Entre curtidas, desejos e carrinhos

2024, REMark - Revista Brasileira de Marketing


This study aims to analyze the impact of overuse of the social network Facebook and materialistic consumption on the compulsive online shopping behavior of Brazilian consumers. Methodology: A survey using structured questionnaires was conducted among Brazilian users of the social network Facebook, obtaining a sample of 462 observations. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling with partial least squares (PLS) estimation. Main Results: The results indicated the impact of material values on excessive Facebook use, showing that the need for consumption exposure and the desire for greater status and social recognition, factors considered to be determinants of materialism, precede overuse of the social network. Theoretical/Methodological Contributions: This study makes a theoretical contribution by showing relationships between the constructs studied. It advances the theory by confirming that compulsive online shopping is explained by another behavioral disorder: social media addiction. Relevance/Originality: The study highlights the relationships between constructs that have been scarcely studied, especially in the Brazilian context: the impact of excessive Facebook use and compulsive online shopping behavior, and the direct influence of material values on heightened Facebook use. Implications: For management practice, the study provides information so that retailers using electronic platforms can develop strategies that specifically target social media users. For public health managers, the study suggests investing in public policies including training programs, workshops and education on digital literacy, mindful use of social media, digital addiction, and quality of life.