Black Orpheus, Barack Obama’s Governmentality

2011, Altre Modernità


This essay constitutes a preliminary effort to explain the state fantasy with which Barack Obama hegemonized an alternative to the biopolitical settlement normalizing George W. Bush's Global War on Terror (Pease 2009). In what follows, I intend to argue that Obama has not utterly displaced Bush's Homeland State of Exception but that Obama's governmentality presupposes it as the structuring logic through which he transformed the US state's relationship with domestic and planetary peoples. I will be interested in particular in the role that Obama's complex negotiation with the congeries of racial fantasies that he found condensed in the figure and the film Black Orpheus played in Barack Obama's governmentality. Named after orphasias, the dark one, Orpheus, is the historical figure credited with teaching Greeks their foundational myths and sacred rites. Orpheus's lyre is said to have permitted the Argonauts to elude the Sirens. In the most famous of the Greek myths associated with his name, Orpheus descended into the underworld after the death of his beloved Eurydice to plead with its rulers for her release. According to Ovid, Orpheus's eloquent entreaty on her behalf brought the underworld to a standstill. 1 The arcane rituals associated with Orpheus's name have entered contemporary political theory to explain the transformation of bare life (zoe) into