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2024, Ufimskij arheologičeskij vestnik
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2 Волго-Уральский Центр палеоантропологических исследований ФГБОУ «Самарский государственный социально-педагогический университет», Самара, Россия Аннотация. В статье анализируются краниологические данные чирикрабатской культуры с учетом новых антропологических материалов из мавзолея Егистик с территории Восточного Приаралья. Коллекция представлена 13 черепами, из которых 6 мужских и 7 женских. С учетом сборной серии из памятников, раскопанных с 1957 по 1964 гг., представленные авторами данные являются значительным дополнением к уже опубликованным и датируются IV-II вв. до н.э. На некоторых черепах отмечены следы бешиковой искусственной деформации, она была широко распространена у населения Центральной Азии, представленного сакскими культурами. Уплощение затылка у индивидов из могильника Егистик и на смежных территориях позволяет сделать вывод о широком распространении бешиковой люльки у ранних кочевников ввиду подвижного образа жизни в аридной зоне Северной Евразии. Наличие остеом на черепе у 31 % индивидов позволяет сделать вывод об их возможном биологическом родстве и семейном характере погребального сооружения. Анализ краниологических данных чирикрабатской культуры на широком фоне сравнительных материалов с помощью канонического анализа показал, что мужская серия обнаруживает преемственность от предшествующего населения и близка как к сакским группам сопредельных территорий, так и к группам сарматов Волго-Уралья и Западного Казахстана. Женская серия не имеет преемственности с предшествующим населением раннесакского времени рассматриваемого региона и связана с группами савромато-сарматского облика Волго-Уралья и Нижнего Поволжья, что ставит вопрос о тесных контактах не только с населением близлежащих соседних территорий, но и с ранними кочевниками-сарматами бассейна реки Урал. Ключевые слова: чирикрабатская культура, ранний железный век, краниология, ранние кочевники, антропология, саки Приаралья, сарматы Цитирование. Китов Е.П., Отар А. Саки Приаралья по палеоантропологическим материалам из мавзолея Егистик // Уфимский археологический вестник. 2024. Т. 24. № 2. С. 373-387.
The article deals with archaeological materials of the Migration period in the Middle Sura region. The four different cultural and chronological groups of antiquities are distinguished in the region by the analysis of both long-known materials excavated by P.D. Stepanov in 1940-1960-ies (hillforts "Osh-Pando", "Ashna-Panda" and others) and new settlements, discovered and studied by the authors in the 2000-ies. The specification of groups is based primarily on features of ceramics, the topographic data and characteristics of hillfort defensive structures are involved in the study too. The proposed chronology is based on the analysis of basic chronoindicators and in one case – on C14. The article presents the closest analogies of the described assemblages and prpposes the general scheme of cultural evolution in the region in 1-7 c. CE. This scheme can be used as the basis for further studies of the cultural dynamics in the Middle Sura region.
A correlation of the results of the study of the paleoanthropological materials from the necropolis of Maitan by different scientific methods has been carried out in order to establish chronological and spatial differentiation of the burial ground and origins of the group. The complex approach allows the analysis of the problems of absolute and relative chronologies of the necropolis, demographic dynamics of the group in the context of the natural envi-ronment, and anthropological and genetic structure of the Bronze Age populations of the Eurasian steppes. The paleodemographic context reconstructed for the Maitan group is typical for the populations of the Bronze Age; some of its features may indicate an early period of adaptation, possibly related to migration of the group into the new territory. The intergroup statistical analysis of craniological materials suggests primarily western origins of the people. Particular craniological characteristics of some interred of the necropolis...
The article is dedicated to a study of craniological materials from Izhevsk burial ground. The researchers had at their disposal a series of 19 male and 26 female skulls. The male skulls are generally characterized as dolicho-mezokranial with a low arch height and moderate development of muscle relief in the neck and forehead. The facial skeleton is medium-wide, medium-high, and medium in terms of proportion. In the general vertical projection, the face is mesognathic, and in the alveolar projection - prognathic. Overall, the male skulls from Izhevsk burial ground belong to caucasoid forms, but with non-moderate features, which may indicate the presence of a mongoloid component. The female skulls, with due account of sexual dimorphism, were not much different from the male skulls, with the exception of a smaller protruding angle of the nose, which can indicate a more pronounced mongoloid component. The craniological series of the Izhevsk burial ground, regardless of gender, is summarized as Caucasoid, but with the inclusion of a certain portion of Mongoloid impurity, which is most pronounced in its female portion. The series from Izhevsk burial ground, according to its morphological features - an elongated skull, narrow and medium-high face combined with moderate horizontal profiling and medium protrusion of the nasal bones is included in the Volga-Ural series of the turn of the epochs, which anthropologically represent the population of the Pyany Bor, Mazunino, Kara-abyz, Azelino, Gladenovo and Bakhmutino cultures. Probably, the formation of the physical appearance of this population took place on a common morphological basis (Caucasoid as a whole), which, however, does not exclude the genetic influence of individual "southern" Caucasoid and more Mongoloid "eastern" groups. A paleo-pathological analysis of the remains of the finds from Izhevsk burial ground has allowed to trace and characterize trauma on 4 skulls (9.5%) and 8 skeletons (11%). The osteomalacia and occurrence rate of physiological stress markers (in half of the cases) indicate severe living conditions of the population buried at Izhevsk burial ground.
Солодовников К.Н. Возможности выявления внутренней хронологии некрополей и мобильности населения алакульской культуры на основе изучения антропологических материалов (на примере могильника Майтан эпохи бронзы Центрального Казахстана)
The author presents the connexion of the results of the natural-scientific study of paleoanthropological materials from the necropolis of Maitan (18th — early 17th cent. BC). The revealed demographic situation is typical for populations of the Bronze Age, some of its features suggest an initial period of adaptation. Genetic and morphological evidence suggests a Western origin of the population. The craniological specifics of the individual buried correspond to the finds of ceramic imports from the Ural-Tobol region. According to isotopic measurements, individuals from the earliest burials are similar to the groups of the Tobol steppe, while the rest correspond to local Central Kazakhstan samples. Women with a different genetic profile were buried in the fences of the western planigraphic group.
The Tasmola Culture of Central Kazakhstan, dated to the 8th–5th centuries BC, was discovered more than half a century ago by M.K. Kadyrbaev. He studied dozens of kurgans, on the materials of which he characterized the mortuary rites and funerary equipment of the new culture at a high professional level. On the basis of the materials from the burial sites, he for the first time considered the features of the economic activity of the population of the Saka period in Central Kazakhstan. Recent materials, including those obtained from the settlements, make it possible to largely extend the existing conclusions and assumptions of those years. At the settlement of Abylai, located in the territory of the Karaganda Region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, six seasons of archaeological excavations were carried out in 2016–2021. First results of the traceological analysis of stone tools from this site have already been published by the authors. In this paper, we report the results of the traceol...
Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya (The Volga River Region Archaeology), 2021
The article introduces new paleoanthropological materials from the Mayak burial ground near Sidelkino village in the Samara region into scientific discourse. The materials were obtained as a result of excavations in 1995 and only recently was it possible to date them. As a result of AMS analysis fulfilled by the authors, human remains from two burials were dated back to the Early Mesolithic. The analysis was carried out taking into account the influence of the “reservoir effect.Despite the rather poor preservation of individuals from the two described burials, the authors carried out an osteological analysis of an adult male from the second burial. He turned out to be quite tall, with elongated legs, shortened forearms, saber-shaped tibia and relatively massive bones of the lower limbs. In burial 3, the remains of an adult woman and a child of 7–10 years old were found. Comparing the osteological indicators of the man from the second burial with materials from the same burial ground...
Уфимский археологический вестник № 15, 2015
Работа посвящена публикации материалов поселений рубежа I тыс. до н.э. – I тыс. н.э., исследо- ванных на правобережье р. Белой в ходе выполнения программы инвентаризации археологических памятников, финансировавшейся Министерством культуры Республики Башкортостан в 2010-2011 гг. Основное внимание в статье уделено анализу керамического материала поселений. Керамика по составу примесей была разделена на шесть групп. Выявлены особенности каждой из них, в том числе и хронологическая позиция каждой группы. На этой основе исследованные поселения разделены на семь хронологических групп. Охарактеризованы основные историко-культурные процессы, проте- кавшие в каждом из выделенных хронологических периодов. The work is dedicated to materials from settlements of I millennium BC – I millennium AD studied in the right bank of the Belaja river. Of the white river during the inventory program of archaeological sites, funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2010-2011. The chief attention is paid to the analysis of the ceramic material of settlements. By composition the ceramics was divided into six groups. The features of each of them, including the chronological position of each of the groups have been determined. On this basis, the settlements studied are divided into seven chronological groups. It describes the main historical and cultural processes taking place in each of the selected historical periods.
The article presents the results of long-term archaeological studies on pottery in the Southern Aral region. The author mainly discuss the pottery quarter of the Mizdakhkan settlement in the Golden Horde period. Certainly, separate districts producing ceramics began to appear in Central Asia before the Mongol campaigns. But in the Golden Horde period it stands out clearly as a separately located production zone in the Southern Aral settlements. Judging by numerous archaeological findings, the organization of pottery production in the Southern Aral region reaches its peak during this period. Medieval potters of the Southern Aral region not only produced high-quality ceramic products, but also influenced the emergence of local ceramic schools in the Golden Horde Volga region. This is evidenced by written sources and archaeological data. In the Southern Aral region, furnaces for producing pottery in the Golden Horde period are divided into three types. The last of them indicates that a pottery association of the “Korkhana” type operated here.
The article presents the results of a taxonomic study of the archaeozoological collection from the Zolotoye 1 settlement. The settlement is located in the steppe zone of the Tobol-Ishim interfluve (the Polovinsky District of the Kurgan Region). A significant part of artefacts, including bone remains, belong to the Alakul culture of the Late Bronze Age (17th–16th centuries BC). A small collection (a total of 6 fragmented vessels) attributed to the Alek-seyevka-Sargary culture was also identified. The relevance of this work is determined by the fact that data on the species composition of Alakul archaeozoological collections are predominantly obtained from necropolises, whereas economic characteristics are primarily reflected by materials from the settlements. The study in question was conducted using the paleozoological method. The taxonomic affiliation of bones was determined using the reference collection of skeletons from the Zoological Museum of the Institute of Plant and Animal ...
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Солодовников К.Н. Комплексное исследование антропологических материалов могильника Майтан алакульской культуры эпохи бронзы Центрального Казахстана // Вестник археологии, антропологии и этнографии. – 2022. – № 2(57). – С. 128-144. , 2022
Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya (The Volga River Region Archaeology), 2021
Archaeology and Early History of Ukraine
Islamic Civilisation in the Great Steppe, 2022
Samara Journal of Science, 2019
Nižnevolžskij arheologičeskij vestnik, 2022
Ананьинский мир: истоки, развитие, связи, исторические судьбы. Археология евразийских степей. Вып. 20 / Отв. ред. С.В. Кузьминых, А.А. Чижевский. Казань: Отечество . 2014, 2014
Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and Neighboring Territories, 2018
Nizhnevolzhskiy Arheologicheskiy Vestnik
Tomsk Journal of Linguistics and Anthropology
Sibirskie istoricheskie issledovaniya, 2018