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Leachate contains high concentration of organic matter, color, heavy metals, and toxic substances. In the past few decades, leachate treatment process was adopted from conventional method such as biological methods as aerobic, anaerobic and anoxic, and physical and chemical methods as air stripping, coagulation and membrane filtration. Previous study on leachate treatment by conventional method indicated that advance development of technology is desirable. To ensure the environment can sustain with the development, a few remedial actions were considered. One of them is membrane separation technology. Membranes encompass a wide range of applications in fluid separation and now considered new emerging separation technology and shows increasingly attractiveness for treatment of leachate. Although this technology emerged a long time ago, technical viability has only occurred over the last 30 years. Due to successes, membrane separation becomes a promising as an alternative treatment technology and competing with the conventional system techniques. Implementing membrane separation can be a solution to reduce impact of environmental pollution and improve quality of effluent. The applications in leachate treatment require the development of new membranes and processes. This paper reviews the potential implementation of an innovative membrane for leachate treatment.
Removal of various pollutants from waste water can be facilitiated by various methods. Conventional treatment methods include physical treatment followed by biological treatments , either attached growth or suspended growth. These methods have their own disadvantages like large land area requirements, disposal of the sludge produced in the treatments, operating problems under various conditions of temperature. Membrane technology is very promising and widely studied alternative. The current review aims at studying the research carried out for application of membrane technology for the wastewater treatment. During the review it was found that the membrane techno
Existing water supplies may be limited in quantity or quality for meeting the increasing demands from population growth and industry expansion. In many arid and semiarid areas, providing the large volume of water required for industrial, agricultural, recreational, and potable applications is especially difficult. So, searching for "new" water sources is a task for researchers in the water works field. Municipal wastewater, which constitutes between 75 and 80% of consumed water in most cities, is one of the most reliable sources of water because its volume varies little throughout the year [1]. Through suitable treatment, reclaimed wastewater can meet various water quality requirements for potential wastewater reuse [2]. A wide variety of treatment technologies have been studied and developed for reclaiming secondary effluents, such as processes coupling, chemical oxidation, depth filtration, adsorption, air stripping, ion exchange, electrodialysis, surface filtration, chemical precipitation, and membrane processes [3]. Membrane treatment has increased in prevalence during recent years because it represents an alternative treatment that produces stable high water quality for compliance with stringent water quality regulations. Many studies have been performed concerning the treatment of secondary effluent with membrane processes. Ghayeni et al. [1] applied four different low operating pressure reverse-osmosis (RO) membranes [PVD and CTA from Hydranautics (San Diego, CA), TFCL from Koch membrane (San Diego, CA), and NF45 from FilmTech (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)], with MF pretreatment, to evaluate the high-quality production from secondary effluent. Results showed that the TFCL membrane was the most suitable membrane for treatment of secondary effluents because of its better rejection ability: a 99.2% rejection of conductivity, 100%
The current thesis explores the techno-economic aspects of nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) processes treating landfill leachate. The management of membrane concentrate streams and related issues are analysed in this context. Experimental landfill cells were constructed to investigate the impacts of concentrate recirculation practice on the leachate quantity, quality, and treatment performance. Data from the 420-day monitoring experiment were analysed using a statistical tool. Membrane-based technologies stand out for their high cost-benefit. NF and RO systems removed organic matter, reported as chemical oxygen demand (COD), absorbance at 254 nm (UV254), and ammonia nitrogen at removal efficiencies higher than 90%.The leachate treatment operating costs ranged from 0.132 to 3.35 USD per m3 of treated leachate. In contrast, the management of the concentrated leachate generated by membrane filtration processes is not considered when the expenses for NF/RO implementation are estimated. Concentrate streams are commonly reintroduced into the landfill without additional cost for landfill managers. However, the consequences of this practice are not well known, and the literature's findings show contrasting conclusions. Our assessment using simulated landfill cells indicated that membrane concentrate infiltration increases the organic content of methanogenic leachates. The pollution parameters' median values were higher in leachates drained from cells that operated with concentrate recirculation (i.e., 6729 vs 1367 mg L-1 [COD], 33.39 vs 17.39 cm-1 [UV254]; p-value < 0.05). The recalcitrant organics' accumulation impacted the RO treatment efficiency by increasing organic fouling onto the membrane surface. In that direction, greener solutions for the leachate membrane concentrate management are recommended to guarantee the long-term sustainability of the leachate treatment chain. In this scenario, the use of leachate concentrate residue in the pyrolysis process of agroindustrial biomass was investigated to produce add-value products. This resource recovery study showed promising results, which could foster more sustainable strategies to close the landfill leachate treatment loop.
Environmental Progress, 2005
Existing water supplies may be limited in quantity or quality for meeting the increasing demands from population growth and industry expansion. In many arid and semiarid areas, providing the large volume of water required for industrial, agricultural, recreational, and potable applications is especially difficult. So, searching for "new" water sources is a task for researchers in the water works field. Municipal wastewater, which constitutes between 75 and 80% of consumed water in most cities, is one of the most reliable sources of water because its volume varies little throughout the year [1]. Through suitable treatment, reclaimed wastewater can meet various water quality requirements for potential wastewater reuse [2]. A wide variety of treatment technologies have been studied and developed for reclaiming secondary effluents, such as processes coupling, chemical oxidation, depth filtration, adsorption, air stripping, ion exchange, electrodialysis, surface filtration, chemical precipitation, and membrane processes [3]. Membrane treatment has increased in prevalence during recent years because it represents an alternative treatment that produces stable high water quality for compliance with stringent water quality regulations. Many studies have been performed concerning the treatment of secondary effluent with membrane processes. Ghayeni et al. [1] applied four different low operating pressure reverse-osmosis (RO) membranes [PVD and CTA from Hydranautics (San Diego, CA), TFCL from Koch membrane (San Diego, CA), and NF45 from FilmTech (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)], with MF pretreatment, to evaluate the high-quality production from secondary effluent. Results showed that the TFCL membrane was the most suitable membrane for treatment of secondary effluents because of its better rejection ability: a 99.2% rejection of conductivity, 100%
The aim of this study was the increasing of leachate quality using integrated membrane bioreactor (MBR). The reactor was fed with treated leachate with overall 70-1360 mg/l chemical oxygen demand (COD). The analysis of COD, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS), and total dissolved solids (TDS) were performed in feed and filtrate, whenever the system reached steady state twice a week for 6 months. In all loading rate, BOD5 concentration was less than the standard limit. The removal efficiency of COD in all experiments was up to 80%. Up to 99% of solids, which may mainly include colloidal solids, were removed with micropore membrane. There was no significant difference between TDS concentration in feed and filtrate. It was concluded that MBR is a versatile technology with high throughput and can treat compost leachate below standard limit if used after appropriate processes.
Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 2014
A short review concerning membrane technologies for water purification is proposed. Advantages and limitations typical of specific techniques are discussed and compared according to the most recent issues in literature. The relevant methods are grouped according to the driving force determining the separation between solvent and solutes and several applications both in industrial and laboratory scale are cited. In most cases, the yield of the process is conditioned by structure, composition and geometry of the membranes, whose optimization requires reciprocal connection among different disciplines. This paper aims at stimulating new research opportunities addressing membrane separation processes.
The present Special Issue brought together recent research findings from renowned scientists in this field and assembled contributions on advanced technologies that have been applied to the treatment of wastewater and drinking water, with an emphasis on novel membrane treatment technologies. The 12 research contributions highlight various processes and technologies that can achieve the effective treatment and purification of wastewater and drinking water, aiming (occasionally) for water reuse. The published papers can be classified into three major categories. (a) First, there are those that investigate the application of membrane treatment processes, either directly or in hybrid processes. The role of organic matter presence and fouling control is the main aim of the research in some of these studies. (b) Second, there are studies that investigate the application of adsorptive processes for the removal of contaminants from waters, such as arsenic, antimony, or chromate, with the ai...
This paper deals with the application of membrane separation processes for landfill leachate treatment. New methods that have wider usage and yield better results than conventional techniques are now being employed for remediation of contaminated sites. An important aspect to consider in the selection of a new technology is its economy. Among the new technical alternatives available are membrane separation processes. Membrane separation processes found wide use in recent years in many industries and their proliferation into areas dominated by other technologies is expected. These effective separation processes are already utilized in many areas of human endeavor including the removal of landfill leachates. The main focus of this paper is presentation of this worldwide used environmental-friendly technology and demonstration of efficiency on a real samples of czech landfill leachate.
In this article, an extensive examination is provided on the possible uses of membranes and hybrid processes in wastewater treatment. While membrane technologies face certain constraints, such as membrane fouling and scaling, the incomplete elimination of emerging contaminants, elevated expenses, energy usage, and brine disposal, there are approaches that can address these challenges. Methods such as pretreating the feed water, utilizing hybrid membrane systems and hybrid dual-membrane systems, and employing other innovative membrane-based treatment techniques can enhance the efficacy of membrane processes and advance sustainability.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Sciences, 2013
Treatment of water by membrane filtration process has been well established. However, its application on landfill leachate effluent treatment is quite limited. This study was undertaken to investigate suitability of this process on leachate effluent treatment generated from Pulau Burung semi aerobic sanitary landfill. Three types of membrane namely Nylon, Resin and Polypropylene (PP) were used in this study. The pore sizes were 1 µm and 5 µm. The effects of different filtration rates on leachate treatment were studied. The parameters studied were COD, colour, suspended solids (SS) and turbidity. A set of batch studies were carried out in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the membrane filtration process in leachate effluent treatment. The results indicated that Polypropylene membrane with pore size 1 µm had the best performance in reducing all the parameters whereas the Resin membrane gave the poorest results. It can be deduced that the filtration rate of 10 mL/min exhibited the highest removal efficiency. Polypropylene membrane with pore size 1 µm and at filtration rate of 10 mL/min was found to be the most effective membrane to remove COD, colour, SS and turbidity.
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