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2019, arXiv: Combinatorics
Given a graph $G$, a $k$-sparse $j$-set is a set of $j$ vertices inducing a subgraph with maximum degree at most $k$. A $k$-dense $i$-set is a set of $i$ vertices that is $k$-sparse in the complement of $G$. As a generalization of Ramsey numbers, the $k$-defective Ramsey number $R_k^{\mathcal{G}}(i,j)$ for the graph class $\mathcal{G}$ is defined as the smallest natural number $n$ such that all graphs on $n$ vertices in the class $\mathcal{G}$ have either a $k$-dense $i$-set or a $k$-sparse $j$-set. In this paper, we examine $R_k^{\mathcal{G}}(i,j)$ where $\mathcal{G}$ represents various graph classes. In forests and cographs, we give formulas for all defective Ramsey numbers. In cacti, bipartite graphs and split graphs, we provide defective Ramsey numbers in most of the cases and point out open questions, formulated as conjectures if possible.
Graphs and Combinatorics
In this paper, we investigate a variant of Ramsey numbers called defective Ramsey numbers where cliques and independent sets are generalized to k-dense and k-sparse sets, both commonly called k-defective sets. We focus on the computation of defective Ramsey numbers restricted to some subclasses of perfect graphs. Since direct proof techniques are often insufficient for obtaining new values of defective Ramsey numbers, we provide a generic algorithm to compute defective Ramsey numbers in a given target graph class. We combine direct proof techniques with our efficient graph generation algorithm to compute several new defective Ramsey numbers in perfect graphs, bipartite graphs and chordal graphs. We also initiate the study of a related parameter, denoted by c G k (m), which is the maximum order n such that the vertex set of any graph of order at n in a class G can be partitioned into at most m subsets each of which is k-defective. We obtain several values for c G k (m) in perfect graphs and cographs.
Discrete Mathematics, 2021
The Ramsey number R X (p, q) for a class of graphs X is the minimum n such that every graph in X with at least n vertices has either a clique of size p or an independent set of size q. We say that Ramsey numbers are linear in X if there is a constant k such that R X (p, q) ≤ k(p + q) for all p, q. In the present paper we conjecture that if X is a hereditary class defined by finitely many forbidden induced subgraphs, then Ramsey numbers are linear in X if and only if X excludes a forest, a disjoint union of cliques and their complements. We prove the "only if" part of this conjecture and verify the "if" part for a variety of classes. We also apply the notion of linearity to bipartite Ramsey numbers and reveal a number of similarities and differences between the bipartite and non-bipartite case.
Agsrnacr. The set Ramsey number r.(t, (l)) is the smallest integer r such that if the edges of a complete graph K, are 2-colored, then there will be a graph with n vertices a,nd /c edges in the first cblorbr a graph with n vertices ana (|) (e.g. a complete graph) in the second eolor. For each n ) 3 and 1 < k < n, the set Ramsey numbers r.(f, (l)) are determined. One approach to get some insight into r(K") was suggested in , where Ramsey numbers for sets of graphs with fixed numbers of vertices and edges were considered. Thus, the following definition. Definition 1. For positive integers n'L,r\s,t with 1 ( s ( (\) ana t < t < (Z) the set Ramsey number r^,n(s,t) is the smallest integer r such that for arry 2-coloring of the edges of a complete graph K,, there is either a graph with m vertices and's edges in the first color, or a graph with n vertices and t edges in the second color. When rrl : rL, r*,^(s,t) will be expressed more compactly as r*(s,t). Associated with fixed positive integers rn and n there is an (!) UV (i) array of Ramsey numbers (r*,n(t,t)) for 1 ( s ( (f) ana 1 <, < (!) ttrat represent sets of graphs with fixed numbers of edges. For small values of m and n the array of Ramsey numbers (r*,n(t,t)) have been determined. The values for m :3 and 3 I n 17 were determined in [4], and the values for m: 4 and 4 1n 15 were determined in , except ior ra,s((l), (!)) : r(Ka, K5), which has now been shown to be 25 by McKay and R^adziszowski (see [fl). All but 5 cf the values of (r5(s,t)) were determined in [5]. For Ramsey numbers of more general sets of small graphs see [2].
European Journal of Combinatorics, 2010
We consider the numbers associated with Ramsey's theorem as it pertains to partitions of the pairs of elements of a set into two classes. Our purpose is to give a unified development of enumerative techniques which give sharp upper bounds on these numbers and to give constructive methods for partitions to determine lower bounds on these numbers. Explicit computations include the values of R(3, 6) and R(3, 7) among others. Our computational techniques yield the upper bound R(x, y) < cyX-llog log y/log y for x ~> 3.
Let H be a graph with the chromatic number χ(H) and the chromatic surplus σ(H). A connected graph G of order n is called good with respect to H, denoted by H-good, if R(G, H) = (n−1)(χ(H)−1)+σ(H). In this paper, we investigate the Ramsey numbers for a union of graphs not necessarily containing an H-good component.
A set of vertices X ⊆ V in a simple graph G(V, E) is irredundant if each vertex x ∈ X is either isolated in the induced subgraph X or else has a private neighbor y ∈ V \ X that is adjacent to x and to no other vertex of X. The irredundant Ramsey number s(m, n) is the smallest N such that in every red-blue coloring of the edges of the complete graph of order N , either the blue subgraph contains an m-element irredundant set or the red subgraph contains an n-element irredundant set. The mixed Ramsey number t(m, n) is the smallest N for which every red-blue coloring of the edges of K N yields an m-element irredundant set in the blue subgraph or an n-element independent set in the red subgraph. In this paper, we first improve the upper bound of t(3, n); using this result, we confirm that a conjecture proposed by Chen, Hattingh, and Rousseau, that is, lim n→∞ t(m,n) r(m,n) = 0 for each fixed m ≥ 3, is true for m ≤ 4. At last, we prove that s(3, 9) and t(3, 9) are both equal to 26.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 1983
The Ramsey number of a graph G is the least number t for which it is true that whenever the edges of the complete graph on t vertices are colored in an arbitrary fashion using two colors, say red and blue, then it is always the case that either the red subgraph contains G or the blue subgraph contains G. A conjecture of P. Erdos and S. Burr is settled in the afftrmative by proving that for each d > 1, there exists a constant c so that if G is any graph on n vertices with maximum degree d, then the Ramsey number of G is at most cn.
Journal of Graph Theory, 1977
In previous work, the Ramsey numbers have been evaluated for all pairs of graphs with at most four points. In the present note, Ramsey numbers are tabulated for pairs Fl, F, of graphs where F, has at most four points and F2 has exactly five points. Exact results are listed for almost all of these pairs. Let FI, F2 be graphs without isolated points. As in [3], the Ramsey number r(Fl, F2) is the smallest n such that, for every graph G with n 9 7 7 8 18 9 7
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 1972
Let c ( m , n ) c(m,n) be the least integer p p such that, for any graph G G of order p p , either G G has an m m -cycle or its complement G ¯ \bar G has an n n -cycle. Values of c ( m , n ) c(m,n) are established for m , n ⩽ 6 m,n \leqslant 6 and general formulas are proved for c ( 3 , n ) , c ( 4 , n ) c(3,n),c(4,n) , and c ( 5 , n ) c(5,n) .
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2018
The Ramsey number R X (p, q) for a class of graphs X is the minimum n such that every graph in X with at least n vertices has either a clique of size p or an independent set of size q. We say that Ramsey number is linear in X if there is a constant k such that R X (p, q) ≤ k(p + q) for all p, q. In the present paper we conjecture that Ramsey number is linear in X if and only if the co-chromatic number is bounded in X and prove a number of results supporting the conjecture.
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 1974
Continuing this series of papers on generalized Ramsey theory for graphs, we define the Ramsey number r(D lt D 2) of two digraphs D t and D 2 as the minimum p such that every 2-colouring of the arcs (directed lines) of DK P (the complete symmetric digraph of order p) contains a monochromatic D t or D 2. It is shown (Theorem 1) that this number exists if and only if D y or D 2 is acyclic. Then r(D), the diagonal Ramsey number of a given acyclic digraph D, is defined as r(D, D). Notation: D' is the converse of D, GD is the underlying graph of D, DG is the symmetric digraph of G, and T p is the transitive tournament of order p. Let r(m, n) be the traditional Ramsey number of the two complete graphs K m and K n. Finally, let S n be the star with n arcs from one point u to n points v r Assuming the Ramsey numbers under discussion exist, we prove the following results: THEOREM 2. r(D u D 2) = r(D x ', D 2). THEOREM 3. r(D u D 2) ^ r(GD x , GD 2). THEOREM 4. r(D u D 2) < r(T Pl , T P2) if both D t and D 2 (with p x and p 2 points respectively) are acyclic.
Discrete Mathematics, 2001
For each vertex s of the subset S of vertices of a graph G, we deÿne Boolean variables p; q; r which measure the existence of three kinds of S-private neighbours (S-pns) of s. A 3-variable Boolean function f = f(p; q; r) may be considered as a compound existence property of S-pns. The set S is called an f-set of G if f = 1 for all s ∈ S and the class of all f-sets of G is denoted by f . Special cases of f include the independent sets, irredundant sets and CO-irredundant sets of G. For some f ∈ F it is possible to deÿne analogues (involving f-sets) of the classical Ramsey graph numbers. We consider existence theorems for these f-Ramsey numbers and prove that some of them satisfy the well-known recurrence inequality which holds for the classical Ramsey numbers.
IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics
For positive integers k and l , the Ramsey number R(k,l) is the least positive integer n such that for every graph G of order n , either G contains k K as a subgraph or G contains l K as a subgraph. In this paper it is shown that Ramsey numbers ≥ R(k,l) 2kl -3k -3l + 6 when ≤ ≤ 3 k l , and ≥ R(k,l) 2kl -3k + 2l -12 when ≤ ≤ 5 k l .
Graphs and Combinatorics, 2004
A color pattern is a graph whose edges are partitioned into color classes. A family F of color patterns is a Ramsey family if there is some integer N such that every edgecoloring of K N has a copy of some pattern in F. The smallest such N is the (pattern) Ramsey number R(F) of F. The classical Canonical Ramsey Theorem of Erdős and Rado [4] yields an easy characterization of the Ramsey families of color patterns. In this paper we determine R(F) for all families consisting of equipartitioned stars, and we prove that 5 s−1 2 +1 ≤ R(F) ≤ 3s− √ 3s when F consists of a monochromatic star of size s and a polychromatic triangle.
The Ramsey number r(G) of a graph G is the minimum N such that every red-blue coloring of the edges of the complete graph on N vertices contains a monochromatic copy of G. Determining or estimating these numbers is one of the central problems in combinatorics. One of the oldest results in Ramsey Theory, proved by Erdős and Szekeres in 1935, asserts that the Ramsey number of the complete graph with m edges is at most 2 O(√ m). Motivated by this estimate Erdős conjectured, more than a quarter century ago, that there is an absolute constant c such that r(G) ≤ 2 c √ m for any graph G with m edges and no isolated vertices. In this short note we prove this conjecture.
We investigate the induced Ramsey number r ind (G, H) of pairs of graphs (G, H). This number is defined to be the smallest possible order of a graph Γ with the property that, whenever its edges are coloured red and blue, either a red induced copy of G arises or else a blue induced copy of H arises. We show that, for any G and H with k = |V (G)| ≤ t = |V (H)|, we have
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