Super (a,d)-H-antimagic labeling of subdivided graphs

2018, Open Mathematics

A simple graphG= (V,E) admits anH-covering, if every edge inE(G) belongs to a subgraph ofGisomorphic toH. A graphGadmitting anH-covering is called an (a,d)-H-antimagic if there exists a bijective functionf:V(G) ∪E(G) → {1, 2, …, |V(G)| + |E(G)|} such that for all subgraphsH′ isomorphic toHthe sums ∑v∈V(H′)f(v) + ∑e∈E(H′)f(e) form an arithmetic sequence {a,a+d, …,a+ (t− 1)d}, wherea> 0 andd≥ 0 are integers andtis the number of all subgraphs ofGisomorphic toH. Moreover, if the vertices are labeled with numbers 1, 2, …, |V(G)| the graph is called super. In this paper we deal with super cycle-antimagicness of subdivided graphs. We also prove that the subdivided wheel admits an (a,d)-cycle-antimagic labeling for somed.