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2004, Information Processing Letters
Buffer management for a D-disk parallel I/O system is considered in the context of randomized placement of data on the disks. A simple prefetching and caching algorithm PHASE-LRU using bounded lookahead is described and analyzed. It is shown that PHASE-LRU performs an expected number of I/Os that is within a factor (log D/ log log D) of the number performed by an optimal off-line algorithm. In contrast, any deterministic buffer management algorithm with the same amount of lookahead must do at least (√ D) times the number of I/Os of the optimal.
Journal of Algorithms, 2000
We provide a competitive analysis framework for online prefetching and buffer management algorithms in parallel I/O systems, using a read-once model of block references. This has widespread applicability to key I/O-bound applications such as external merging and concurrent playback of multiple video streams. Two realistic lookahead models, global lookahead and local lookahead, are defined. Algorithms NOM and GREED based on these two forms of lookahead are analyzed for shared buffer and distributed buffer configurations, both of which occur frequently in existing systems. An important aspect of our work is that we show how to implement both the models of lookahead in practice using the simple techniques of forecasting and flushing. Given a ¤-disk parallel I/O system and a globally shared I/O buffer that can hold upto ¥ disk blocks, we derive a lower bound of ¦ § © ¤ on the competitive ratio of any deterministic online prefetching algorithm with § ¥ lookahead. NOM is shown to match the lower bound using global ¥-block lookahead. In contrast, using only local lookahead results in an ¦ § ¤ competitive ratio. When the buffer is distributed into
Parallel I/O systems are an integral component of modern high performance systems, providing large secondary storage capacity, and having the potential to alleviate the I/O bottleneck of data intensive applications. In these systems the I/O buffer can be used for two purposes (a) improve I/O parallelism by buffering prefetched blocks and making the load on disks more uniform, and (b) improve I/O latency by caching blocks to avoid repeated disk accesses for the same block. To make best use of available parallelism and locality in I/O accesses, it is necessary to design and implement prefetching and buffer management algorithms that schedule reads intelligently so that the most useful blocks are prefetched into the buffer and the most valuable blocks are retained in the buffer when the need for evictions arises. This dissertation focuses on prefetching and buffer management algorithms for parallel I/O systems. Our aim is to exploit the high parallelism provided by multiple disks by using appropriate buffer management to reduce the average read latency seen by an application. The thesis is that, prefetching and buffer management in parallel I/O systems is fundamentally different from that in systems with a single disk, thereby necessitating new algorithms to handle it. To this end we first present evidence to show the limitations of intuitive algorithms that generalize those for sequential systems to a parallel I/O system, and then design algorithms that have better performance.
AbstractÐThe I/O performance of applications in multiple-disk systems can be improved by overlapping disk accesses. This requires the use of appropriate prefetching and buffer management algorithms that ensure the most useful blocks are accessed and retained in the buffer. In this paper, we answer several fundamental questions on prefetching and buffer management for distributed-buffer parallel I/O systems. First, we derive and prove the optimality of an algorithm, P-min, that minimizes the number of parallel I/Os. Second, we analyze P-con, an algorithm that always matches its replacement decisions with those of the well-known demand-paged MIN algorithm. We show that P-con can become fully sequential in the worst case. Third, we investigate the behavior of on-line algorithms for multiple-disk prefetching and buffer management. We define and analyze P-lru, a parallel version of the traditional LRU buffer management algorithm. Unexpectedly, we find that the competitive ratio of P-lru ...
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2002
We address the problem of prefetching and caching in a parallel I/O system and present a new algorithm for parallel disk scheduling. Traditional buffer management algorithms that minimize the number of block misses are substantially suboptimal in a parallel I/O system where multiple I/Os can proceed simultaneously. We show that in the offline case, where a priori knowledge of all the requests is available, PC-OPT performs the minimum number of I/Os to service the given I/O requests. This is the first parallel I/O scheduling algorithm that is provably offline optimal in the parallel disk model. In the online case, we study the context of global L-block lookahead, which gives the buffer management algorithm a lookahead consisting of L distinct requests. We show that the competitive ratio of PC-OPT, with global L-block lookahead, is ÂðM À L þ DÞ, when L M, and ÂðMD=LÞ, when L > M, where the number of disks is D and buffer size is M.
Parallel disks provide a cost effective way of speeding up I/Os in applications that work with large amounts of data. The main challenge is to achieve as much parallelism as possible, using prefetching to avoid bottlenecks in disk access. Efficient algorithms have been developed for some particular patterns of accessing the disk blocks. In this paper, we consider general request sequences. When the request sequence consists of unique block requests, the problem is called prefetching and is a well-solved problem for arbitrary request sequences. When the reference sequence can have repeated references to the same block, we need to devise an effective caching policy as well. While optimum offline algorithms have been recently designed for the problem, in the online case, no effective algorithm was previously known. Our main contribution is a deterministic online algorithm threshold-LRU which achieves O((M D/L) 2/3 ) competitive ratio and a randomized online algorithm threshold-MARK which achieves O( p (M D/L) log(M D/L)) competitive ratio for the caching/prefetching problem on the parallel disk model (PDM), where D is the number of disks, M is the size of fast memory buffer, and M + L is the amount of lookahead available in the request sequence. The best-known lower bound on the competitive ratio is Ω( p M D/L) for lookahead L ≥ M in both models. We also show that if the deterministic online algorithm is allowed to have twice the memory of the offline then a tight competitive ratio of Θ( p M D/L) can be achieved. This problem generalizes the well-known paging problem on a single disk to the parallel disk model.
Proceedings. Fifth International Conference on High Performance Computing (Cat. No. 98EX238)
We address the problems of prefetching and I/O scheduling for read-once reference strings in a parallel I/O system. Read-once reference strings, in which each block is accessed exactly once, arise naturally in applications like databases and video retrieval. Using the standard parallel disk model with £ disks and a shared I/O buffer of size ¤ , we present a novel algorithm, Red-Black Prefetching (RBP), for parallel I/O scheduling. The number of parallel I/Os performed by RBP is within O(£ ¦ ¥ § ©) of the minimum possible. Algorithm RBP is easy to implement and requires computation time linear in the length of the reference string. Through simulation experiments we validated the benefits of RBP over simple greedy prefetching.
We present a simulation study of several prefetching policies to improve the I O performance of external merging using parallel I O. In particular we consider traditional sequential prefetch, forecast-based greedy prefetching, and oblivious prefetching. In conjunction with the prefetching policies we e v aluate the bene t of two di erent data placement strategies: run-level striping and block-random placement, in the presence of data skew. We show that the I O performance is greatly improved by using forecasting techniques. This method outperforms the other policies in achieving higher disk parallelism, and scales well with increased numbers of disks and increasing data skew. Additionally, the performance of block-random data placement i s s h o wn to be uniformly good, independent of the data skew, while the performance of run-level striped placement degrades with increasing skew.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1998
We address the problem of I O scheduling of read-once reference strings in a multiple-disk parallel I O system. We present a n o vel online algorithm, Red-Black Prefetching RBP, for parallel I O scheduling. In order to perform accurate prefetching RBP uses L-block l o o k ahead. The performance of RBP is analyzed in the standard parallel disk model with D independent disks and a shared I O bu er of size M. W e show that the number of parallel I Os performed by RBP is within a factot maxf p M D = L ; D 1=3 g of the number of I Os done by the optimal oline algorithm. This ratio is within a canstant factor of the best possible when L is L = OM D 1=3 .
We consider the natural extension of the well-known single disk caching problem to the parallel disk I/O model (PDM) [17]. The main challenge is to achieve as much par-allelism as possible and avoid I/O bottlenecks. We are given a fast memory (cache) of size M memory blocks along with a request sequence Σ = (b1, b2, ..., bn) where each block bi resides on one of D disks. In each parallel I/O step, at most one block from each disk can be fetched. The task is to serve Σ in the minimum number of parallel I/Os. Thus, each I/O is analogous to a page fault. The difference here is that during each page fault, up to D blocks can be brought into memory, as long as all of the new blocks entering the memory reside on different disks. The problem has a long history [18, 12, 13, 26]. Note that this problem is non-trivial even if all requests in Σ are unique. This restricted version is called read-once. Despite the progress in the offline version [13, 15] and read-once version [12], the general online problem still remained open. Here, we provide comprehensive results with a full general solution for the problem with asymptotically tight competitive ratios. To exploit parallelism, any parallel disk algorithm needs a certain amount of lookahead into future requests. To provide effective caching, an online algorithm must achieve o(D) competitive ratio. We show a lower bound that states, for lookahead L ≤ M , any online algorithm must be Ω(D)-competitive. For lookahead L greater than M (1 + 1//), where is a constant, the tight upper bound of O(p M D/L) on competitive ratio is achieved by our algorithm SKEW. The previous algorithm tLRU [26] was O((M D/L) 2/3) competitive and this was also shown to be tight [26] for an LRU-based strategy. We achieve the tight ratio using a fairly * different strategy than LRU. We also show tight results for randomized algorithms against oblivious adversary and give an algorithm achieving better bounds in the resource augmentation model.
Conference on Parallel andDistributed Information Systems, 1991
Improvements in the processing speed of multiprocessorsare outpacing improvements in the speed ofdisk hardware. Parallel disk I/O subsystems have beenproposed as one way to close the gap between processorand disk speeds. In a previous paper we showedthat prefetching and caching have the potential to deliverthe performance benefits of parallel file systems toparallel applications. In this paper we describe experimentswith practical
All server storage environments depend on disk arrays to satisfy their capacity, reliability, and availability require- ments. In order to manage these storage systems efficiently, it is necessary to understand the behavior of disk arrays and predict their performance. We develop an analytical model that estimates mean performance measures of disk arrays under a synchronous I/O workload. Synchronous I/O requests are generated by jobs that each block while their request is serviced. Upon I/O service completion, a job may use other computer resources before issuing another I/O request. Our disk array model considers the effect of workload sequentiality, read-ahead caching, write-back caching, and other complex optimizations incorporated into most disk arrays. The model is validated against a mid-range disk-array for a variety of synthetic I/O workloads. The model is computationally simple and scales easily as the number of jobs issuing requests increases, making it potentially useful ...
DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 1999
In this work we address the problems of prefetchingand I O scheduling for read-once reference strings in a parallel I O system. We use the standard parallel disk model with D disks a shared I O bu er of size M. W e design an on-line algorithm ASP Adaptive Segmented Prefetching with M L-block lookahead, L 1, and compare its performance to the best on-line algorithm with the same lookahead. We show that for any reference string the numberof I Os done by ASP is with a factor C, C = minf p L; D 1=3 g, of the number of I Os done by the optimal algorithm with the same amount o f l o o k ahead.
Current disk prefetch policies in major operating systems track access patterns at the level of the file abstraction. While this is useful for exploiting application-level access patterns, file-level prefetching cannot realize the full performance improvements achievable by prefetching. There are two reasons for this. First, certain prefetch opportunities can only be detected by knowing the data layout on disk, such as the contiguous layout of file metadata or data from multiple files. Second, non-sequential access of disk data (requiring disk head movement) is much slower than sequential access, and the penalty for mis-prefetching a 'random' block, relative to that of a sequential block, is correspondingly more costly.
Abstract: A general law is proposed that states "a large numbers of slower processors may be better than a small number of faster processors for I/O-dominant applications". The need for such a guideline is demonstrated because simple linear sums of individual processor performances do not provide an accurate estimation of I/O performance for a parallel computer. Furthermore, the law was formulated to allow better cost estimations when choosing the number and type processor for a Massively Parallel (MP) I/O application. The law is confirmed with a simple proof, analytical model, simulation, and benchmarking. A Distributed Cache Subsystem (DCS) technique is proposed to further improve the performance of the MP computers running I/O-dominant applications. Using simulations and benchmarks the DCS technique has shown the potential to achieve very high performance using standard sequential file systems. The general conclusion proposed is that a MP computer containing a small num...
Journal of Systems and Software, 2009
Anticipatory scheduling (AS) of I/O requests has become a viable choice for block-device schedulers in open-source OS-kernels as prior work has established its superiority over traditional disk-scheduling policies. An AS-scheduler selectively stalls the block-device right after servicing a request in hope that a new request for a nearby sector will be soon posted. Clearly, this decision may introduce delays if the anticipated I/O does not arrive on time. In this paper, we build on the success of the AS and propose an approach that minimizes the overhead of unsuccessful anticipations. Our suggested approach termed workload-dependent anticipation scheduling (WAS), determines the length of every anticipation period in an on-line fashion in order to reduce penalties by taking into account the evolving spatio-temporal characteristics of running processes as well as properties of the underlying computing system. We harvest the spatio-temporal features of individual processes and employ a system-wide process classification scheme that is re-calibrated on the fly. The resulting classification enables the disk scheduler to make informed decisions and vary the anticipation interval accordingly, on a per-process basis. We have implemented and incorporated WAS into the current Linux kernel. Through experimentation with a wide range of diverse workloads, we demonstrate WAS benefits and establish reduction of penalties over other AS-scheduler implementations.
Distributed and Parallel Databases, 1993
Improvements in the processing speed of multiprocessors are outpacing improvements in the speed of disk hardware. Parallel disk I/O subsystems have been proposed as one way to dose the gap between processor and disk speeds. In a previous paper we showed that prefetching and caching have the potentT"al to deliver the performance benefits of parallel file systems to parallel applications. In this paper we describe experiments with practical prefetching policies that base decisions only on on-line reference history, and that can be implemented efficiently. We also test the ability of those policies across a range of architectural parameters.
Motivation t SSP goal: develop analytic models of storage devices to predict workload performance -Finding: even moderately sophisticated models give insufficient accuracy. Why?
A general law is proposed that states "a large numbers of slower processors may be better than a small number of faster processors for I/O-dominant applications". The need for such a guideline is demonstrated because simple linear sums of individual processor performances do not provide an accurate estimation of I/O performance for a parallel computer. Furthermore, the law was formulated to allow better cost estimations when choosing the number and type processor for a Massively Parallel (MP) I/O application. The law is confirmed with a simple proof, analytical model, simulation, and benchmarking. A Distributed Cache Subsystem (DCS) technique is proposed to further improve the performance of the MP computers running I/O-dominant applications. Using simulations and benchmarks the DCS technique has shown the potential to achieve very high performance using standard sequential file systems. The general conclusion proposed is that a MP computer containing a small number of hig...
International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2015
In this paper, we present a comparative study between informed and predictive prefetching mechanisms that were presented to leverage the performance gap between I/O storage systems and CPU. In particular, we will focus on transparent informed prefetching (TIP) and predictive prefetching using probability graph approach (PG). Our main objective is to show the main features, motivations, and implementation overview of each mechanism. We also conducted a performance evaluation discussion that shows a comparison between both mechanisms performance when using different cache size values.
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