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2019, Al Ulya : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
23 pages
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One of the inheritances of Islamic teachings which is very fundamental in achieving educational outcomes is the learning method. Therefore, this learning method will be very effective and active in encouraging students to be able to develop their potential to be better, ranging from intelligence, personality, character and skills that are useful for themselves and society. Islamic religious education and humans have a very fast dynamism, where Islamic religious education will survive for all ages, so that whenever and anyone who learns it will be able to receive the same and complete understanding of the sources of Islamic religious education, while humans when attached as social beings then there will be a challenge for him to be able to accept the changing times. This writing method is a literature review with a descriptive and exploratory approach which can be concluded that the method of Islamic religious education is an educational method with regular and systematic work and th...
Jurnal Dakwah Tabligh, 2020
Da'wah method is one element of da'wah that has an important and strategic role for the success of da'wah. The method of da'wah always experiences development in accordance with the development of the situation and the times. In preaching there are many methods that can be applied by a preacher in conveying the message of preaching. Dai must use appropriate methods with the objectives of da'wah, so that da'wah can achieve success. Millennial era is an era where technology is developing so rapidly, making it easier for people to get information from various places of the world. This millennial era can be said as the golden period of millennial generation. Millennial generation in Indonesia is very addicted to the internet, in this way, to make it easier for the preacher to convey the message of preaching must follow the development of existing technology. Submission of da'wah messages through social media is very supportive for millennial generation. Da'wah methods that are in accordance with the current state of the millennial generation are: the bi al-Hikmah method, the al-mau'izah al-hasanah method and the Wa Jadilhum bi al-lati Hiya Ahsan method. These three methods can make it easier for preachers to convey da'wah messages to the millennial generation, and later da'wah is also easily accepted and understood by the millennial generation.
Da'wah in the modern era is very dependent on dai millenial. Dai millennial should preach using methods that are applied to the needs of the community and keep abreast of the times. The method of da'wah that is applied in every activity is supported by modern media that are able to attract the attention of mad'u on a large scale. Advances in technology and modern media make the method of da'wah applied by millennials must be revitalized in order to reach the perfection of da'wah. Especially in this era, people are faced with complex life problems. Dai millennial can combine anachronistic and modernist methods of da'wah in da'wah. Both methods of da'wah can attract people's interest and stop the negative side of the modern era. Millennials are required to understand the situation and condition of honey both sociologically and psychologically in order to find the right method of da'wah
Aplikasia: Jurnal Aplikasi Ilmu-ilmu Agama
The purpose of writing this scientific article is to describe the concept of the development of Islamic culture. In addition, this article also describes the concept of Islamic culture, the development of Islamic culture during the Khulafaur Rasyidin era, acculturation of Islamic culture in Indonesia, and the values of Islamic culture. This article aims as literacy material, which is to increase knowledge and understanding of Islamic culture, especially for the milenial generation. The method used for reviewing this article is a literature study. The data obtained were compiled, analyzed, and conclsuded to obtain conclusions regarding the study of literature. The result is that the values of Islamic culture and civilization are important in the life of the academic and intellectual community, the birth of Muslim intellectual thoughts needs to be encouraged with attitude; oriented to devotion and divine truth, think critically and innovatively, work hard, be open, honest, fair, r...
Pendidikan islam masa klasik awalnya muncul pada masa Nabi Muhammad SAW.
Basically curriculum development is a process to achieve one goal, which is to get better change. Today's generation has grown with unprecedented access to technology, many students today are often referred to as Digital Natives. In 2012, there was a study that showed that millennials were more impressed by individuals, simply ignored political problems, focused on materialistic values, and cared less to help others when compared to the X generation and baby boom generation at the same age. This generation when viewed from the negative side, is a lazy, narcissistic, and likes to jump from one job to another. However, on the other hand they have a positive side. Among other things, the millennial generation is an open minded person, supporting equality of rights. They also have good self-confidence, are able to express their feelings, are liberal, optimistic, and accept ideas and ways of life.
Semakin berkembangnya dunia dari tahun-ketahun mengakibatkan banyak perubahan dalam diri dunia Islam. Baik dari segi agama, pendidikan, politik dan seterusnya. Terutama dalam bidang pendidikan, akibat adanya sikap serba boleh dan pemenjaan dari orang tua, banyak anak-anak terjerumus pada pergaulan yang mengabaikan syari'at. Banyak kaum wanita melupakan fitrahnya sebagai seorang ibu yang berkewajiban mendidik putra-putrinya. Sehingga mengakibatkan dunia anak sia-sia. Pemberian andil yang cukup banyak dalam kesia-siaan tersebut adalah metode pendidikan barat yang tampaknya telah menjadi kiblat pendidikan kita. Sebenarnya Islam mempunyai metode pendidikan yang sempurna kepada umat manusia, terutama dalam bidang pendidikan. Oleh karena itu, dalam makalah ini kami akan sedikit membahas tentang metode-metode pendidikan dalam islam. B. Rumusan Masalah 1. Apakah pengertian metode pendidikan islam ? 2. Apakah sumber metode pendidikan islam ? 3. Bagaimanakah metode dalam pendidikan islam ?
BUAF Committee, 2019
The classical view that became public discourse among education experts that education is a humanization process emphasizes the formation of social beings who have moral autonomy and cultural sovereignty, that is, humans who can manage conflict, respect for diversity, and cross cultural issues. Cultural tolerance in educational institutions can be pursued through association in schools and the content of the field of study, cultural transformation must be guided slowly, not a forced revolution On
Paedagogie: Jurnal Pendidikan dan studi ISlam
Revolusi Industri 4.0 adalah bagaimana teknologi seperti kecerdasan buatan dan internet memengaruhi kehidupan manusia. Teknologi, khususnya internet, memiliki banyak dampak positif tetapi juga dapat merugikan penggunanya jika "tidak pintar" dalam menggunakannya, termasuk dalam hal pendidikan. Keluarga memiliki fungsi yang luas, dan semuanya berhubungan. Misalnya pada bagian agama, dalam fungsi ini keluarga berperan memberikan pengalaman dan pendidikan spiritual kepada anggota keluarga, bagaimana keluarga mengajarkan nilai-nilai yang sejalan dengan ajaran Islam untuk dijadikan sebagai sikap hidup. Keluarga juga mempunyai fungsi pendidikan, sebagai interaksi dalam lingkungan keluarga, orang tua dapat mendidik dan membimbing anaknya dengan baik, dengan kata lain, teladan orang tua menjadi pendidikan yang strategis dalam mengarahkan sikap anak karena perilaku yang baik yang dicontohkan oleh orang tua akan menjadi tolak ukur untuk a anak dalam berbuat baik. Pendidikan dalam kel...
Tarbawiyah: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan, 2019
This paper seeks to describe the new paradigm of Islamic education in the millennial era. For the world of Islamic education, the global and millennial era holds many jobs, opportunities and challenges that must be resolved and answered. One of them is that many young generations of Islam have been exposed to the millennial effect, so that it has an impact on the attitudes and behaviors that emerge. Trends and dependence on technology and communication are the most visible phenomena. The young generation of Islam began to spend a lot of time in front of his mobile phone. Silaturrahmi, face-toface and discussion are rarely seen. The emergence of this millennial era, ideally immediately responded quickly by the world of Islamic education. The nature and purpose of Islamic education is very clear, which is to create human beings. It takes its own tips and strategies in realizing the goals of Islamic education in the midst of the millennial struggle. Therefore, Islamic education must dare to reconstruct or reformulate its educational paradigm, so that it can appear and compete amid millennial waves.
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Shautut Tarbiyah, 2021
PROSIDING SEMINAR INTERNASIONAL Tantangan Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam dan Bahasa Melayu di Era Revolusi 4.0 p-ISBN: 978-602-60957-2-5, e-ISBN: 978-602-60957-3-2, Februari 2020, Hal. 563 - 572, 2020
Belajea: jurnal pendidikan Islam, 2022
ISBN: 978-602-0828-77-0 , 2018
Mutia Septiani usman, 2023
PASCA : Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen
Jurnal SMART (Studi Masyarakat, Religi, dan Tradisi)
Profetika: Jurnal Studi Islam
Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2019
International Journal Mathla’ul Anwar of Halal Issues, 2021
Tasyri` : Jurnal Tarbiyah-Syari`ah-Islamiyah, 2021