
Leachate contains high concentration of organic matter, color, heavy metals, and toxic substances. In the past few decades, leachate treatment process was adopted from conventional method such as biological methods as aerobic, anaerobic and anoxic, and physical and chemical methods as air stripping, coagulation and membrane filtration. Previous study on leachate treatment by conventional method indicated that advance development of technology is desirable. To ensure the environment can sustain with the development, a few remedial actions were considered. One of them is membrane separation technology. Membranes encompass a wide range of applications in fluid separation and now considered new emerging separation technology and shows increasingly attractiveness for treatment of leachate. Although this technology emerged a long time ago, technical viability has only occurred over the last 30 years. Due to successes, membrane separation becomes a promising as an alternative treatment technology and competing with the conventional system techniques. Implementing membrane separation can be a solution to reduce impact of environmental pollution and improve quality of effluent. The applications in leachate treatment require the development of new membranes and processes. This paper reviews the potential implementation of an innovative membrane for leachate treatment.