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Predator Billiard Yogyakarta adalah badan usaha yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa billiard dan karaoke yang memiliki banyak karyawan yang setiap bulannya mendapatkan gaji. Sistem gaji yang di terapkan di Predator Billiard Yogyakarta masih bersifat manual dan belum ada sistem yang terkomputerisasi dalam manajemen gaji karyawan yang dapat menghemat waktu dalam pencatatan gaji, untuk itu di bangun suatu sistem penggajian untuk membantu dalam pencatatan gaji di Predator Billiard Yogyakarta. Sistem yang di kelola merupakan sistem perhitungan gaji karyawan serta bonus yang di terima berdasarkan total kehadiran dan total penjualan dalam sebulan. Sistem dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP berbasis web, dengan tujuan agar lebih mudah diakses dimana saja dan kapan saja. Selain perhitungan gaji pokok dan bonus, sistem juga mencatat pinjaman karyawan atau kasbon yang akan di akumulasikan pada akhir bulan dengan mengurangi total gaji karyawan sebersar yang pinjaman. Notifikasi rincian gaji...
Jurnal Bisnis Strategi, 2006
Kritike: An Online Journal of Philosophy, 2017
This study is a tribute to the late great Filipino-philosopher Emerita S. Quito (11 September 1929-17 September 2017). This paper highlights her contention regarding the role of decolonization as a necessity for the restoration of Filipino identity. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part introduces Quito as one of the country's unique philosophers who aspired for the greater glory of the Filipino people; the second part features her thoughts on Filipino identity and decolonization as the ultimate symbol of her intellectual journey as a philosopher and patriot; and lastly, we shall try to show the weaknesses and limitations of Quito's views.
Materi mengenai bencana alam sangat penting diadakan di sekolah dan responden menyetujui hal itu. Bahkan, ada yang justru menyatakan sangat setuju akan pentingnya materi mengenai bencana alam. Untuk itu, lembaga pendidikan memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam proses memberikan pendidikan wawasan mengenai materi bencana alam. Guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia haruslah memiliki pemahaman ataupun wawasan yang luas mengenai mitigasi bencana.
International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 2021
This study aims to identify the condition of the teachers on Webinar on the following: The use of technology, Internet connection and Time; Find out teacher's perspective on webinar according to; content, relation to present condition and the use for teaching; Suggestion for conducting a webinar. Descriptive phenomenological is used in the research. Respondents of this study were selected using purposive sampling. Respondents of this study were from Juban District compose of 1 teacher from Elementary, Junior High School and Senior High School. Questionnaire was used in an interview to gather needed data. This study finds out teachers' condition on webinar according to the use of technology, Internet connection and time. The use of technology, slow internet connectivity and time during webinar have impact on the learning of the participants during webinar. Topics discussed on webinar is timely because this is related to teaching strategies during pandemic. New teaching strategies and learning resources were part of the topics in webinar as important needs in education. The researcher recommends that gadgets such as cellphone, laptop or technologies that are manipulative are to be consider during webinar. Provides a better internet connection and time frame are to consider. Wider information and learning are to be shared and discussed to be use by the teacher in the present condition of Education.
Germinal: Marxismo e Educação em Debate
Resumo: O Estado de São Paulo é o principal centro mercantil, corporativo e financeiro brasileiro. A Secretaria de Estado da Educação de São Paulo (SEE) administra cerca de cinco milhões de alunos, 230 mil professores, 5.500 escolas. O número de alunos do Estado de São Paulo é maior que o da população de 15 estados brasileiros. Diante desses números verifica-se a importância de desvelar a política educacional na rede estadual de ensino de São Paulo, explicitando o construtivismo como um elemento estratégico dessa política. A SEE vem mantendo, desde 1983, portanto, há mais de vinte e cinco anos, o construtivismo como discurso pedagógico oficial e, ao mesmo tempo, como um dos pilares para a formatação de um modelo de escola em sintonia com as injunções neoliberais e pósmodernas por meio de dispositivos legais, produção e circulação de materiais distribuídos à rede de ensino. Esses mecanismos funcionam como interventores sobre a prática pedagógica e veiculam valores, teorias e ideologias, trazendo implicações que podem ser observadas no precário desempenho do alunado nos diferentes instrumentos de avaliação de aprendizagem. Assim, o percurso dessas publicações nos últimos 25 anos deve servir à análise das políticas públicas para a educação paulista e se prestar à denúncia das consequências da opção teórico-pedagógica da SEE: formação de baixa qualidade limitada à reprodução da divisão social do trabalho.
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International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 2024
Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka eBooks, 2021
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International Journal of Research Studies in Education
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International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 2021
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