of the studio's activity against the background of the creative activity of selected representatives of Bauhaus
Komisja Architektury i Urbanistyki została powołana Krótka informacja o działalności Komisji Architektury i Urbanistyki Oddziału PAN we Wrocławiu Brief information about activities of the Committee for Architecture and Town Planning of Wrocław Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences Sprawozdania/Reports Praca przedstawia zarys historii działalności Komisji Architektury i Urbanistyki od chwili jej utworzenia w 1974 roku do końca roku 2015. Zaprezentowano składy osobowe władz Komisji w poszczególnych kadencjach oraz podano główne zakresy tematyczne prac badawczych prowa dzonych w omawianych okresach. Przedstawiono tematy najważniejszych konferencji, sympozjów, seminariów oraz warsztatów naukowych zorga nizowanych przez Komisję oraz podano listę wykładowców wraz z tematami wykładów wygłoszonych przede wszystkim w ostatniej dekadzie.
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